I leaned forward to the t.v, getting into the show I was watching with Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry. The show was called Walking Orange and they all wanted me to see if I liked it and so far, I'd say it's incredibly interesting. I sat next to Henry on the edge of the couch, next to him, Jasper, and then Charlotte.
Sirens wailed over the t.v and a gunshot sounded, causing the four of us to yelp and jump back. We sighed and leaned in again. Brakes screeched, a car crashed, the four of us gasped. Someone slashed a throat and we giggled. Then, someone screamed over the t.v. The four of us screamed and hid our faces. I wadded Henry's shirt into a ball and pulled him close, digging my face into his chest.
"Get off," Charlotte ordered.
I feel another pair of arms wrap around Henry, looking up and seeing that it was Jasper, I swatted him away and continued snuggling into Henry. I smile as I feel arms snake around my waist. Rattling rang through my ears, causing me to jump again.
"Piper, please keep it down in there!" Henry yelled.
"Don't tell me how to live my life," Piper sassed back.
"Whoa!" The four of us yelled in unison at the t.v.
A man on the t.v grunted and the credits started to roll. I sat up from Henry's clasp and huffed.
Henry clicked the t.v off and turned to me, "So, what do you think?"
I shook my head, staring at the black screen, "Intense. I just keep replaying it over and over, it won't stop," I moved my head involuntarily in a circle.
Henry turned my head to look at him with his hand and smiled cheekily, "Are you good now?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
I smiled and rolled my eyes.
"That show is pretty intense," Charlotte agreed, "My heart's all cramped up," she rubbed her chest.
"I'm sweating..." Jasper looked to Henry, "More than usual."
"Use your rag," Henry scrunched his face.
"Oh, yeah. My rag,"
Henry stood and faced us, "Seriously, you guys, that was, like, the best episode ever,"
"True that," Charlotte said.
"Totally," Jasper nodded.
"That may have been the only episode I've saw of that show but, agreed," I panted, still feeling raced.
"But, I'm so sad," Jasper stuffed his rag bag into his pocket.
"Why?" Charlotte turned her body facing Jasper.
"Only one more episode left of Walking Orange, and..." he sniffled, "I don't want it to end," he voice squeaked.
"Are you crying?" I asked.
"No," Jasper stood, "My eyes are just sweating,"
"Rag," Henry reminded.
"Oh yeah, my rag," Jasper pulled the white cloth out of his pocket again and wiped his eyes.
"Hey, I read online that next week's episode is going to-"
"No, no, no!" Jasper and Henry yelled, jumping onto Charlotte and muffling her with pillows.
I jumped up from my spot to move out of the way.
"Please, don't tell us anything about the series finale," Henry pleaded.
"Don't spoil it," Jasper gritted through his teeth.
They released Charlotte from their grasp and stared at her.
"I was just going to say..."
Jasper and Henry raised the pillows again.
"...that after the finale, they're going to rerun the first episode,"
"Oh," the two boys trailed in unison.
"So, you can put the pillows down," Charlotte shoved their hands back to their sides.
"Hey!" Piper yelled from the kitchen, "I need one of you to be my cameraman,"
Charlotte walked into the kitchen and picked up a measuring cup filled with hair, "What kind of video are you making?"
"The kind that gets me into the Man Fans," Piper beamed.
"The Man Fans?" Henry asked.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "What are the Man Fans?"
Jasper, Henry, and I walked into the kitchen.
"It's a club," Jasper explained, "A bunch of fans of Captain Man and Danger girl,"
"And Kid Danger," Charlotte chimed in.
Henry and Charlotte hummed while nodding their head smugly.
"I heard you get a free custom t-shirt when you join," Jasper beamed, "If I ever got in, I would get a shirt with Danger Girl on it saying, 'I love you, Jasper!"
I scrunched my face and looked down to my feet.
"It's really hard to get in, though. I tried to join and they wouldn't even take me," Jasper gaped.
"Hey, everyone who's surprised by that, raise your hand," Piper said and looked around the room, "Oh, look, no one."
"Just be careful," Charlotte warned Piper.
"Because that girl who's president of the Man Fans, uh, Paula Macchiato, she's mean,"
Henry waved a grape in my face. I smiled and grabbed it out of his hand with my teeth. I jumped up next to Jasper on a bar stool.
"Well, she said I could join the Man Fans if I pass my initiation," Piper said, fiddling with a flower vase.
I put another grape in my mouth, "What's your initiation?"
Piper sighed, "I got to make a video of me eating... hair soup,"
I choked on the fruit and erupted into a fit of coughs.
"What kind of soup?" Jasper did a double take.
"Hair!" Piper held up a bag, "I got this big bag of it fresh from a barbershop floor,"
I groan, "That grape did not go down the right pipe,"
Henry shrugged me off, "You can't eat soup with a bunch of hair in it,"
"Okay, first, the things you say don't matter," Piper shook her head, "And second, I am going to eat the hair soup so I can join the Man Fans. Hold my phone," she shoved the tiny computer into her brother's hand.
Henry took the phone with a sigh.
"And..." Piper mixed the gross colored liquid, "roll video,"
"Okay, go,"
"Hi, Paula Macchiato," Piper beamed at the camera, "I want to join your club so much, I'm going to eat a bowl of... hair soup," she lifted the disgusting contents of the bowl with a spoon.
I gagged. She stuffed the hair in her mouth, and started to chew. She slowly lifter her thumbs and plastered a fake smile on her face.
"Can I have some?" Jasper asked her.
I scrunched my face in disgust at the boy and scooted away, earning a questionable look from him.
I sat on the couch, downing my soda and waited for Schwoz to get the t.v ready. Ray, Henry, and Charlotte were getting us a pizza and more drinks from the auto-snacker.
"Yeah, baby!" Henry exclaimed walking over to the couch, "Series finale of Walking Orange," he handed Schwoz a soda.
Ray climbed over the back of the couch, "I can't believe we're about to watch the last episode ever,"
"Ray, I didn't know you were a fan of the show," I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
He balked, "Yeah, you just live under a rock,"
I shrugged and looked away, "Why do I bother?"
"Television history," Schwoz exclaimed.
Henry sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. The t.v came on showing a crowd of people.
"It's televisions biggest night! The Tony Awards..."
The four next to me started to scream at Schwoz to change it.
"I fix it!" Schwoz screamed back.
Finally, Walking Orange came on, "Previously on Walking Orange..."
There were cheers from everyone, then, a string of notifications, then, a string of whines. Henry threw his pizza at the wall, Ray started to beat the ground with a pillow, and Charlotte just stood with an upset face.
"What?" I asked.
"Just turn it off," Ray said.
Schwoz clicked the t.v off, "What happened? Why do we not watch Walking Orange? Why you heave your pizza?"
"Because The Spoiler ruined Walking Orange," Henry shrugged.
"Stupid The Spoiler," Charlotte fumed.
"Who is The Spoiler?" Schwoz asked.
"He's this jerky teenager here in Swellview," I stood, "He finds out what's gonna happen on t.v shows and movies..."
"And then he tells people the ending," Henry finished.
"He ruins it for everyone," Charlotte added.
"Not for me," Schwoz pulled his phone out of his pocket, "I am smart. I turn my phone off,"
"Well, yip-dee-doo for you, Schwoz," Henry shot him a look.
Gooch started to ring the alarm.
"What Gooch?" Ray asked, standing and moving to click Gooch's video on the monitor.
I walked over to the control center to listen to the foreign man.
"Do you know what The Spoiler did?" Gooch asked.
"Ah!" Schwoz plugged his ears.
"Yeah, he texted all three of us," Henry grumbled.
"No, he texted everyone in Swellview and told them the ending of Walking Orange,"
I gestured to myself, "I didn't get the message,"
"You live under a rock," Gooch nodded.
I scoffed and turned my back to him, shaking my head, "Why do I get bullied?"
"Don't tell me," Schwoz yelled.
"He said that Rodriguez killed Mallory,"
"Stop it!"
"And that he's really a cop,"
"No!" Schwoz fell to the floor.
"Thanks for the info, Gooch," Ray said, ending the call.
"Okay, how'd The Spoiler figure out how to send a text message to everyone in Swellview, well, besides Maebel," Charlotte helped Schwoz stand.
"I don't know," Ray shrugged.
"Anyone with level five computer knowledge could figure out how to do it," Schwoz said.
"Do I really live under a rock?" I asked to no one in particular.
Charlotte shrugged me off, "Somebody's got to stop The Spoiler,"
"Right. And that person is us," Ray held a smug face.
"You mean... those people," Henry corrected, "are us,"
Ray gave him a sassy look.
"You used bad grammar," Henry looked away from Ray's gaze.
Ray lifted his arm and shot Henry in the shoulder.
I walk into the Man Cave to hear a call from Gooch. Henry and Ray stand from the couch and make their way over as I answer the call.
"Hey, Gooch. What's up?" I asked.
"Spoiler alert," Gooch said.
"Wait! Don't say anything about The Good Wife, I'm not caught up yet," Henry yelled, throwing his hands over his ears.
"No," Gooch waved him off, "My spoiler alert is about The Spoiler,"
"Oh," Ray said and struggled to released Henry's grip from himself, "What do you know about The Spoiler?" Ray turned to the monitor.
"We received a tip that he's planning to show up at the Swellview monoplex tomorrow at midnight,"
"I wonder why," Ray shrugged.
"Tomorrow night is the worldwide premiere of Galaxy Wars 9," Henry informed.
"Oh my God," Ray rasped, "Thanks, Gooch," he ended the call.
"The Spoiler must have inside information about what happens in the movie," I conclude.
"He's going to ruin it for everyone," Henry sighed.
"Not if you guys and me stop him," Ray placed his hands on his hips.
"Not if you guys and I stop him," Henry corrected.
"That's what I said," Ray protested.
"You said 'you guys and me,"
"Okay, who cares?"
"We have grammar rules for a reason,"
"Hey, guess what?"
Ray shot Henry with a laser.
"Yeah, there you go,"
"You know I got one too," Henry shot Ray this time.
Ray screamed in pain. I stood as I watched the two fight, shooting lasers at each other, shaking my head.
I walked with Henry to his kitchen, when we heard Piper having a conversation. Henry stopped me and pulled me back, listening to his sister.
"Who do you think you are bothering me? I'm busy," a voice said rudely.
"But I tried to get a selfie with Captain Man and Danger Girl. I had a great plan, but it didn't work," Piper said to the laptop.
"If you want to join my club, then get a selfie with Captain Man and Danger Girl!"
Henry and I glanced at each other.
"But I don't know where they are. How do I find them?"
"Wah," the girl on the computer mocked, "How do I find them?' Wah. That's how you sound!"
"Sorry, I didn't realize,"
"You see this?" Something thudded, "That's how much time you have to get a selfie with Captain Man and Danger Girl, or else you'll never join the Man Fans,"
The call clicked off. Piper shut her laptop and belly-flopped onto the couch crying. I grabbed Henry's hand and pulled him to the living room.
"Hey, Pipes," Henry said, "Everything okay?"
Piper sat up wiping her eyes, "Yes, I'm not upset, now shut up,"
I chuckled and sat next to her, "We overheard you talking to that girl from the Man Fans,"
"So?" Piper looked down to her feet.
"Why do you want to join that club so bad?" Henry shrugged and sat on the couch.
"Well, I just think Kid Danger's really cute," she said.
I busted out laughing.
"Kill me," Henry groaned.
"He is, isn't he?" I glanced back to Henry, who gave me a pointed look.
"Glad I'm not the only one," Piper smiled a little, "And every week the Man Fans get together and talk about stuff that Captain Man, Danger Girl, and Kid Danger are doing, and I just want to be a part of it. But how am I going to get a stupid selfie with Captain Man and Danger Girl?"
I wanted to tell her that it would be okay and that Danger Girl was closer than she seemed. But she can't know about me, Ray, or especially Henry.
I sighed and placed a hand on her knee, "I read a rumor online that Captain Man and Danger Girl might be going to the Galaxy Wars premiere tonight,"
I nodded.
"Where online?" She got on her phone and started to search it up.
"Uh, they took it down, but I saw it and it said they were going to be there," I retracted my hand.
"Wait," Piper threw her phone down, "Where am I going to get a ticket?"
"Charlotte has an extra one. I could ask her to take you," Henry said.
"Why are you guys being nice to me?" Piper glanced between Henry and I.
"Because... you're my little sister and I... I don't know, shut up," Henry stood and walked into the kitchen.
"And you?" Piper turned to me, "I've been nothing but mean ever since you started coming over,"
I smiled, "Because, Piper, you're human too," I patted her knee, "Just because you're mean to me doesn't mean I have to be mean to you, plus, I wanna be friends,"
She scoffed, "You're just saying that cause you're friends with my brother,"
I shook my head, "No I'm not. I'm saying it cause I-"
"Wait, why is Jasper dangling outside?" Henry asked.
Piper stood and looked through the window at the dangling boy. She turned back to Henry and shrugged. I laughed at her and shook my head.
I walk down from the sprocket to here a robotic voice say 'popcorn.' Never looking up from my phone, I walked over to the tubes, passing by something bright red.
"What's up, red?" I ask.
"What are you doing with that popcorn?" I hear Henry say.
"Putting it in my adventure sack,"
I furrow my eyebrows and finally look up, "You're what?" I stare at Ray and Henry's dorky costumes before cracking up at the sight, "Wow!"
"What?" Henry looked at me.
I attempted to suppress my laugh, I shook my head, "Nothing,"
Henry smiled and jokingly rolled his eyes. He turned his attention back to Ray, "You know they sell popcorn at the movie theater,"
"Yeah, for like a billion dollars," Ray said walking over to us two.
I stood under my tube snickering.
"Okay, let's go..." Henry walked over, "Corn smuggler,"
The three of us clicked our belt buckles.
"Up the tube!" Henry said.
We got lifted into the sky.
"No, my popcorn!" Ray whined.
"Ha! Your sack had a hole in it," Henry laughed.
Ray grunted in response.
As we walked into the movie room, I still could not get past the boy's ridiculous outfits.
"Will you stop laughing?" Henry asked.
I shook my head, "Sorry, it's just, you guys look hilarious," I grabbed my stomach; it hurt from laughing too much.
Ray shrugged me off, "You guys see The Spoiler?"
"No, not yet," Henry denied.
A kid came marching down the steps and up to Henry, "Red Skynaut, you are the sworn enemy of Mento,"
"Sorry, we don't speak nerd," Henry shrugged.
I swatted his shoulder, "Be nice,"
"Tranya!" The boy yelled, holding up a glow-bat, "You have insulted my tribe. Now, taste the Tassel of Tinklon," the boy whacked Henry in the face with a tassel.
Henry paused before yanking the kids glow-bat out of his hand and breaking it over his knee. I held my face and my hands and shook my head.
"Why'd you do that?" The boy whined, "Mom!" He ran up the stairs, "A kid just broke my glow-bat,"
Ray pointed to a row, "How bout those three seats right there?"
"Cool," Henry said.
We walked over to a row of chairs before Henry stopped us, "Hey, hey, hey," he whispered, "See that girl over there?"
"The one wearing the us button?" Ray asked.
"Yeah," Henry nodded, "That's the president of our fan club, the Man Fans,"
"She's the one who's being really mean to Henry's sister," I informed.
"Wow," Ray gasped.
"What?" Henry looked at him.
"Her button," Ray paused, "That's a fantastic picture of me-"
"Let's just sit down," Henry shoved Ray down into his seat.
I sat on the other side of Henry. I watched as Piper and Charlotte walked in and I nodded in their direction. Charlotte and Piper started to have a conversation before Piper ran up the stairs.
"Hi, Paula!" Piper exclaimed.
Paula didn't reply.
"Sup Paula?"
"Until you get a selfie with Captain Man and Danger Girl, don't talk to me, don't look at me, and don't even think about sitting with us," Paula yelled.
"Okay, sorry," Piper walked away.
I glanced back to Henry and Ray with a sad face.
"Hey, I want popcorn," Ray whined.
I looked at him with a questionable gaze.
"There's none left in your adventure sack?" Henry asked.
"You know there's not," Ray snapped, "Be right back."
"Keep an eye out for The Spoiler," I said.
"You too," Ray walked away.
I sighed.
"Uh, excuse me!" A voice yelled.
Looking up, I see a somewhat familiar face.
"Hey, people, listen up!"
"It's The Spoiler!" Charlotte yelled.
"He's going to ruin everything!" The kid from earlier whined.
"I got some information about the movie!" The Spoiler said.
"Ray?" Henry grumbled and left the room.
I scoffed, "Leave me to the dirty work why don't you?" I stood and ran behind the divider and made sure no one could see me.
"So get this-"
"Quick, everyone do this! La la la!" Charlotte yelled.
The room erupted into an annoying banter. I popped a gumball in my mouth and started chewing. I blew a bubble and popped it, sending a wave of blue and green over myself.
I walked out from behind the wall and yelled, "Hey you!"
The Spoiler turned to me, "What?"
"Shut up!"
"It's Danger Girl!" Piper yelled, "And Kid Danger!"
I turned around to see Henry, transformed as Kid Danger, walking over to me.
"Spoiler alert... I'm about to spoil you," Kid Danger quipped.
I smirked.
"Yes! That was the perfect quip!" Piper cheered.
"Get out of here," The Spoiler ordered.
The Spoiler lunged at me, placing his hands on my chest, and pushed me backwards, sending me to the wall.
"Don't touch her!" Henry yelled and tackled the boy.
They started fighting. Cheers erupted. Until, The Spoiler got Kid Danger in a arm lock. I moved to step forward but The
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