Killua's POV
How come when you do ONE thing that stands out, EVERYONE suddenly wants to talk to you? Well that's exactly what happened to me. Everyone in the class was blabbing about how I was so cool and that I was hardcore for doing the damage I did on the chimera-ant looking thing that was apparently called Nomu as well as getting up after taking the hit that I did.
Other than that, everyone was wondering who would be subbing for us today. I knew the answer. While I haven't been allowed to see Aizawa because, according to Nezu, it may have triggered a panic attack while I was still emotionally vulnerable and alone. I don't know why, but I can guess it's because he's wrapped in so many bandages that he looks like a mummy. Anyway, Nezu said that I'll only be able to see Aizawa when I'm surrounded by many people my age who care about me, aka my class.
Aizawa walked through the door, and my suspicions were right, he looked like a mummy. And Nezu was also right, I felt my mind slipping to when Gon was in the hospital. I felt myself pale, but I managed to keep my breathing under control, but not without being noticed. I saw multiple heads turn to me, and I glanced at them with pleading eyes. I'm pretty sure they got the hint because a few students got out of their seats and knelt beside my chair.
"Killua, what's wrong?" Midoriya asked.
Before I could answer, Aizawa spoke, "Killua is struggling to not have a panic attack."
Everyone's eyes darted in between Aizawa and I. Iida stood up and said, "Why is that, sir?"
He looked at me, asking for permission. I nodded and he spoke, "Killua has PTSD."
The crowd erupted into confused and concerned murmurs. "Sir, how does he have PTSD? He's only 15. Kids don't go through the kind of stuff that cause PTSD." Momo asked ignorantly.
"Says the girl with the perfect life." Todoroki and I muttered.
"Age doesn't discriminate. He's been through more than any of you will be able to imagine." Aizawa snapped.
The class fell in silence. I calmed down and Nezu's words rung through my head. 'Relying on the people around you will help,' and so I said, "S-sir, if you don't mind, can I take a second to explain some of it. I won't go into detail, but I will give some basic answers because, well you guys' curiosity is able rival that of a young Kurta."
They all looked at me confused and I realized my mistake, "Oh, uh... I meant that of a young child's." as I chuckled nervously.
"Go ahead, I don't care." he said.
I stood up and said, "Well, um, I guess I should explain some of the scars on my back that I know all of you boys have seen. I've been whipped, beat, and poisoned many times to make me immune to torture. I won't say by who, but that's why I have those scars. Now, you're probably wondering about what happened the second day of school with Bakugou's explosion. I... watched a friend nearly die in a major explosion. When... when I saw him in the hospital, he was wrapped head to toe in bandages."
I knew Aizawa knew it was my family who tortured me, Nezu did disclose all the information I gave him with Aizawa, which made him even more shocked. The murmurs spread through the classroom. I then looked around and said, "Please do not share this information with students outside of this class. I'm only telling you all so that you are aware of why I have panic attacks when I do, as I will likely have more around you all in the future and I don't need you jumping to false conclusions about my mental state. Thank you."
I sat down and Aizawa began, "Alright, now that that's over we need to get you prepared. The fight is not yet over."
Everyone around me began worrying about more villains while I waited for him to continue. "The UA Sports Festival is about to begin," Aizawa continued.
Everyone around me erupted in cheers. I sat there with a confused look on my face, but I didn't dare say anything in fear of making myself look suspicious or like an idiot. "Sir, isn't it dangerous to have the Sports Festival so soon after a villain attack?" Kaminari pointed out.
"Apparently the officials want to have it to show that UA won't be intimidated by the villains." Aizawa stated.
"But why not cancel it, it's just a stupid sports festival." Mineta said ignorantly.
The class erupted in outrage and began explaining how important the festival is. "Ah, so it's kinda like Heaven's Arena. Piece of cake." I said quietly.
Apparently I didn't say it quiet enough as Mineta, who was sat right in front of me, replied, "What's Heaven's Arena?" which got everyone's attention.
"It was a game me and my siblings played when we were younger." I replied quickly.
We were later dismissed to lunch. Uraraka was acting... odd? Anyway, I ran off, grabbed some lunch, and sat down. The group minus Midoriya also came and joined me. Apparently he was having lunch with All Might today. I still don't get the hype about this guy, but whatever.
Anyway, Uraraka then went on about how she was fighting so she could make money and give her parents an easy life, which I can respect. She then looked at me and said, "So Killua, yesterday you mentioned that you have two little sisters that you care about. What are their names?"
"Oh, they're Alluka and Nanika." I replied.
"Wait, doesn't Nanika mean 'something'?" Iida pointed out.
I paled a little and sighed, "Well, I guess I might as well tell you. If you think about it, I technically only have one sister, Alluka. Nanika is a demon, lack for a better word, that shares Alluka's body with her. But since Nanika is a completely different entity from Alluka who has their own desires, I consider them as my sibling as well." All right, now time for a gender discussion. So, I don't know which pronouns are used for Nanika specifically, but since Alluka uses she/her pronouns I'm going to be using them for Nanika as well. If you know for sure what Nanika's pronouns are please tell me so I can use the correct ones. Thanks!
Edit someone said I should use gender neutral ones and I think it's a great idea so I will be switching them up :)
The two of them were gaping at me, and Iida then asked, "So is Nanika similar to Tokoyami's Dark Shadow?"
"I mean kinda." I say, not really sure.
"Anyway, are you guys nervous for the Sports Festival?" Uraraka asked.
"A little," Iida said.
They turned to me and I replied, "Not really."
"Why not?" they both asked.
"Well, it's just a competition. I may not do well but it's not too big a deal."
Time skip
"Uhhh. Who are all of you?" I asked to the mob in front of our class door.
"Move it extras!" Bakugou said to the crowd.
Everyone started getting angry at Bakugou, and then a guy with purple hair came to the front. "So this is UA's hero class, huh? They say that you all are the best of the best, but all I see are a bunch of arrogant assholes." he said.
"Wow. So, let me guess, you wanted in the hero course and didn't make the cut so now you're in a class like... general studies? Am I right?" I say to him.
He glances at me and says, "Yeah. I actually remember you from the entrance exam. You're the one who took down the giant robot after complaining that the test was boring. Well, I hope that you aren't bored during the Sports Festival."
I smirked at him and said, "Nah, it's better than doing nothing. Besides, we'll be going against people, not predictable machines. Also, I know you think I think I'm better than you. Considering I have no idea about who you are or your abilities, I'm not going to make any assumptions."
"But I'm in general studies and you're in the top hero class." he said in disbelief.
I scoff and say, "So? 1. You could've been training this whole time and actually belong in the hero course now. 2. You may have not been at your best the day of the exam and totally screwed it up. 3. Your quirk may not have been suited to the exam. It may be a manipulation type quirk which doesn't work against machines."
He gaped at me before he 'tsked' and walked off. I decided to leave as well, jumping over all the people in the way.
A/n, hey. How are you guys? I'm just over here trying to find a way to survive Pride Month in a primarily religious, homophobic part of the country. That's right, Idaho. Author-chan lives in potato land and let me tell you, the amount of homophobic, extremely Christian rednecks in the area is insane. Anyway, thanks for reading and enjoy your day!
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