"oh fuck- BILLY" i scramble to go find billy, i see him on the floor in the kitchen.
crouching down beside him i see blood on his white shirt, lifting it up i see a few cuts here and there
hes fit as fuck-
"jesus no wonder he could just pick me up"
tracing my hands around the cuts i slightly shake him
"billy? billy are you okay?" i see his eyes open slightly and look at me
"(y-y/n) are you okay did he hurt you!" he asks getting up as his face scrunches from the cuts on his stomach and chest
"not as much as he did you, lets get you cleaned up cmon-" i try and help him up
"your ankle-" hes tries to tell me before i stumble and grab onto the wall before slipping a bit
"im boutta stomp my foot if this shit keeps happening" saying angry before lifting my foot in the air
billy quickly gets up and holds me in the air
"nOoOoO- let me throw this tantrum im tirErDdDdD" i kick my legs and swing my arms, acting like a very angry toddler
billy has an amused expression
he laughs a bit
"your a child" he chuckles
"does that make you my daddy" i wink
"your too bold short stack i could throw you right now" he swings me a bit
"your right maybe i should just make you watch my favorite movie" he says with a proud expression
"whats that?" i ask curiously
"my little pony movie" he starts walking up the stairs, me in his arms
"EVIL. pure fucking evil. you would never"
"oh i would. wanna try me?" he says and stops
"hey dont stop you fucker" i poke him
"i dunnooooooo i kinda wanna drop you and watch you roll down the stairs- like a slinky" he laughs
"id be carefull about what you say if i were you." i say, looking at him in the eyes
"why is that" he asks
"my foot is at the perfect height to kick you in your baby makers" i start swinging my right foot
"wOAH hEy lets not make any rash decisions!" he mocks me and sets me on my bed
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