I cant remember if I did Himiko already and I'm too lazy to check lol but isn't she so cute?
btw this chapter is full of Xiaother so if you don't like this ship out of all of the ones I included, you can skip this chapter
(p.s theres a little bit of a suggestive scene here alright?? again you can skip if you don't wanna read it)
Xiao POV:
'Where is Aether...I'm getting worried.' I think to myself. I was wandering around school campus, looking for Aether. I cant find him. I've looked practically everywhere for him. I saw Venti earlier and asked him but he said he hadn't seen Aether for a while. I am sweating at this point. Its already 5pm, so why isn't he back to the dorm yet. I also called him and he didn't pick up. I made Venti call him, still didn't pick up. He's practically missing at this point. 'Where is he!?'
Aether POV:
'Dang isn't perfect but I think I can go get him now.' I look down at the little present I set up for Xiao.
"Venti, can you go get him and bring him here now?" I look over at Venti and ask him. Venti nods with an evil grin on his face. I blush a little. Venti had forced me to put on a dress for Xiao while I set up a picnic for the two of us. I sit down and wait for Venti to bring Xiao.
'This is such a dumb couple thing to do..' I think as I laugh to myself. I cant believe I'm in a relationship with Xiao's only been like a week, so why do I feel like I always miss him? Its like...I'm on top of the world whenever I'm with him. And I know it's a little weird to feel like this so soon but...I really do think I love him. Still need to tell Mr. Zhongli about this though...
Suddenly I hear a stick break so I look up quickly.
"Whatcha doin?" Hu Tao walks through the hedges, realizing she's been caught.
"O-oh! How much of that did you see-"
"Since you were still setting up with Venti." Hu Tao laughs, "Xiao, huh? Y'know, dad still doesn't know he's gay...I mean he definitely thinks Xiao's gay but he doesn't know." I chuckle a little.
"Mmh. Hey, can you do me a favor?"
"Can you like...hide before Xiao and Venti get back?"
"Ah, of course!" And with that, me and Hu Taos conversation ends and she emerges into the shadows. I wait a little before Venti rounds the corner with Xiao in tow.
"Aether! You had me worried sick-were you just here all day!?" Xiao runs over to me.
"Yes? Why are you so panicked..."
"Because! I called you at least ten times and you didn't pick up!"
"Ah! I'm sorry my phone died a while ago..." Xiao leans down next to me.
"Ok...but you worried me so next time make sure your phone is charged. Anyway, what is this?" Xiao straightens his posture and looks around at the picnic I set up. There was a fair amount of almond tofu, as that's basically all he eats.
"Oh, its a picnic!" I tell him. He looks a little surprised that I would go to the effort of setting up a picnic up for just us.
" know I don't like surprises." Xiao sits down on the cloth I had laid down, sitting across from me.
"Y-yeah I just wanted to...never mind." I trail off. I don't really know what to say anymore and Xiao's comment about not liking surprises kinda killed the mood. I look at the ground, "If you don't like it then you don't have to stay here...I just wanted to do something together, y'know?" Xiao looked a bit concerned by my sudden sadness.
"Ah-Aether I didn't mean to...I didn't mean that I didn't like this surprise..." Xiao tries to make me feel better, it doesn't work too well. I think he notices and starts to panic.
"U-um..." He quickly grabs the back of my head and kisses me.
"AH-sorry was that ok!?" He continues panicking. I just look at him, shocked.
"It...It was fine..." I giggle, looking down so I don't make him uncomfortable by making eye contact for too long.
"Did...did that cheer you up?" Xiao looks at me, trying to make sure I'm happy.
"Yes...but you know what would make it better?" I smile mischievously. He looks at me, very confused. I jump over and into his lap, grabbing his chin and making him look at me.
"U-um..." Xiao turns red, just now realizing I was in a dress.
"Hmph..." I giggle a little before kissing him, this time drawing out the kiss. I smirk, pleased with his reaction. He gets a little more comfortable, and grabs my waist to hold me still.
"Feeling daring, are we?" Xiao chuckles from underneath me, "Well, two can play at that game..." He whispers into my ear before kissing me. I blush a little. We continue kissing for a while. I realize in the middle of it that we still haven't eaten anything...whatever.
"Lets take a short break...just so we can eat some food." I smile at him.
"Alright, beautiful." I get a little nervous at the compliment. I look at him and realize he's smiling. I stare at him in awe.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xiao breaks eye contact.
"Oh...It's smiled." I giggle, seeing his reaction to my words.
"N-no I didn't..." He mutters, trying to avoid being called out for his unusual behavior.
"Well, are you ready to continue~?" I smirk. Xiao takes a few deep breaths before nodding.
"Ok. I'm ready-" I quickly hop onto his lap and give him a quick kiss to try to hurry things up, "-Ok, I was ready."
"Hehe...Sorry~" I apologize. Xiao chuckles, I stare at him, waiting for him to make the next move. Suddenly, he puts his hand on my back and pulls me closer and into a kiss. I try to briefly escape the kiss, but Xiao keeps me trapped. I begin breathing heavily, trying to find some time to breathe. Xiao stops kissing me and and subtly licks his lips.
"Sorry, was that too much?" Xiao seemed completely serious by this question.
"'t be so...rough next time..." I saw Xiao's eyes light up when he heard the words next time. I look at him, slightly confused.
"N-next time...?" I hear him mutter, his face turning a reddish color.
"Y-yeah...? Did you think we wouldn't do this again?"
"I didn't know if you would want to but...If you do then that's great."
"Well, should we actually eat now?" I ask, scratching my head.
"Yeah." I watch Xiao eat his almond tofu in silence. The silence is oddly comforting.
"We still need to tell my dad about this..."
"Yeah I was thinking about that while Venti was bringing you here-" I remember my conversation with Hu Tao. Wait a minute-I never saw Hu Tao or Venti leave...
With Hu Tao and Venti
"I don't think I was supposed to see that..."
"Me either I may have some new graves to dig if Xiao hurts my greatest client in any way."
"Woah I expected you'd be overprotective of Xiao not Aether..."
"Nah, Aether agreed to one of my deals I like him better out of the two."
I told you I got my motivation back! And hey, no Kazuscara this chapter! I'm impressed by how long I was able to go without writing about those matter I'll get back to it next chapter anyway Bye!! Make sure to drink some water today!
oh and btw I didnt add word count for chap. 17 so ill add that here.
Chap. 17 Word Count: 1171
Chap 18 Word Count: 1269
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