"jesus christ- this place is a mess" he says looking around the house noticing broken glass, a shattered vase and something smelling burnt
"that fucker broke my window. dickhead." i say mad, recalling the events
i start walking up the stairs forgetting about my ankle and stepping on it
the pain of it quickly takes over my bed and i almost trip.
"woah-!" billy catches me quickly and helps me back onto my feet
"careful hot stuff, cant have my date have a smashed face" he says with a smirk
"your date has a broken ankle" i reply
"oh wait-" he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder
"WOAH- heY- let me dOwn peasant boy" i slightly punch his back
"alright" he smirks and i feel myself slowly slip from his grip
"HEY I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BACK" i quickly say as i scramble to stay on his shoulder
"thats what i though hotstuff"
"bro that killer dude called me hot stuff" i say to him as we go up the stairs
"o-oh?" he ask
"but its okay his voice was hot" i say proudly
i feel his grip tighten around me
"he would be cool if he wasnt trying to stab me" i slighty kick my legs
he sets me down onto my bed
he grabs my chin to make me look at him "im going to get you an icepack for your ankle hotstuff ill be right back" he leaves with a wink
'hold on man it dont work like that-'
i hear a scream from the kitchen that sounded like billy
"BILLY ARE YOU OKAY?" i yell from my room
"HELP" he screams
i stand off my bed and fall immediately after stepping on my ankle
trying to get up my door opens slightly more and i look up to see the man with the ghost mask-
"whats wrong? you look like youve seen a ghost."
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