A/n: Hi, PLEASE READ. Here I will deviate from the original storyline of MHA. I wanted to create this chapter for a while. I will totally be exposing Killua and his past to a select few of his classmates. This will be taking place before the Sports Festival in the two week period of training.
Killua's POV:
Aizawa got the brilliant idea to hold weekend training sessions so we could prepare for the Sports Festival. So, the class consisted of me, Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Iida. We went out to an isolated forest and before Aizawa could finish explaining the exercise, a villain approached us and scanned us. "Ah, I see. We have six UA students and one teacher. Oh, and what's this? One of you is not like the rest." he said.
We all got in a ready stance, but he wasn't attacking. He was just glaring at me. "You." he said menacingly.
Aizawa glanced at me, but I didn't look away from the villain. "You are from another dimension." he said tauntingly.
My classmates behind me started laughing, but Aizawa and I stood, shocked at what he said. My classmates noticed me and Aizawa's lack of reaction. "Wait, seriously?" asked Uraraka.
"He can't be serious, right?" Iida said.
I said through gritted teeth, "How do you know?"
Everyone sat in silence. I could tell they were staring at me in disbelief, but I was too focused on the man in front of me. He laughed and said, "Why, it's my quirk. It allows me to know the deepest secrets of those I look at. You, Killua Zoldyck, are 15 years old. You are from a dimension with hunters and Nen instead of quirks and heroes. The only people that know about you and your dimension are Aizawa, Nezu, and Tsukauchi. Although, they don't know this. You come from a long line of elite assassins and are an ex assassin yourself. You probably have a higher kill count than most serial killers from this dimension combined."
I paled. "Killua?"
I looked back and saw the class looking at me with terrified eyes. I lowered my gaze, not wanting to look at them. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not done yet," the villain said cockily.
I snapped and shouted, "Just shut up!"
He smirked and said, "Gladly, I'll just show them."
He snapped and all of us became drowsy. "Another part of my quirk allows me to transport other people into the memories of others. Have fun reliving your past."
And then I was out.
Third Person POV
The group found themselves in a dark green room filled with people with badges on. The only thing is, they couldn't find Killua. "Where the hell are we?!" Bakugou shouted.
They all stared at each other, not sure of the answer, when they heard a familiar voice call out, "Tonpa!"
They looked around and saw a younger version of Killua holding a skateboard and waving someone over. "What the hell?" Kirishima said.
"You heard what that villain said, we're in Killua's memories!" Midoriya realized.
"Thanks for that juice, it was delicious. You got any more?" Killua said to a man in a blue shirt.
The man looked shocked, but gave him more juice. Killua chugged it and the man got a confused look on his face. Killua caught the man's look and smirked, "Oh, yeah. Good try. My body's immune to poison."
The man looked shocked as Killua walked away. "Did that man just try to poison Killua?" Kirishima said.
"Who would do that to a kid?!" Uraraka yelled.
Aizawa sighed and said, "Killua always said how cruel his world is compared to ours. Maybe this is a part of it."
They then heard screaming, and saw a man on the ground and his arm was disintegrating into flower petals. "If you are going to run into someone, please apologize." a clown looking man said.
"Ugh, that creep's back." Tonpa said near another group of people, "Hisoka the magician. He had the skill to pass last year but was disqualified when he attacked an examiner he didn't like. Stay far away from him."
The group shared a collective shudder before looking away. There was a loud noise and one of the walls started lifting. A tall, scrawny man with lilac hair and a black handlebar mustache came into view and said, "Welcome to the annual Hunter Exam! Follow me, I will be guiding you to the exam."
"Hunter Exam?" Iida said.
"Killua said that when he was 12 he took a Hunter Exam to become a hunter, but he didn't pass until the second time he took it when he was 13." Aizawa stated.
The scene around them changed and they were watching as the group of people were running. They saw a familiar head of white skateboarding through the crowd. "Hey, kid!" a man who looked to be 30 or 40 called out to Killua.
"What?" Killua replied.
"Show the Hunter Exam some respect! You're cheating!" the man shouted.
A boy with spiky green hair, green clothing, and brown eyes turned his head and said, "How?"
"This is an endurance test!" the old man shouted.
"No it isn't, Mr. Satotz only said to follow him." the kid said.
They continued shouting at each other when Aizawa recognized the kid. "That's Gon." he said to himself.
His students looked at him and Aizawa explained, "I saw that boy in a picture with Killua."
"Wait, isn't that the boy that Killua mistook me as?" Midoriya said.
"I mean, at first glance I do see the similarities." Todoroki stated.
"Hey, how old are you?" Killua asked.
"12," Gon replied.
Killua slowed down and did a cool skateboarding trick to get off his skateboard and said, "I think I'll run for a while."
"Wow! That's so cool!" Gon shouted.
"I'm Killua."
"I'm Gon."
The scene in front of the group changed again. They were on an airship. Killua and Gon just got kicked out of a kitchen, laughing. "It's so weird to see Killua happy." Uraraka said.
Gon then ran to a window and Killua followed. They chatted for a bit until Gon asked, "So what do your parents do?"
"Oh, they're assassins." Killua said nonchalantly.
"So the man wasn't lying. He is an assassin!" Midoriya shouted.
Killua then explained to Gon how he had stabbed his mom and his brother before leaving the family mansion.
The scene changed once again. This time they were in a dark arena looking place with two groups of people. A mass murderer came up and challenged the group. Killua stepped up and went to fight. "Killua's going to get himself killed!" Uraraka shouted.
"No he isn't, he is still alive dumbass." Bakugou remarked.
The mass murderer kept saying how he'd destroy Killua, but then Killua just started walking toward the guy. Next thing everyone knew, Killua was on the other side of the killer. The killer then turned around and showed a hole in his chest. Killua turned around and held up a heart that was still beating. "Oh my god!" Uraraka shouted.
Kirishima, Uraraka, Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Aizawa all stared in terror as Killua set the heart in the hand of the corpse.
The scene changed again to a small tournament part of the test. Gon had passed but was in the medic room. Killua was up next. He was against a man with dozens of needles in him. Killua was about to approach him, but then the man started pulling the needles out. His face began to shift, and the next thing everyone knew, he was a completely different person. Killua, however, seemed to recognize the man in front of him. "Hello Kill." the man said.
"I-Illumi?" Killua asked.
"Wait, where have I heard that name before?" Aizawa said.
After a few moments, he realized. "This is the older brother that manipulated him."
"Manipulated him?" Todoroki asked.
"Nezu said that Killua admitted that his brother, Illumi, controlled him with a needle that was in his head." Aizawa explained.
"Come home Kill, mother is worried." Illumi said
"You don't want anything, you only desire to kill. That's how father and I raised you." Illumi said.
"How could he say that to his younger brother!" Uraraka shrieked.
"I-I... I want to be friends with Gon!" Killua shouted.
"Don't you get it Killua? You're already friends with him!" Leorio shouted.
Illumi turned to him and said, "Oh really? Well, either you fight me, or Gon dies."
Killua was frozen in fear. It was obvious that he wanted to move, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Illumi put his hand above Killua's head and said, "Good boy. Never fight a superior opponent. You aren't worthy of friendship. Friends will end up betraying you, and even if they don't you will. One day, you'll kill them."
"That's so unmanly." Kirishima said.
Killua said nothing. It was obvious he was brainwashed. Later, he ended up killing someone, disqualifying himself.
The scene changed again and it opened up to Killua in chains. The group gasped, Killua was covered in blood and marks. A bigger man came in and whipped him. "Hey Milluki." Killua said.
"Look, I'm really sorry about stabbing you and mom." Killua said before getting whipped more.
It was a gruesome sight, even Bakugou was bothered. Milluki, who they assumed was his brother, got a call. "It looks like some of your friends made it past the testing gate. What do you say, I tell mom to have them-"
Killua snapped the chains holding one of his arms up. He released so much bloodlust that it was scary as hell. "Milluki, if you so much as touch them, I'll kill you." Killua said.
"Killua's scary." Midoriya stated.
The group nodded in agreement as the scene changed again.
This time, the boys were together and at an arena. "Welcome to Heaven's Arena." Killua said to Gon.
"Wait, so you were here when you were six?"
"Yeah, my dad told me I couldn't come home til I got to the 200th floor. It took me two years." Killua said.
"What kind of man leaves his six year old son at an arena for two years?" Iida ponders.
"An assassin trying to train a prodigy." Aizawa responded.
They then appeared on a floor where Killua was fighting a kid, but the kid wouldn't go down. Afterward, they intercepted the kid and his master. The master, Mr. Wing, taught them about Nen as a mental toughness, but Killua didn't look satisfied. "He's lying to us." Killua said to Gon.
The scene changed again. They were on the 200th floor. Hisoka was back. "You two are not ready for the 200th floor. Come back when you can walk through this?" Hisoka said before releasing so much bloodlust that the two boys were frozen in fear. Mr. Wing showed up and promised to bring them back before midnight. In Mr. Wing's house, they unlocked Nen, which they recognized as the presence that surrounds Killua whenever he used his quirk, or at least what they thought was his quirk.
The scene changed to Killua in a room, holding a knife over some man's head. "You move and you die. Use Nen and you die. Make a sound and you die. If you understand close your eyes. You see what happens when you don't keep your promises? Open your eyes and look at me in the mirror. Don't you dare show your ugly face around us again. You'll do this."
"Killua was...good at this?" Iida said in disbelief.
The scene changed and they watched Hisoka get a boner fighting Gon, which was horrifying to know that Killua and Gon had a creepy clown pedo following them.
The scene changed again to the boys having fun on an island. They were at a campfire and the boys practically confessed to each other saying that they should stay together.
After that, the scene changed. They were at a city. "This is York New City." Killua said.
"So where are we going to find Greed Island?" Gon asked.
"The auction. The biggest auction in the world." Killua said.
The scene changed and it showed the boys being kidnapped by some people. Killua was trying to sacrifice himself so Gon could get away. "Did he not value himself at all?" Kirishima asked.
"I mean, he willingly let Milluki beat him but the second Gon was threatened he was ready for action." Midoriya stated.
The scene shifted and showed Killua in front of a moving train, crying. "Oh my god!" Uraraka shouted.
"What is that dumbass trying to do? That will kill him!" Bakugou screamed.
"I don't even care anymore. I hate myself." Killua said as the train approached.
"KILLUA!" Gon shouted and pushed him out of the way.
"Killua tried to commit suicide?" Aizawa said shocked.
The scene shifted and they were in a small hotel room. Killua held a taser above his arm and tased himself. He then held his hands together and created a small spark.
The scene changed and they were in a video game. A girl named Bisky was training the boys and they were trying to beat the game. Killua left midway and retook the Hunter Exam and was the only person to pass. He went back to the game and fought the bomber. They nearly died multiple times, but they survived and beat the game.
Also they found Hisoka there and when they were walking they felt Hisoka staring at their butts, only proving his pedophilia even more.
"Disgusting." They all muttered.
After, they ended up in a misty bog. A fisherman was sitting on a tree. He looked at the two and pulled out a gun and began shooting. Killua pushed Gon out of the way and protected him. The man then introduced himself as Kite. Kite explained chimera ants. Aizawa's eyes widened at the mention, although he kept to himself.
It shifted again and they watched as Kite's arm was cut off and how Killua knocked out Gon to get him to safety. All of the heroes thought that that was the right thing to do, but the other Hunters seemed to think otherwise, chastising Killua and calling him a coward. Gon told him that it was the right thing to do and you could see the love in Killua's eyes. It was easy to see. Killua is in love with this boy. Killugon forever!!!
Bisky comes back and makes the boys train and tells Killua that if he doesn't win his fight against some guy, then he'll have to leave Gon's side. Killua loses, but Gon is placed in a state of Zetsu and can't use Nen. Killua decides to stick with Gon to protect him until he can use Nen again. They then end up with Gon going on a date with a girl named Palm and Killua stalking them. "Ooh, Killua's jealous." Uraraka squealed.
"I gotta admit, those two would be cute together." Iida stated.
The group shared a collective nod in agreement.
Killua encounters this weird rabbit-looking chimera ant. You can tell that Illumi's manipulation is holding him back.
"I will... protect you..."
"Because you're my best friend!" Killua shouted before pulling something out of his head. In the palm of his hand was a small needle.
With blood pouring from his head, Killua decapitates the chimera ant and crushes the skull.
The scene changes to the group splitting up and hunting the chimera ants.
Killua was tearing into them, but he fought this sniper one that told him that he was jumping into a trap.
"I don't care, die." Killua said before plunging his fingers into its skull.
He finds an octopus and saves its life. Then he goes ashore and starts getting random needlefish stuck in his body. The scene skips forward to Killua on the ground with a needlefish in his head.
"Killua!" Uraraka shouts.
These two chimera ants appear and high-five each other, and then Killua practically teleports and decapitates both chimera ants. He pulls off the needlefish and shows that it was stuck on his head with an octopus sucker. He walks away, but collapses and starts bleeding out.
"Geez, Killubro has almost died so many times." Kirishima remarked.
The scene switches and he's in a hospital room with the octopus guy.
The scene spends no time there because the next thing they know, they see Gon shouting at Pitou with Killua behind him. "Gon, if you kill her, we won't get Kite back!" Killua reasons.
"You have it easy Killua, you're perfectly calm." Gon said.
"Gon basically just told Killua to fuck off." Bakugou said to himself.
It skips to Killua crying to Palm, and skips again to Killua wrecking Youpi's shit and then wrecking Pouf.
Then it skips to Killua soaring through the air, looking at some explosions. "Gon."
He lands and sees an adult Gon. Gon looks back at Killua, crying. "Killua."
Gon's arm is chopped off and Killua goes to try to protect Gon but is too slow. Gon grabs his severed arm and punches Pitou into the ground. Gon says, "Jan,"
A large ball of dark light forms at his stump.
It grows larger. It begins to consume him and Killua is left to do nothing but scream, "GON!"
"Oh my god!" Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and Kirishima shout as they watch Killua's heart tear in two as his best friend is destroyed.
It explodes. It's dark for a moment before the scene changes and Killua is in a girl's room. "Onii-chan!" a little girl with Killua's eyes says.
"Oh, is that his sister?" Iida ponders.
"Yeah, I saw her in the photo with Gon and Killua." Aizawa stated.
It fades and Killua is saying some requests. "Nanika, if we aren't off the mountain in half an hour I want you to kill mom. If we are off the mountain in half an hour then I want you to kiss my cheek." Alluka then turns her head and reveals her face to have no features. Just empty holes instead of eyes and a mouth. "Ai." she replies creepily.
"Oh god." Kirishima blurts.
"That's Nanika, the demon living in Alluka's body." Uraraka explains.
"How the hell do you know that pink cheeks?" Bakugou asks.
"Killua told us about his sisters a few days ago." Iida clarified.
The scene skips to Killua in a hospital with Alluka/Nanika. They see a figure in the bed, wrapped head to toe in bloody bandages. "He wasn't kidding." Todoroki remarked.
"Hand," Nanika requested.
Killua grabbed Gon's hand from the bandages and they could see Killua breaking. When Gon's hand came into view, the entire class paled. His skin was so shriveled and burnt that you wouldn't even be able to tell that he was a person anymore, much less alive. Nanika proceeded to heal him and the scene changed once again.
It showed Alluka, Gon, and Killua taking a picture in front of the world tree. They were then on a roof, at least I think it was a roof and Gon said, "Kite said that no matter where we go, we'll always be friends!"
The two then went their separate ways.
The scene changed and it showed a much older Killua walking around. He then falls into a portal and lands in front of UA, only to be found by Aizawa.
The scene fades and they are met with darkness.
Killua's POV
I open my eyes and find myself on the ground in a forest. 'Oh yeah, the villain.'
I see the villain in front of me and knock him out with my signature Heaven's Arena chop.
I look around me and see my classmates and teacher slowly waking up from the ground. "Great, now they're going to hate me." I say to myself, preparing to fight.
They get up and Uraraka runs over and hugs me. I flinch at the touch. "Uh, what's this for?" I ask.
"I'm sorry! I misjudged you! I never thought that you actually went through as much as you did!" she says quietly, crying.
"Did you not see me killing people?" I ask.
"Actually the only time that you killed people was with Illumi's needle in your head." Midoriya points out.
"Which you pulled out to defend a friend." Todoroki
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net