Chapter 4
Hinata and I set the table in relative silence. It wasn't uncomfortable yet it was unusual to see Shoyo acting so quiet. Quite a few times our hands grazed past each other, causing pink to bloom on my cheeks.
I looked down curiously at the four place settings, perhaps his dad would be returning home soon? Hinata, as though noticing my bewilderment, spoke up.
"I have a little sister, Natsu, she's probably in her room right now."
Hinata had a sister? Why didn't I know? After the momentary quiet, Hinata seemed to have regained his talkative demeanor.
"Kenma-San, are you sure your parents are okay with you staying for dinner? I haven't even met them yet. Is this really okay?"
Heat rose in Shoyo's cheeks as he stepped back and waved his hands frantically in front of his face like a flailing bird.
"Sorry! I didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't want you to stay! I promise I didn't mean it like that!. I really want you to stay."
He wants me to stay? I mentally slapped myself for latching onto his words, he didn't even mean it like that, Shoyo was just being polite. Suddenly, a surge of confidence poured through my veins, I moved my hand to Shoyo's arms to calm him.
"I know what you meant, Shoyo. You look funny when you worry."
Oh god, I'm terrible at this. I just insulted him. I glanced up nervously, expecting an injured expression on his face. Instead I was greeted by one of his amazing smiles, shining like the sun.
Hinata stepped forward and wrapped me in a tight embrace, his orange hair tickling my chin. My body tensed at the sudden touch.
"I'm so glad you're my friend now Kenma-San" he mumbled, his words muffled by my shirt. After a few seconds, we broke apart.
My mind turned hazy as Hinata's mother, accompanied by Natsu, entered the room. Natsu really did look just like a smaller, more feminine version of Shoyo. We sat down to eat at the small, round table as Hinata's mother passed around our food.
The udon truly was amazing, but I could hardly focus, the remnants of Shoyo's hug still burning on my skin. A tap on my arm from Shoyo shook me out of my daze.
"I'm sorry, could you please repeat the question?" I asked bashfully, staring down at my soup. Mrs. Hinata simply gave me a small smile and repeated, "how do you know Shoyou? I'm surprised, he doesn't have many friends outside his team"
My palms grew slightly sweaty, I hated talking to adults. Shoyo seemed to sense my discomfort and began to answer for me.
"Kenma-San and I are in the same computing class! We were assigned as partners for an upcoming assignment. I've seen him around campus a lot too! We're even in the same English course"
Hinata has noticed that? We'd never even talked in that class before. I felt a tightening in my chest. He noticed me. I couldn't help but smile complacently at the thought.
We finished our dinner with occasional idle chit-chat led mostly by Natsu and Shoyo which was just fine by me. I was happy to simply observe them. I stood and began to clear dishes and my hand was quickly swatted away by Shoyo's
"Your our guest, I'll be the one to clear the dishes." Hinata rose from his seat and began to clean the table. As he walked over to the sink, dishes balanced precariously in his hands Ms. Hinata turned to me once again.
"You know, I've never seen Shoyo voluntarily do dishes, not even when Kageyama comes over." She gave me a knowing smile and stood, shooing Shoyo and I out of the kitchen.
"I'll do the dishes tonight, you two go hang out."
Shoyo guided me to the cramped living room, it was cluttered yet somehow not messy at all. He plopped down onto the couch, patting the place beside him.
"Anything you want to watch?" he questioned.
I shrugged "whatever's on works for me"
Shoyo began flipping through Cheney's before coming to a halt on one. Love Actually, I can't believe this was playing already, It was only November. A wide grin spread across Shoyo's face as he said "I love this movie!"
Okay, I guess I wouldn't mind this movie. We settled down, Shoyo pulling a large blanket across the two of us.
About halfway through the movie Ms. Hinata entered the room.
"Kenma? It's started to rain pretty hard, most of the roads are closed. I don't think I could send you home in good conscience. Would you like to stay here for the night? You'll have to ask your parents"
Heat burned on my face at the thought of sharing a room with Shoyo. Quickly I answered "No, no! I've already overstayed my welcome! I should really go home."
Ms. Hinata crossed east her arms, taking on a motherly tone.
"I will not be sending you home in this rain, now text your parents that you'll be spending the night."
One glance at her face let me know there was no way out of this. "Yes ma'am" I answered, pulling out my phone, it's not like my parents would care anyways
A/N Tysm for almost 80 reads! Sorry for the slow updates, so much schoolwork! Happy thanksgiving 🦃
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