"What about the chimera ants?" I ask.
"Last time I checked they were trying to commit mass genocide and weren't people." Iida explained.
Aizawa cuts me off, "No. Killua, you did what you had to do to survive. In your environment you were not only being mind controlled, but the only thing you were ever taught was murder. You never learned anything to say that it was wrong."
"So, you guys aren't mad at me or scared of me?" I asked.
"Of course not dumbass, didn't you just hear the guy?" Bakugou snapped.
"Well, you definitely still are scary, but I can understand why." Kirishima said.
I look around at the group and all of them seemed perfectly fine with me. I smiled and said, "T-thanks guys."
"One thing I do want to know is why you let that pedo clown follow you around everywhere?" Uraraka asked.
I chuckled and said, "It was Gon's idea. Gon's got a few screws loose."
We all started laughing and we took the villain off to prison and went home.
A/n: Hello all you beautiful people! So I got the idea for this chapter a while ago and was honestly one of the reasons I wanted to write this story. I will definitely keep writing this story though. Anyway, we are almost at 200 reads. That's nuts. Why on Earth are you all reading my story so much? Thanks for reading and have a good day.
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