hahaha i definitely didn't just abandon this for like a couple months...noooo....
Third-Person POV:
"Hey, Traveler, Paimon doesn't get it...Is there a reason that you and Xiao are spending more time together?" Paimon asks Aether, seeming confused about why they've been hanging out more. Paimon was allowed into the school just like the other children.
" here's the thing Paimon, me and Xiao are kinda...together now...?" He admits to her. Aether watches her jaw drop.
"WHAT!? Of all the people...Paimon really didn't think you'd choose Xiao..." Paimon mumbles in response.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? He's a great person I'll have you know..." Aether argues.
"Oh-thats not what Paimon meant!!! Paimon meant that she just didn't expect you to...choose him. Paimon thought you'd choose like...literally anyone who's emotionally available." Paimon admits, a little exasperated.
"Wha-Hey! He'" Aether begins to back down when he realizes he doesn't have a counter argument.
"Hey-Aether!" Venti yells, clearly wanting to talk to Aether.
"Just the excuse I needed-Hi Venti! What's happening? Ah, Paimon, me and Venti may bring up some topics you may not understand so you better leave haha..." Aether excuses himself from him and Paimon's conversation. Venti looks like he understands what Aether is trying to do, so he follows along.
"Yeah we talk about a lot of complicated things like wine so you cant hear that sorryyy..." Venti tries to help Aether out.
"Hmph....fine. Paimon is gonna go talk! Yeah! Paimon is gonna go see how Kazuha is doing! Kazuha may not be so mean as to exclude poor Paimon from his conversation!" Paimon floats off. Aether sighs.
Kazuha POV:
"Mhh...Why do I want to have school today?" I ask Kuni, bored to tears. I was sitting upside down on the couch in our living room with my legs over the back of the couch and my head swung over where your legs would go. Kuni looked over at me and we made eye contact. Though, it was strangely comfortable.
"Well, do you have anything to catch up on?" Kuni asks me. I think for a moment, but there isn't anything I can do right now.
"Ok you want to go out for lunch or something?"
"Wait wait wait, hold on. this is confusing, why dont we have school again?":🐾
For the last time Kirara it's a holiday:✒️
"..." I break eye contact, looking up and away from Kuni. Is he asking me out right now? Is that his true intent? I begin to blush at this possibility. I mean, he did call me cute...and he me goodnight, but how can I know for sure? Besides, Mona would kill me if we got together.
"Hello? You there Kazuha?" Kuni leans down right over my face, only a couple inches away. I can feel my face heat up by the second.
"Y-yes." I look at him nervously.
"Do you want to go out for lunch with me?" He asks, still just as close as before. Ok. Now he's definitely asking me out.
"Um...sure..." I mumble, not really knowing what to say. No, no. He's probably just...making sure I'm eating at least once a day! Yeah! That's it. But...why am I kinda disappointed?
"Alright then." He backs away and puts a hand out to help me up. I grab his hand and pull myself up.
"Ok...where should we go?" I ask him, trying to form a complete sentence. I kinda succeed, way to go me!
Childe POV:
"Hey, um, Hu Tao, right?" I ask the girl with star eyes from yesterday who seemed to be terrorizing her cousin. I was a little nervous she would get the right idea, honestly.
"Yeah? Oh-Fatui dude! Hiya! Are you here to help with business? Or to make a deal?"
"Um...n-no. I just wanted to ask a question about Mr. Zhongli..."
"No, he is not married, why do you ask?" How did she...never mind.
"Ohhh do you wanna become my new dad? I don't know if thats legal..."
"Well, I'm technically a grown adult soo..."
"Ehhh but we're the same. age."
"Nah I'm older by 4 years." I continue to further my point.
"I'm done talking to you, and I'm taking my shenanigans somewhere else, goodbye now! Only talk to me if you wanna talk business from now on!" Hu Tao walks off, still torturing her little cousin...poor Qiqi.
Scaramouche POV:
I take a glance at Kazuha as we walk down a crowded street to get to the restaurant. 'Oh...goddammit why is he so pretty...? And why is my heart beating so, so fast..?'
"Mmh..." Kazuha moves closer to me, clearly uncomfortable because of the large crowd. He shouldn't be used to crowds like these, as a lot of this crowd was people yelling random things out, protesting and that sort of stuff. He only normally travels between Inazuma, which only recently became more of an urban area, and Liyue which is always a little crowded, but I don't think Kazuha ever got the chance to get used to it.
"Do we need to go sit down for a minute?" I ask him, trying to feel sympathetic for his situation. For me, It's kinda hard to understand normal human emotions. But if I can feel love, then why cant I feel empathy?
"N-no I just wanted to make sure I didn't lose you..." Kazuha is a terrible liar.
"Ah, we're here." I whisper to him, walking into the restaurant. He follows behind me, not saying a word. He squeezes my hand.
"Hm?" I look at him. There had to be a reason he did that, whether it was to get my attention or something else.
"Sorry, just...reflexes and stuff." Kazuha blushes a little bit. Why is he blushing? Is he embarrassed by something?
"Alright..." I walk over to a table and sit down. Kazuha sits across from me.
"Oh! Sorry it took me so long, what can I get you?" A waitress comes over and asks me what I'd like.
"It's alright. I'd like some chicken mushroom skewers, please." I speak, faking a smile.
"O-oh, can I have some grilled tiger fish?" I hear Kazuha mumble.
"Kazuha, are you alright?" I ask, worried about him. He looks at me.
"Yeah. Its know how I told you about um...or hinted at...Do you get what I'm talking about?"
"It's fine, you know how I like...when we were talking about you being mean and stuff and then we started-"
"Oh, I understand now. What about it?"
"Um...I've just never told anyone about that so can you not tell anyone...?" Kazuha asks me to keep it a secret.
"Of course. That's nobodies business but yours anyway." I try to be respectful of Kazuhas request. He lets out a deep sigh.
"Thank you..." Kazuha blushes again. I smile at him. He looks so cute when he's flustered.
Paimon POV:
"Ugh! Why cant Paimon find Kazuha anywhere!?" Paimon frowns, sitting in an empty room. She feels someone grab her wrist.
Hiiii I got my motivation back from the little demon hiding in the corner of my room!!! I should be able to post a little regularly now bc now I have a plan(i didnt before)
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