Chap. 19

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haha 1.1k views!! I am very happy was going through a sad moment there for a was like a 2 month long moment

i forgot to include their(kazuhas and kavehs) introduction in a previous chapter so we're gonna act like scara spent too long each day trying to get Kazuha to take even one bite of his food :):):):)


Kaveh POV:

"Ah, so you finally decided to show." I say to the person I sit next to in homeroom(who hadn't shown up the previous week or Monday)

"Oh, sorry. I got sick the first week of school and I don't think I wanna explain the rest." My tired looking desk-mate responded. 

"Ah, thats alright." I was a bit annoyed that they wont tell me, but its always alright to keep stuff to yourself. 

"Um, anyway, what's your name?" The person asks.

"I'm Kaveh, yours?"

"Kazuha. It's nice to meet you, Kaveh." Kazuha smiles at me. He seems like a nice enough person, so I let go of my previous anger.

"Same to you." I nod to him. After we exchange names, we go through the basic stuff like favorite food and stuff like that before the short 25 minutes of homeroom end. I think it was a useful way to use my time.

"Bye, Kazuha. See you later."


Kazuha POV:

'Huh, he was nice.' I think to myself as I take a different route to my first class. I slowly take my phone out of my pocket and look at the time as I arrive. It was a much quicker route, but to be fair, it was also closer, so of course it would take less time.

I put my phone back into my pocket and walk into class. I go over to Kirara and sit down next to her.

"Hii Kazuha!"

"Hi Kirara." I laugh a little because of her enthusiasm.

"You seem happy today!" She exclaims, clearly seeing past the strange wall I had built so no one could see that I was so very happy by the fact that Kuni took me out on a date yesterday.

"I am." I don't lie to her. For some weird reason, I feel so happy that Kuni took me out on a date and all and it makes me think: Am I...In love with him?

"That's good!" She seems to be very happy when I'm happy. I grab my textbook from my bag and lay it on my desk. I glance back at Kuni, who is staring at me. I wave to him and he snaps out of whatever trance he was in and looks away, blushing. I giggle a little bit.

"You two should just kiss already." I hear from both beside and behind me. I know the person who's beside me, but who said that behind me? I turn to see whoever it was. It was Childe, Kunis friend. I didn't realize in all the figuring out who's saying what, but I've turned bright red.

"Shut up!" Kuni smacks his friend over the head with a textbook. "Sorry about him Kazuha. I can deal with your desk mate if you want, too."

"Uhm, N-no, but thanks for the offer." I stutter a little, still baffled at Kirara and Childes shared comment.

"Um-Kirara-w-why'd you say that?" I turn to her and ask her a very reasonable question.

"Because you two are very very gay for each other and you need to stop. Stop the slow burn. Please. I'm begging you."

"The what?"

"What?" She responds like she said nothing. I turn red again. She just called me gay?? I could hear Kuni mumbling something under his breath. I turn towards him to try to listen better. 

"What, Kazuha-"

"The tables there, be quiet, class is starting." Mr. Zhongli scolds the 4 of us for talking. We all promptly shut our mouths. Specifically Childe. He looks absolutely horrified. 

"Childe, calm down." Kuni whispers to Childe, not wanting to get in trouble again.

"He hates me, he hates me, he hates me, he hates me...." Childe continues muttering to himself.

"Is he ok?" I ask, worried about his mental health.

"Probably not." Kuni responds immediately.

"Oh, well thats not good." I start sweating, Childe didn't seem alright.

"Childe, is it another panic attack?" Kuni asks him, clearly trying to find what's wrong. Childe slowly nods, trying to calm down. That's good, at least.

"Deep breaths-"

"Hey, Childe? Are you alright?" Mr. Zhongli walks over and leans down next to Childe. Childe looks at him with tears in his eyes. 

"C-can I take a b-break...?" Childe stutters, still trying to calm down. 

"Yes. Of course." Mr. Zhongli mutters. Did Childe really panic that much about something as simple as that? I'll have to talk with him later. Mr. Zhongli look worried. I mean, it's nice to know he cares about his students. 

"..." The three of us say nothing for the rest of class, feeling too bad about Childes reaction. After that period is over, we all go to our next classes, while I notice that Childe stays behind.

Childe POV:

"Mr. Zhongli, I-I should get going to my next class now." I mutter. I really hope he doesn't hear me. I want to stay here. Please don't make me go. 

"No, stay here. I want to make sure you're feeling alright before you go to your next class."

"Ok..." I act as sad as possible. I am internally sighing-but out of relief, of course. 

"What caused you to have an outburst, panic attack, whatever that was?" Mr. Zhongli asks me.

"I don't know..." I lie, not yet prepared to admit my feelings.

"Hm. Are you sure you're alright?"


"Are you sure? I want to make sure you're completely confident in those words before I send you off to another class."

"..." I stare in awe at Mr. Zhonglis words, he really seems like he cares.


"Um-sorry. Spaced out for a second, anyway, yes. I am confident in those words." I smile at him. His response was enough for me to not feel worthless any more.

"Alright. Next period is starting soon, so you may want to get going."

"Mhm! Bye, see ya tomorrow Mr. Zhongli!" I yell back at him. I watch him smile at me as I leave the classroom. I blush a little, seeing his smile.


Woooooo!! Done with chapter 19!!! 

Word Count: 1027

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