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"whats wrong? you look like youve seen a ghost."

"why are you so goddam persistent" i say trying my best to get up

he starts walking towards me slowly

"you shouldnt have moved her-" i cut him off

"did you hurt billy" finally getting up i stare at him

"awww and what if i did?" he gets his knife and points it at my throat

"come here" i wave him closer


"come h e r e" i say more clearly

he walks closer

t h u n k

he lands on the floor

i wave my hand around after punching his jaw

"did you fucking hurt him." i crouch down to his level

"jesus christ- you got one hell of a punch hot stuff" he says quickly recovering from the punch

"its my jackoff hand" i say proudly stepping around him.

he sweeps his foot under mine wiping me of my feet and onto the ground


he climbs ontop of me and holds the knife to my neck

"this is my hunting knife"

"can we maybe fuck later i gotta go see if billy okay" i say trying to push him off

"you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"you suck dick with yours?"

he seemed take back but that one, pressing the knife harder into my neck

"your a horrible killer you know that? youd be a better stripper in my opinion" i tell him

"i hate y-"

we both hear a knock at the door

he looks at me as if hes quickly weighing his options

"tell them anything and im gutting you like a pig" he jumps out my window in a hurry

i get up as fast as i could with my ankle still being fucked up and go down the stairs

answering it i see a kind old lady

"hello dear, i see your new to the neighborhood and wanted to greet you" she says to me, kindness lacing her words

she continues "ill have to warn you, theres a killer on the loose, hes been spotted around this neighborhood the most so be careful dear"

i reply, "ah- thank you maam i appreciate you telling me this"

"anytime dear, i better go you seem tired." she waves me off and continues her way back to her house

i close the door

"oh fuck- BILLY"

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