Gear Battle Royale

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Hikaru wake up from his sleepy bag. He open his eyes and look at the clock and it was 8:01.

Hikaru: Huh?! Oh, no. We're late guys! We need to get- Eh?

Hikaru look at their beds that they already left him.

Hikaru: What?! Really?! Oh no....

After he take a bath, he rushing to the hall and go to the class.

Hikaru: I'm sorry I'm late!

Hikaru open the door and saw the class was empty.

Hikaru: Huh. That's strange. Where did everyone go?

Hikaru look at the white board and said "Go to the park."

Hikaru: To the park?

Hikaru arrived at the park and try to find them.

Hikaru: Where are they? Are they making a prank on me or something? Weird. Very weird.

Suddenly, a camera drone flying through him and slowly rotate in circle.

Hikaru: What is that? Look like a camera drone. Wait a second. Don't tell me.

At the Amphitheater, everyone was watching a giant holographic screen. Even the teachers in the academy were watching this.

Ruby: Weiss, what's going on here and where is Hikaru?

Weiss: I don't know, Ruby. I don't know what's going on here. I'm sure Hikaru will be fine.

Jaune: Is that Hikaru?

Team RWBY look at the screen and saw Hikaru.

Ruby: Hikaru!

Blake: Wait. Why is he outside?

Suddenly, the screen cut off and show a man, who is 50 year old man. His is wearing a blue suit and a black neck tie. He is sitting on a chair and greeted them.

???: <Hello, boys and girls! Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to my first broadcast live from another world!>

Everyone begin to wonder and whispering to each other.

Ren: First broadcast live?

Weiss: From another world?

Pyrrha: What do you want from us?!

The man is laughing in joyful then go back to serious expression.

???: <Not you. But Hikaru.>

Glynda: What do you want from the boy? Tell us before I called the authorities!

The man begin to laugh.

???:< I'm from another world. You can't find me in Remnant. Hahaha!>

Ruby: Who are you?! What do you want from him?!

???: <Do you want to know who am I? I am Professor Arinaga Watanabe. I want to see his progress.>

Ruby: What do you mean?

Arinaga: His fighting skill.

Yang: Dude, I don't know. What's matter with his fighting skill?

Arinaga: <So that I can study his pattern fight and how strong he is.>

Nora: He is super duper strong! Of course he can beat you!

Arinaga: <Not me. But them.>

Jaune: What do you mean "them"?

Arinaga: <Anyway, let me explain what's my plan.>

Jaune: Hey! You haven't answered my question!

The screen show a logo of gear with white colour and then he begin to speak.

Arinaga: <This game called Gear Battle Royale. Each individual will fight one by one. If the person win, I let him go. If the person lose, I drag him into the unknown. Hahaha....>

Ruby: Wait. Only one person can win?

Arinaga: <Yes. Only one can win. There are three competitors. Daigo Ito, Jun Richard and Hikaru Sakura. Now, let the game begin!>

Hikaru then try to find his way out.

Hikaru: Ugh.... Is there a way out from here?

Meanwhile, Jun is walking in the park.

Jun: I can't believe I was forced to participate this stupid battle royale.

Suddenly, Jun accidentally met Daigo.

Jun: Daigo!?

Daigo: Oh it you, Jun. What you doing here?

Jun: I don't know. Go mind your business.

Daigo: How about a fight between you and me?

Jun: Sound awesome! Get ready to die!!!

Jun and Daigo insert their Gear-Mode into the slot.

Swordsman Gear! Dark Mode!

Attack Mode! Defence Mode! Golden Time!

Jun/Daigo: Henshin!/Henshin!

Gold StrikeBarrier!


Both of them charge toward each other and slash each other.


At the Amphitheater, everyone was watching the holographic screen and saw them fighting.

Glynda: Their fighting skill was great.

Ozpin: But they only amateurs using a swords. I wonder how many form can they change.

Ruby and her team are watching the screen and watch the fight between Black Gear and Gold Gear.

Ruby: Hikaru, where are you?

Back at the battle, Black Gear slash his sword at him but Gold Gear block his attack with his shield then he slash him on his body. Black Gear collapse on the ground and Gold Gear point his sword at him.

Gold Gear: Any last word to say, Daigo?

Black Gear: I'm gonna cut your head before you can do that.

Gold Gear: Then I'm gonna end you here.

Gold Gear rise his sword and prepare to hit him then an arrow hit Gold Gear on his head and collapsed.

Gold Gear: Ah! Oi, Hikaru! I know you're there show yourself!

Gold Gear look at the trees and bushes and try to find him then he got hit by an arrow from behind and he collapsed.

Black Gear stand up and try to find him.

Black Gear: C'mon, Hikaru. You can't hide forever.

Black Gear then got hit by a arrow and hit on his face.

Black Gear: Come out, Hikaru! I know you're here! Stop playing around!

Gold Gear: Maybe, you shouldn't play around with me.

Gunslinger Gear! Attack Mode! Golden Time!

Gold GunStrike!

He changed his form and grab his pistol like gun and shoot at Black Gear. Black Gear avoid it and slash at him. Gold Gear collapse then he got shoot again by the arrow from behind.

Gold Gear: Enough already! Just come out and fight us!

Black Gear: This is getting worse. Come out you coward! Fight us!

Black Gear charge toward the bushes then he got hit something on his face and collapsed.

At the Amphitheater, everyone watch the screen and watching them being attack by something that cannot being see with naked eyes.

Jaune: What are they doing?

Nora: I don't know. But watching them being a clown sure is funny.

At the screen, Gold Gear try to aim at something but Black Gear push him away and slash at nothing then he collapsed. As Black Gear try to stand up, he got hit by a arrow and collapsed.

Black Gear stand up again and look behind at Gold Gear.

Black Gear: <Did you shoot me?!>

Gold Gear: <I didn't shoot you!>

Black Gear: <Do you think I'm stupid enough?>

As Black Gear walk toward him, he fall down on the grass then Gold Gear got hit by something on his head and collapsed.


Glynda: (Sigh) He's so childish....

Ozpin: Who care about that, Glynda. At least, we can observe them on how they fight.

Suddenly, both of them collapsed after hitting by something.

Back at the battle,

Black Gear: That's it. It look like I have to find what is going.

Black Gear open the slide of the Driver and replace his Gear-Mode with a shark symbol and close it.

Shark! Dark Mode!


He changed his form into DarkMegalodon. He then try to sense to him. Suddenly, an arrow is coming toward him then he react quickly and avoid it. He then try to find with his shark detector and found a transparent figure holding a bow and an arrow in front of him.

Black Gear: I found you.

Black Gear grab his Megasword and rush toward the transparent figure and slash it until the figure turn off his invisible and show it was Gear in ArcherChameleon.

Black Gear: Oh, so this is your trick to beat us? That won't be easy for you.

Gear: I can't believe you can find me during my invisible. But I will end this game!

Black Gear: No. I'm the one who will finish you.

Both of them charge today each other and slash their weapons each other. Gold Gear aim his gun at them and shoot at Gear. Gold Gear rush toward his and slash his sword to attack but Black Gear attack Gold Gear with his sword. Gear stand up and shoot an arrows at him but Black Gear block his attack with his sword. Gold Gear attack him from behind but Black Gear react quickly and attack him with his sword. Gear then charge toward him and prepare to attack him with his bow and hit him from behind but Black Gear swing his sword and hit him and sent him far away and hit a tree and transform back to normal.

At the Amphitheater, Team RWBY and Team JNPR were watching Hikaru defeated by Black Gear.

Ruby: Oh, no. This is bad. He changed back to normal.

Jaune: C'mon, Hikaru! You can do this!

Hikaru try to stand up and took out a small device from his pocket and press the button.

Chamber Slot!

He then put on the Gear Driver and insert into the slot.

Attack Mode! Defence Mode! Chamber!

Hikaru: Henshin!

Then he surrounded by bricks and transform him into an upgrade version of Gear.

StrikeBarrier Chamber!

His armor are now red and green armor with a gray armor. His sword is now have a medieval theme and a shield is normal.

He then charged toward him and slash him. Black Gear try to attack him but Gear slash his sword at him.

Gear: Good thing I brought this into the battle.

Black Gear charge toward him and prepare to attack him but Gear slash his sword and hit him. Black Gear collapse on the ground. Gold Gear stand up and saw him. Gear press the button on the Gear Driver.

Gear! Chamber Finisher!

His sword is glowing in gray light and then he swing his sword and hit them and cause them to explode. Both of them struggled to stand up and look eachother.

Jun: This is all your fault, Daigo!

Daigo: My fault?! Your the one who want to fight without thinking!

Suddenly, a white armor appear in front of them. This is Kamen Rider Greater.

Greater: Daigo, you failed me.

Daigo: Professor! It not my fault. It Jun fault!

Greater: I don't want to listen from you. Now, let go back.

Three of them escaped and disappeared. As Gear Chamber rush to toward the park, he saw them escaped and nowhere to be found.

Gear: Where did they go?

Later evening, Hikaru is inside the office of Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Mr.Sakura, I don't know what to said to you.

Hikaru: No need, Prof. Those guy are just trouble some.

Ozpin: Hikaru, can you tell me about Professor Arinaga Watanabe?

Hikaru: Well, it a long story. He's a friend of my father.

Ozpin: So your father have been friend with him in a long time?

Hikaru: Yeah. He and my father invented those Gear-Mode and Gear Driver until Arinaga become a mad scientist and use it for his own will. He also kill my parents.

Ozpin: I'm sorry for you loss of your parents, Hikaru.

Hikaru: Yeah. I only have my uncle. He the only family member I have.

Ozpin: So, you have a uncle? What is his name?

Hikaru: Fujio.

Ozpin: I see. So, is he a Kamen Rider like you?

Hikaru: Yes, he is. He also a Kamen Rider. He is called Kamen Rider Another Gear.

Ozpin: Kamen Rider Another Gear? Why?

Hikaru: I don't want to talk about that. I need to get some fresh, Prof.

Ozpin: Alright, we end our conversation here.

Hikaru: Thanks, Prof.

Ozpin: You're welcome, Hikaru.

Hikaru then stand up and exit the office.

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