Weiss patiently waiting out the minute left on her holographic clock displayed from her desk in the classroom of Professor Peter Port, whose dialogue is merely background nonsense as Jaune slides up next to Weiss.
Jaune: So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat? (Turns to the teacher for a second, then turns back around.) And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome. (Pauses as his words have no effect.) Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know.
Finally, the clock in front of Weiss gives a shrill beep as it changes from 3:59 to 4:00, and she dismisses it with a wave of her hand. The professor is temporarily unaware of the alarm.
Port: (Posing as a towering monster about to attack.) And then I- Oh. (Straightens his stance as the students start to leave.) Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!
Jaune: (Watching Weiss as she packs up her Scroll.) Weiss? Did you hear me?
Weiss: (Not even looking at Jaune as she walks away.) No, no, no, yes.
Upon hearing this, Jaune groans and does a faceplant into his desk.
Yang: (As the rest of Team RWBY walks out of class behind him, Yang ruffles Jaune's hair without even looking.) One day.
A closeup of Ruby's hands as she straps the red laces of her shoes. Switch to a closeup of Weiss' hand gripping the handle of Myrtenaster strapped to her side. Switch to a closeup of Yang's Ember Celica over her left forearm as she slides the chamber. Switch to a closeup of Blake tightening the black ribbons around her arms. Hikaru is wearing a black jacket and blue jeans and black shoes. Switch to full view of Team RWBY-H's preparations, revealing their new outfits.
Blake: (Approaching her bunk as she tightens her wraps.) I thought that class would never end.
Ruby: (From her position sitting on the hanging bed) Alright, guys, today's the day! The investigation begins!
Happily leaps off her mattress and onto the floor, arms raised excitedly. She almost lands on Weiss, who is on the bottom bunk.
Weiss: (sarcastically) I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously.
Yang: Hey, we've got a plan! That's... moderately serious.
Ruby: Right! (looks around at her teammates) Everyone remember their roles? (Weiss stands up as the camera quickly shifts left to each member who state their objective.)
Weiss: You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.
Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.
Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard...
Ruby: How about you Hikaru?
Hikaru: I'm going to Daigo and Jun just incase they make trouble or something behind their evil plans or something...
Ruby: (the camera dashing back to the leader) Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. (pumping her fist) Let's do this!
Sun: (off-screen) Yeah! (Camera shifts right to a smiling Sun Wukong as he hangs upside-down by his tail in their open window. The whole team is taken aback.)
Blake: (surprised and alarmed) Sun!
Yang: How did you get up there?
Sun: Ah, it's easy; I do it all the time.
Weiss: You do what?!
Sun: I climb trees all the time! (Without reacting to Weiss' scowl, he flips into the dorm room.) So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?
Hikaru walk toward him.
Hikaru: I think you're misunderstanding. We're just going out and have fun.
Weiss: Hikaru......!
Hikaru: Actually we going to investigate as a team. No one invited you.
Ruby: Sorry, Sun. We don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to.
Sun: Psh! That's dumb! We should always get friends involved! That's why I brought Neptune! (gesturing out the window)
The girls lean out the window on top of one another cartoon-style to see the aforementioned teammate of Sun's standing outside, cool as can be.
Neptune: 'Sup?
Hikaru: How did you get there?
Neptune: I have my ways.
The camera pans out to reveal that he is standing on a very thin ledge circling the building under the windows.
Neptune: (nervously) Seriously, though, can I come in? We're like, really high up right now.
Inside the dorm room, the group are standing in a circle as Ruby lays down the new plan.
Ruby: Alright, I'll go with Weiss; Sun, you can go with Blake. Hikaru go by himself.(As she pushes Neptune past Weiss, he slips her a wink. Weiss looks mildly shocked but then comes to her senses quickly.) And Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner. Everyone good?
Weiss: Actually, Ruby, why don't you go with Yang? After all, she is your sister.
Ruby pushed Neptune, who is stiff as a board, up next to yang. When she is done pushing him, he rocks back and fourth looking nervous. Yang put her hand on his shoulder to stop him from rocking.
Ruby: But, Weiss, who would go with you, then?
Weiss: Well... I guess Neptune could come with me.
Ruby: (Neptune puts on a suave look and points at Weiss as the team leader cracks up.) Hahaha, nah!
Weiss is obviously less than amused, yet is powerless to stop Ruby from pulling her by the back out the door.
Weiss: (Weiss sticks her arms out fruitlessly trying to get back to Neptune.) But! But!
Hikaru: Alright, I'm going now.
Somewhere in town of Vale, Hikaru is walking on the street. He try to look for Daigo and Jun but they're not here somewhere. Suddenly, he saw a two man talking to a woman.
Man 1: C'mon, lady. We will brought you to the bar and have a drink with us.
Man 2: Yeah, we promised we send you home.
Then woman with a hat lower her hat to hide her face.
Woman: No. No, thank you.
Man 1: oh c'mon. It just-
Hikaru walk toward them.
Hikaru: Hey, stay away from her.
The two man saw him.
Man 1: And...... Who are you supposed to be?
The man glare at Hikaru.
Hikaru: I'm his husband, you fool.
Hikaru glare back at him. The man step back and run away. His friend saw him run away, also run away. Hikaru saw them running away then he look at her.
Hikaru: Are you okay?
Woman: Yes, thank you very much....
Hikaru: Alright.
Hikaru then walk away but the woman grab her arm.
Woman: Wait! Don't go!
Hikaru: Huh? What's the matter?
Woman: Can you...... Company me for a walk?
Hikaru: Sure.
Nighttime at town of Vale, Hikaru is company with the woman while walking on the street.
Woman: Thank you for saving me.
Hikaru: No problem. You shouldn't have walking along by yourself.
Woman: (Sigh) I know. My siblings were walking around in town then I got lost until the men approached me then you save me. Thank you very much again.
Hikaru: I already told you. No problem.
Woman: Anyway, I haven't got your name. I'm Anna Articson. It nice to meet you.
Hikaru: Hikaru. Nice to meet you, Miss Articson.
Daigo: Wow~ What a delight lady you have met.... Hikaru.
Hikaru look behind and saw Daigo.
Hikaru: Daigo!
Anna: Is he your friend?
Hikaru: I would call him a stalker. Anyway, what are you doing here?
Daigo: To kill you.
Suddenly, Jun come out of nowhere and started to walk like a drunk maniac.
Anna step back. The three of them pull out their Drivers and put on their waist.
Gear Driver!
Black Driver!
Gold Driver!
Anna when confused as their wear a weird belt.
Hikaru: ......
Daigo: .......
Jun: Hehehe...... Hihihihi........
The three of them pull out their Gear-Mode and insert it.
Gunslinger Gear! Ice!
Gunslinger Gear! Dark Mode!
Gunslinger Gear! Flame! Golden Time!
Hikaru/Daigo/Jun: Henshin!/Henshin!/HENSHIN!!!~
Gold GunFireshot!
The three of them transform into Kamen Riders. Anna was shocked to see them transform. Black Gear point his shotgun at Gear and Gold Gear point his gun at Gear. Gear pull out both of his gun and point at both of them.
Gear: Any last word?
Black Gear: I can't believe you have two gun on your hand.
Gold Gear: Well this is $#!€. The most £*c€ up I ever see in my life.
Black Gear: I know this is $*#t. I really hate you, Hikaru.
Gear: Me too.
Suddenly, his Scroll ringing and he answered it.
Gear: Yang, I'm a little busy here. Talk later.
Yang: <Hikaru! This is emergency!>
Neptune: <Yeah! You gonna help us!>
Gear: Sorry. I can't help you guy.
Then a call from Sun.
Sun: <Dude, it a robot trying to attack us! It really huge!>
Gear: Sun, I'm in a middle of business.
Suddenly, a giant robot jump out from the street road and Team RWBY, Neptune and Sun jump from the road street.
Gold Gear: Holy s#!+.......
Black Gear/Gear: You got to be kidding me./Unbelievable.
Gear look at Anna and rush toward her.
Gear: Anna! Watch out!
Gear push her away and then the giant robot stomp on the ground and make a giant impact. The three Riders collapse on the ground by the huge impact. Team RWBY run toward Gear.
Ruby: Hikaru, are you alright?
Gear: Yeah, I'm alright. Anyway, what is that thing?
Blake: Atlas Paladin. I don't think you can beat this thing.
Roman: Well, well, well. What do I have here? The standard, black and gold.
The Paladin look at Gear, Black Gear and Gold Gear. Black Gear and Gold Gear shoot at the Paladin.
Gold Gear: Die! F###√e¥!!!! Yaaaahhh!!!!
The Paladin only took a little damage from their gun shot. The Paladin move it arm and punch them. Both of them avoid it and started to shoot at the Paladin. Roman smirk in the Paladin. The Paladin shoot at Black Gear and then he shoot some missile at Gold Gear. Both of them got hit by the attack of Paladin and transform back to normal.
Jun: Ouch.... That f###1ng hurt. Right, Daigo?
Daigo is nowhere to be seen.
Jun: Eeeeh!!! He left me?!?! I better run too!
Jun run as fast as he can. Roman see him running away and then he look at Team RWBY-H. Team RWBY holds their weapons to prepare to attack the Paladin. But Hikaru stop them.
Hikaru: Let me handle this, guys.
Ruby: Hikaru, we're a team.
Hikaru: I know. But I think I can handle it by myself.
Hikaru pull out a red-white gear and put it on the slot.
Strike Mode!
Hikaru: Henshin!
He press the button and transform.
Get ready to get attack by the Knight Strike!
StrikeAttack! Yeah!~
A white red hologram gear appear in front of him and transform into Gear StrikeAttack. His armor is now red and white. He also holding a sword.
The Paladin shoot at him. Gear rush toward the Paladin and dodge it and he slash it very quickly. The Paladin right arm was cut down by Gear StrikeAttack. The Paladin then charged toward him and prepare to punch him. Gear rush toward the Paladin and jump then he slash the left arm. Now the Paladin is armless. Then the Paladin shoot missiles at him. Gear press the button on the Gear Driver.
Gear Finisher! Slash Razor Strike!
He swing his sword and slash at the missiles and hit the Paladin and cause it to explode. Team RWBY were shocked and amazed to see him handle by himself.
Ruby: Oh my Oum! That was...... Amazing!
Roman: (Getting up, slightly dazed but unharmed, as he inspects the damage while brushing himself off) Just got this thing cleaned...
Gear rush toward him and slash him with his sword but he was saved by the girl and block his attack with her umbrella.
Gear: What?
The girl close her umbrella and attack him and hit him with her umbrella again. Gear collapse on the ground and look at them.
Roman: Ladies, Knight and Ice Queen...
Weiss: Hey!
Roman: Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would...
The pink-and-brown girl curtsies her enemies with a bow, Gear charge toward them and attack them with his sword and slash it but only to break their image as if made out of a mirror and turn just in time to see them escape in a Bullhead.
The rest of team RWBY runs up to Hikaru side, now cooled down with the end of the fight.
Gear: They got away.
Yang: So I guess he got a new henchman...
Weiss: Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart!
Yang: (While Weiss smiles, Hikaru is confused, Ruby giggles, and Blake starts walking away, she simply states) No. Just... no.
Weiss: (Getting mad.) What- But, you do it!
Yang: There's a time and a place for jokes.
Weiss: Was this not it?
Yang: No, it just wasn't very good. (Follows Blake.)
Weiss: (Walking with her teammates.) Well, at least I'm trying!
Ruby: Wait... Where are Sun and Neptune?
Gear look back at the woman and the woman was gone.
Gear: Huh. Where did she go?
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