I crouched behind a shelf with Charlotte as we waited for Henry to get back. I was excited to tell him the news. We heard the doorbell ring and the door scuffle open.
"Hey, guys, I got the light bulbs," Henry beamed.
Ray, Charlotte, Gooch, and I all jumped out of our hiding spots and yelled, "Surprise!"
Henry screamed and jumped, sending the box of light bulbs to the floor and shattering glass everywhere.
I sighed, "Aw man, I'm going to have to clean that,"
"What was that for?" Henry shrugged.
Ray pulled him down to our level.
"It's not my birthday,"
"We know," Ray said.
"Give me your head," Charlotte ordered and sprayed hairspray on him.
"You, little buddy, are gonna be on television," Ray smiled.
"I'll get the shirt," Gooch said.
"Get the one I picked," I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to listen.
"Shirt? Wait," Henry looked confused, "What are you rubbing on my face?"
"Makeup," Ray shrugged.
"You're going to be on Spin and Win," Charlotte explained.
"The game show?"
"Yep," Ray assured.
"Hey, which shirt should Henry wear?" Gooch held up two shirts, "Gooch one, or Gooch two?"
"Neither," I grumbled.
"Oh, come on, Gooch is the new black,"
"Go get the shirt I picked out," I waved him away.
"Alright, can someone tell me why we're doing this?" Henry said, pushing Charlotte and Ray's hands away from his head.
"We'll all tell you," Charlotte gestured to the three of us.
"Alternating?" Ray asked.
"Sure," I nodded, "You start."
Ray turned Henry toward him and applied makeup to his face, "You know those weird burglaries that have been happening all over town?"
"And how the police have no idea how the burglars are getting in or out of the people's houses?" Charlotte continued.
"Well, Charlotte figured out that in every one of the houses that have been burglarized, someone had recently been on Spin and Win and won," I removed Henry's flannel.
"But then, all the winner's prizes were stolen from their houses," Charlotte sprayed Henry's hair again.
Henry nodded, "You guys realize there's broken glass all over the floor?"
Gooch walked up holding the shirt I picked, "Here's the shirt,"
"I like your style Maebel," Charlotte glanced at me then turned to Henry, "Good thing you don't have that ugly shirt on,"
Henry shoved Ray's hand away from him, "Why do I have to change clothes?"
I tapped his chest, "Because you're gonna to be on t.v, boy,"
He chuckled at the way I said it.
"Besides, don't you wanna look good?" I imitated his catch phrase.
He smiled at me, "I thought I looked good before I came in here,"
Everyone besides me groaned in protest. Gooch threw me the shirt.
"Man, I can't believe I'm going to be on Spin and Win,"
I started to put the shirt on Henry.
"Hey, what if Henry doesn't win?" Gooch asked, wadding Henry's old shirt in his hand.
"He better win," Charlotte looked up at him.
"Why?" Henry fixed the collar on the flannel.
"So you'll get the prizes..." Ray started.
"And then we wait at your house to see if you get burglarized," Charlotte finished.
"Wait, hang on," Henry paused.
"What?" I shrugged.
"You two are smarter than me," Henry gestured to Charlotte and I, "Why don't either of you go on the show and win?"
"I don't want my house burgled," Charlotte scoffed.
"And I live in the Man Cave, not a normal house," I shrugged.
"You could pretend you live at my house,"
I thought for a moment.
"You know, that's not a bad idea," Ray gaped.
"And it would work," Charlotte sighed.
"Okay," I shrug, "I'll do it."
Henry's phone started to ring, "What's up?" He asked.
I heard murmuring over the phone as Ray and Charlotte moved to get me ready.
"Why? Well, I'm not going to be home until later tonight. No, Maebel's going to be on Spin and Win," Henry smiled back at me, "Yeah. Can my dad go to the show with my sister?" Henry asked Ray.
"I guess. Just tell him to get there early so they can get tickets," Ray shrugged.
"Your dad and Piper want to come watch me play?" I smiled slightly.
Henry nodded, "Yeah," Henry lifted the phone back up to his ear, "Just get there early."
"Now, remember, you have to win this game," Ray said turning to me.
We were on the set of Spin and Win, in front of a large crowd.
"I'm going to try," I shrugged.
"And, keep your eye out for any suspicious activity," Charlotte said.
"Right," I nodded.
"Yeah, stay focused. Can't let anything distract you from..." Ray moaned, looking past me.
I turned my head to see girls dressed to the tongue in fancy dresses.
"Uh, I better go check out those girls," Ray started over.
"Why?" Charlotte asked.
"It's my job,"
I glanced toward the crowd, "Maybe Henry should just do this. That's a lot of people," my mouth began to dry.
Henry grabbed my hand and smiled at me, "No, you got this. Ignore the people and do what you do best, saving the world. If that doesn't help, think of me,"
I smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. We pulled back and he quickly pecked my lips.
"Okay, okay, barf-o-rama," Charlotte groaned.
I stood behind the podium as the crowd around me cheered. It had been a little bit since the show started and I was tied with my component.
"Okay," Rick walked over, "We got a tie game going so whoever gets the next question right, will move on to our final round, where they will spin and hopefully win the five spectacular prizes you see rotating on that thing over there," he gestured to a wheel of prizes.
My palms started to sweat, and I immediately got nervous. Remembering what Henry said, I sighed, and brought my breathing back to a normal pace.
"Ready guys?" Rick turned back to us, "For one-thousand points, what do these three celebrities have in common?" He turned to the giant screen, "Jimmy Fallon, Jack Black, and Taylor Swift?"
I slapped my buzzer.
"Maebel," Rick pointed at me.
"None of them have won Olympic medals," I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"Correct!" He beamed.
I smiled. The crowd began to cheer.
"And Maebel Manchester advanced to our final round," Rick commentated.
I sighed, feeling pressure relief off my chest.
"Alright, in a moment we'll be back to see if Maebel can Spin and Win these fabulous prizes, show them girls," Rick gestured to the wheel of prizes again, "An electric guitar, an underwater sharkpoon, a karaoke machine, a skateboard with a motor on it,"
I glanced up to the big t.v and instantaneously, a video of a rainbow swirled around the screen. I tried so hard to look away, but I couldn't. The world around me fell black, except for the screen. Suddenly, the t.v stopped and my surroundings became clear again.
"Oh, Maebel," Rick sang.
Someone grabbed my shoulders and pulled me toward the center of the stage while wiping my mouth.
Rick placed a hand on my shoulder, "You okay?"
I smiled, "Yeah. Sorry, Rick,"
"No worries. Now, to win those five prizes there on the prize wheel," Rick gestured, "you'll have to identify ten breeds of dogs in under thirty seconds,"
I nodded, "Let's do it,"
"Thirty seconds on the clock," Rick said, "Your time begins now,"
I watched the pictures flash onto the screen and started to name off the dogs, "German Shepard, Cocker Spaniel, Norwegian Blue Hound,"
A buzz sounded, telling me I got it wrong.
I groaned, "Great Dane, Micro Mini Golden Doodle, Bichon, Schnauzer, Pug, tiny thing,"
The buzz sounded.
"Spotless Dalmatian, ugly, pass, Shih Tzu?"
Confetti flooded the screen, and the word 'Winner' flashed.
"And Maebel Manchester wins!" Rick cheered.
"We'll be right back, after these commercial messages," An automated voice said.
I smiled and danced with the girls and Rick, as Ray was dragged away by a security guard.
3rd View
"What?" Henry asked while on the phone, "You didn't see Maebel win the game show?"
Maebel frowned at the news. Ray came in carrying the electric guitar.
"Where do you want the hot yogurt machine?" Charlotte asked Maebel.
Maebel shrugged, "Over there,"
Charlotte followed the instructions.
"Why can't they?" Henry asked.
Maebel furrowed her eyebrows.
"Got it," he nodded, "Cool. Poop you later," he shoved his phone in his pocket with a sigh, "Looks like my dad's going to be in the hospital all night,"
"Your dad got hurt?" Charlotte asked.
"What happened?" Maebel shrugged.
"No, Piper broke Jasper's nose with her selfie stick," Henry explained.
"Oh my God, Piper got a selfie stick?" Charlotte beamed.
"Yeah, I guess," Henry shrugged.
"So, uh, where's your mom?" Ray strummed the guitar.
"Ray," Maebel gritted through her teeth.
"At the rodeo until Sunday," Henry explained.
Ray played a country riff on the instrument, receiving blank stares, "You said rodeo. So, I played a riff with a, country flair," he flicked the strings.
"Stop hitting on Henry's mom," Maebel groaned.
Maebel shook her head, "Because, then it would be father and daughter with mother and son, and for the record, if it comes down to it, daughter had son first," she snapped.
Henry smirked as Ray pouted.
"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Henry asked.
"I say we just hang out here all night..." Charlotte started.
Ray played a rock and roll riff, earning annoyed stared from the three kids.
"And wait for the burglar to try and break in," Charlotte finished.
Ray played again.
"And if the burglar does break in, we jump him and- stop that!" Henry screamed at Ray who played once more.
Ray backed away and played a sassy tone. Maebel shook her head and sighed.
The four sat watching out the windows, waiting for someone to break into Henry's house.
"Hey, hey!" Charlotte exclaimed, "A van just pulled up in front of the house,"
"A van?" Henry gaped.
"Criminal's love vans," Ray shook his head.
They rushed to the front door.
"That's got to be the burglars," Ray said.
Maebel's phone started to vibrate in her pocket.
"Whose phone's vibrating?" Charlotte asked.
"Mine," Maebel pulled the tiny computer out, "Someone wants to video chat me,"
"It's bad luck not to accept a video chat," Charlotte mumbled.
Henry and Ray agreed. Maebel stepped off of the platform and stood next to the armchair. She answered the call, holding her phone to eye level. The same rainbow swirl from earlier twisted over the screen, and pulled her back in to her damped state.
"Maebel Manchester," a soft voice spoke, "the prizes you won today..."
"Take them outside," another voice spoke, this time, male, "and put them in the white van."
Maebel involuntarily nodded and ended the call. She followed the instructions and picked up the karaoke machine, pushed past the three, and walked outside to put it in the vehicle.
"Hey, where are you taking that?" Ray asked her.
"Maebel," Charlotte said.
"She just walked right past us," Henry shrugged.
"And I think she was drooling again," Ray furrowed his eyebrows.
Maebel walked back into the house in a zombie trance.
"Maebel," Ray stopped her, "Why are you putting your prizes in that van outside?"
"Say something," Charlotte persuaded.
Maebel moved Ray's shirt out of the way and yanked the hem of his boxers up, giving him a wedgie. Maebel picked up the hot yogurt machine and walked out as Ray turned to fix his underwear.
"Why is Maebel acting so weird?" Henry questioned, looking at the two.
"I don't know," Charlotte walked over to Ray, "But it started when someone video-chatted her. Maybe..."
Ray snapped his fingers, "Hypnosis,"
"Hypnosis?" Henry repeated.
"So that's why the cops could never catch the burglar," Charlotte beamed.
"Because there is no burglar," Henry said.
"Someone figured out a way to make people burgle themselves," Ray concluded.
Maebel walked into the room with a smile on her face, "What's up, guys?" Her face fell, "Hey, where'd all my prizes go?"
"You picked them up, took them outside, and put them in a van," Charlotte explained.
"Huh?" Maebel shrugged.
"We'll explain later," Ray moved closer to her, "Right now, we're going to track that van and find your prizes,"
"And the criminals who made you burglarize yourself," Henry said.
"Right, but first..." Ray pulled Maebel's underwear up vengefully.
Maebel yelped in pain and covered her area, "Frontal wedgie, bro!"
Henry whipped his head away and covered his eyes until she turned and fixed her undergarments. Henry grabbed her hand gently and pulled her out of the house.
"Hey! Get your hands off that hot yogurt machine!" Kid Danger yelled at the kids.
The three superheroes showed up to the set of Spin and Win after tracking the van. They saw Rick Richards children, Derek and Maddy. The woman retracted her hands from the machine. Maddy turned to her brother and whispered something.
"What do you guys want?" Derek asked.
"We want you to stop hypnotizing innocent game show contestants and stealing their prizes," Captain Man explained.
"Yeah," Kid Danger nodded, "That's what we want."
"You kids make me sick," Captain Man shook his head.
"Cause you're jerks," Danger Girl insulted.
"You don't know anything about us," Maddy defended.
"You have no idea what it's like to spend all day working here..." Derek shook his head.
"Watching other people get cool prizes," Maddy finished.
"So you think it's okay to hypnotize innocent prize winners?" Captain Man inched closer.
"And force them to give their prizes back?" Kid Danger joined in.
"So you guys can sell them for money?" Danger Girl also ridiculed.
The two siblings shrugged.
"It's worked out great so far," Maddy said, "Made a lot of money."
"Well, yeah, I mean... we have no problem with it," Derek thinned his lips.
"Well, now it's time for you to spin-"
"And lose!" Ray interrupted Henry.
"I was going to say that," Henry groaned.
"Yeah, sure you were," Ray scoffed.
"You guys are gonna get it now," Maddy scowled.
"Girls," Derek turned his attention to the three ladies, "Show our contestants what they've won,"
The two stepped back and the three ladies got into a fighting stance.
"I think those girls wanna fight us," Henry said.
"I could think of worse things," Ray smirked.
"We can't hit girls," Henry growled.
"Quinoa!" The one in the blue yelled.
"Bok choi!" This time the one in the purple.
"Foo goo!" Then, the pink.
"You guys may not be able to," Maebel got into her fighting stance, "But I can!"
The woman in purple raced toward Danger Girl. She swung, missing as Danger Girl dodged. Maebel grabbed the woman's arm and kneed her in the stomach, then the nose, then she shoved her to the ground. The woman stood again a kicked Maebel in the thigh and punched her in the face. Maebel didn't notice Captain Man and Kid Danger scampering away from the other two girls.
"Captain Man!" Kid Danger yelled.
Maebel grunted and fell to the floor upon being pushed. The woman held her down with a foot to her chest.
"What?" Ray yelled back.
"These girls are dudes!" Henry yelled.
Ray ripped the wig off of the guy, "They are dudes!" He stood.
"Did you know they were dudes?" Derek asked his sister.
"I had no idea!"
"Now what?" Henry asked.
"Well, now we can hit them as hard and as often as we want,"
"Then, let's do that,"
Maebel still struggled to get up. The man who pinned her down applied more and more pressure on her chest, making her unable to breathe.
"Kid Danger!" She rasped out, "Help!"
Kid Danger ran over to Maebel and punched the guy out cold. Maebel coughed and stood with the help of Henry.
"You alright?" Henry asked.
"Yeah, thanks," she gasped, brushing the footprint off her chest.
"And to think I was going to ask all three of you out at the same time," Captain Man paced around the males.
Maebel and Henry shared a confused glance.
"I guess you're gonna call the cops on us now," Derek said in a sweet voice.
"Yeah, I am,"
"It's nine, one-"
"I know the number," Ray shushed Henry.
Maebel shook her head and turned to acknowledge the men rolling around on the floor.
I watched as the front door to Henry's house swung open. Ray played a riff on the electric guitar that I won and smiled at Mr. Hart, Piper, and Jasper as they walked through the door. The three were shocked. Jasper had a bright white bandage that covered his entire nose.
"Hey!" The four of us exclaimed.
"Wow," Piper gaped.
"What is all this?" Mr. Hart asked.
"The prizes I won on the game show," I explained.
"Whoa," Piper picked up the sharkpoon, "What's this thing?"
"It's for fighting sharks," Henry said.
"It's called a sharkpoon," Charlotte informed.
Piper hummed and nodded in response. Ray nudged Henry and nodded in his dad's direction.
"Oh, dad, this is my boss from Junk-N-Stuff, you know, Maebel's dad," Henry introduced them.
"Oh," Mr. Hart walked over.
"Ray Manchester," Ray held his hand out.
"Oh, yeah, great to finally meet you," Mr. Hart shook his hand.
"Yeah, you too, you have a beautiful wife- house. House,"
Mr. Hart narrowed his eyes, "Thanks."
I glanced to Henry and sighed.
"How does a sharkpoon work?" Piper asked.
"Be careful with that," Henry shrugged to his little sister.
"Be careful with that," Piper mocked.
"So, how's your nose?" Charlotte asked Jasper.
I walked to the kitchen and jumped up on the counter.
"Broken, but it's going to heal," Jasper said.
"And then will it look better or worse?"
"The same,"
"Sorry dude," Charlotte shook her head.
"Okay, people," Henry yelled, "Who's hungry for something good?" He trailed, smirking back at me.
There were a strand of agreements.
Henry leaned next to me on the counter, "Okay, cool, cause we got..." he looked at me and nodded.
"Hot yogurt!" We yelled in unison.
"Wow, you won a ho-yo machine?" Mr. Hart glanced at me.
"Yeah, dad," Henry scoffed and handed me a bowl.
Henry leaned in between my legs and ate his hot yogurt. I squeezed him lightly, causing him to look back and blush.
"Well," Jasper sat on a bar stool, "I had a pretty bad day, but this makes up for all-"
Piper gasped as an arrow shot through Jasper's cast. She dropped the sharkpoon and looked away
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