All of us stayed quiet after Areeba's confession.Her telling us like this meant that regret was an emotion that she kept for a long time.
We all looked at eachother trying to figure out how we were going to respond.There was definitely more to the story however my brain couldn't quite pin point that I friend of mine that I've known for years could do such thing.
No.I know there's more to the story and judging this quickly is wrong.
"Well that's one fuckboi removed from this filthy ass world I guess," Sana snorted.
All of us except from Areeba glared at Sana.Not the right time Sana, not the right time.
"What?Come on guys, a friend of a fuckboi is always a fuckboi.This girl right here saved a million girls' heart from breaking."Sana pointed at Areeba.
Ignoring the whole weirdness, I turned to Areeba and asked,"Why?"
She didn't say a word after that and all that appeared were tears like somehow she was trying to figure out whether to tell us or not.
Like somehow Hania read my mind she spoke,"Areeba we can tell that you deeply repented the mistakes but we all want to hear is the real story.From you.So please say something."
And she listened and answered in a faint whisper,"Lucy...Lucian and I, we had a thing.He made me believe that he loved me, that I was the one that made him happy.
Nothing in this world can replace that feeling.When you love someone and they tell you that 'you' out of all the people make them feel happy."
The words she said next expressed true guilt,"The 13 yrs old Areeba would say happiness is the best thing that you can give a person that you love so when her lover asks her to kill someone for them because that's what makes them happy, guess what she would do?
She would do exactly what you told her because to her, your happiness matters, because she herself hasn't found true happiness so by making someone that she loves happy is her way, her twisted way of telling herself that she's happy."
"You did it for him?Were you convinced that you were happy afterwards?Why would Lucian want to kill his own friend?"Hania questioned.
"That's something that I never understood; why would you go that far just to get your own friend killed.And not even that but get someone to do it for you."
"Nothing made sense the moment I saw Niel's body laying dead on the floor.My eyes were wide open the moment realisation struck me which was the day after my hands were washed of off the blood.
Lucian gave me narcotics, so the moment Niel's body was in pure numbness, my emotions didn't indulge with my surroundings.When I banged on his door afterwards when I was sober, I didn't receive an answer.He moved his house.He sent me a letter saying he won't let the police know about this and told me to keep it a secret.
Turned out Lucian and Niel wanted the same girl.It was all for her."
Wow, that was a lot to take in.Lucian may look like a fuckboi but that was nothing that was expected off of him.Going after a 'girl' definitely doesn't sound like him.
"But why couldn't he do it himself?And Niel and Lucy were friends, right?He would do such thing just to get a girl?"Hania quivered a question.
"No.He didn't do it because he wanted to get him out of the picture but because she asked him to.Niel was forcing the girl, Rachel, into having sex with him.She didn't wanted to, so he physically abused her.
All along Lucian liked Rachel and never knew about this so when Rachel told him he was furious.
Rachel also happened to be a great lair and planned all of this.She asked Lucian to kill him.He couldn't handle her being so weak after all of this but he couldn't imagine himself killing his own friend.
They say love can make you do a lot of things and they are right.Lucian knew I fell for him so what good opportunity he had to get me to do the dirty work for him."
Areeba stopped and sobbed.I have never seen her like this.She seemed so distraught, so broken and I couldn't confront her like this.It shattered my heart to see her like this and facing the others, I saw the same.
She took convulsive gasp as she cried; wincing with little hiccups.Carlos got up from her spot and walked to the kitchen.She came back holding a glass of water.
"Hey, Areeba its okay.Have some water.Some things are not in our control.It's okay."Carlos wiped Areeba's tears from the hand that was free from the glass and hugged her before handing her the glass.
"It's not okay!Was I that useless to him.I took away someone's life for him and he made me do it.So, no it's not okay because I'm the only one to blame."Areeba bursts out discarding the glass of water.
"Areeba have some water, please.You're right it's not okay.All of this isn't okay but you're not the one to blame.
In life some decisions are there to make you a better person, they are the ones that you regret for some time but avoid repeating twice later on as you grow older.You learn and become more experienced, that's the reality.
But don't let yourself down, you're a brave girl and bravery doesn't come without taking risks." Carlos gave her a sad smile."Drink some water please."
Moment like these when one of us are going through a hard time, we always lean on Carlos to give us the best advice.Today was just one of them and I will forever be grateful to have someone like her.
Areeba gulped down the water a bit too fast which made her start chocking.
"Oii huay, YAAR Zindagi main last time panie nahien mil raha, araam say pee-O."Sana patted Areeba on her back.
I saw Areeba's lips twitch into a small smile as she continued drinking her water from where she left only this time making sure not too fast.
And moment like this, I will be forever be grateful to have someone like Sana to lift the situation up when needed.
"Guys forget about watching a movie.Lets go to a park."Hania smiled at us before getting out of the bed.
"It's a nice day, let's do it!" Sana answered back before turning around to face me,"Dora, you up for some exploring, we got to find a bae and all them cute ones are out when the suns up.What do you say?"
"Sure, let me get my backpack.Have to bring a chappal incase of a fuckboi invasion you know..." I chortled."Don't want any Diegos coming out at random."
"Talking about's your boyfriend?"Carlos smirked at me.
"BOYFRIEND!"All of them exclaimed.
"Haha..."I nervously laughed."That's a story for another time kids, goodbye from Dora."
And with that I ran out of the house with four wild cattles running after me.
A U T H E R 'S N O T E
Bahahha.'wild cattles' inspired by Sana's snapchat story of all of us.Anyways comment and vote like always and READ PERFIDIOUS CHAPTER 3 PLEASE PEPELLOS OTHERWISE IMMA GET MY CHAPPAL!
And Niel getting over the moon thinking he can get Rachel...nope buddy maybe in Jahanam.
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