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hie gore fanatics!!
so as you may know from the description, this is a compilation of pointless slaughter short stories written by me!!
gore fest seemed like a fitting title haha ;)
okay so the fun thing about this book is....YOU'RE THE ONE GETTING SLAUGHTERED!! lemme explain lmao :
you can nominate yourself to be the main character (who gets slaughtered ofc)!!
all you have to do for me to write a part starring you is explain to me which way your most scared of getting murdered! so like some basic examples are shot, stabbed, drowned, thrown off a high height, tortured to death, etc. those are some very basic examples, but just explain to me what murder scheme scares you most! ( it does NOT have to be one of the examples I gave; those are just things that came off the top of my head ). also give me either your name or the name you want the character to have. and as a reward for volunteering to be fictionally slaughtered, I'll give you a shout out in your part!!
isn't this fun? if you volunteer, you'll get to watch yourself be fictionally slaughtered in your most feared way! ( and you'll get a shoutout ofc )
so just pm me on this account your name/character name and the slaughter type and I'll write you a part and give you a shoutout!
I already have three volunteers in place, and I'm hoping to get a lot more from you guys, but if no one volunteers ( a sad thought, right ? :( ), I'll just write stuff based off of random characters that I'll create. hopefully that doesn't happen tho!
all my rights are reserved by the copyright law so don't copy or post anywhere without my permission.
kk, that's everything! hope you enjoy and pm me your nominationnnn
blood and bodies,
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