I - Figures in the Dark ( naomi's slaughter )

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this is part one! this short story has been prompted by sunshinysoftie ! thank you so much nomi for volunteering and I had so much fun fictionally slaughtering you!!...IM KIDDING LMAO I DID HAVE FUN WRITING THO

alright peeps, enjoy!

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Naomi finished her take out Chipotle dinner and then headed upstairs to her room. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders, and her deep brown eyes glimmered in the evening light. Her evening had been chill with food and writing, and she was feeling quite relaxed. Pulling out her laptop, she began watching another episode of 'Victorious' on Netflix.

It was around 11:00pm and her mom would be wanting her to go to bed soon. Not caring, Naomi continued to watch 'Victorious' and decided she would just wait for her mom to come in and force her to go to bed.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Naomi heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The door to her bedroom slowly creaked open and her mom's head poked in.

"It's time for bed." her mom informed, walking all the way into the room.

"Okay mom." Naomi nodded, "Can you get the lights? I don't feel like getting up."

"Sure thing, sweetie," she answered softly, "I love you."

"Love you too, mom."

There was a small click and the lights went out leaving the room to darkness. Torn open bodies appeared in a circle all around Naomi's bed.

She gasped in fright as bony hands started reaching out towards her. She quickly turned her head to her mom, but instead of seeing the comforting smile of her, she saw a burnt face sitting on a crooked neck. Blood was dripping out of the pulled wide eyes and her teeth were crooked and black.

Inching up into a ball on her bed tense with fright, Naomi screamed out, "Turn the lights back on!"

Light filled the room in a flash and everything disappeared, her mom's face returning to soft smooth skin and gentle eyes. Her mom rushed down to her bed and gave her a tight hug.

"What happened, Naomi?" she fretted.

"Mo-mom where'd they go?" Naomi quavered between quick breaths, "Th-the ripped bodies. The woman with the burnt face and bloody eyes. Where'd they go?"

"Honey, I don't know what you're talking about. It's just you and me," her mom reassured, "Why don't you come sleep with me tonight?"

The image of the lights going out and the burnt woman curling around her flashed through Naomi's head.

"No no no no no no," Naomi shrieked, "Get away from me!"

"Naomi, it's just me."

"I said get away from me!" She shrieked again in pure terror.

"Okay. Please come get me if you need anything."

With that, she left the room and Naomi stayed, still shivering with fear, on her bed. She tried closing her eyes but the images just flashed through her mind.

She grabbed her phone and started playing Taylor Swift to try and calm down. It didn't help; the images kept flashing through her mind.

She got up to go get water. She grabbed a flashlight and slowly stepped out of her room. She heard scuffling all around her as she walked to the kitchen, but when she pointed the flashlight, there was nothing.

Barely breathing in fright that something might hear her, she continued creeping down the steps. She heard footsteps following her down the steps. She spun around and shone the flashlight. Nothing. The spin made her lose her balance and she fell down the rest of the steps, her head slamming onto the hard floor when she hit the bottom. Blood dripped out of her head and a puddle of blood formed around her. She attempted to feel, but the second she made an effort to move, the room around her went black and she fell unconscious.


She opened her eyes and a blood stained face peered down at her. He was holding a rusty dummy with a creepy smile who was laughing. She jolted back and looked around to see torn open bodies circled around what looked to be her hospital bed again. She screeched and a nurse came rushing in and turned on the lights in her hospital room. All the figures disappeared into the air in a heartbeat.

The nurse checked Naomi's heartbeat and blood pressure quickly.

"What happened? Did you feel any pain?" The nurse asked.

"The bodies were back! They circled my bed again and-and there was this bloody guy with a dummy. But they disappeared the second you turned the lights on."

"It sounds like you're hallucinating. You must've hit your head really hard on the floor. I'm gonna get you some brain scans tomorrow. Try and get back to sleep."

The nurse left and turned the lights back off. The bodies and dummy man returned in seconds. She tried to scream but felt a hand smoosh over her mouth so that she couldn't.

The dummy man picked her up and walked her through the hospital hallways. Nurses stood at counters working seeming not to notice the child being kidnapped right in front of their eyes.

She was a hidden figure in the dark with the hidden figures in the dark.

Fear pulsing through her veins, she was carried out of the hospital and she felt her head plunge underwater.

She tried to whip her head up but the man's hand just tightened around her neck pushing her down in the water further. A burning sensation ran up her throat and her head began to feel like it was gonna burst.

The pain grew worse and worse and then her head did explode, metaphorically. Her body went limp and the man let go. She floated out, head and stomach down, into the middle of the hospital fountain.

A light weak creature in the dark had drowned her dead.

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we're done!

naomi, how did you enjoy watching yourself be fictionally slaughtered ?

alright, peeps, please please please nominate yourself  in my pms and vote, comment, and follow!

love you and good byeeeee <33

blood and bodies,

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