Angel 17

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Sehun decided not to attend school today with Yoona and to stay at home with Taeyong because he doesn't have any class for today.

"Hyung!" Taeyong called as he walks inside the kitchen where Sehun is teaching Yoona how to cook a simple ramen. The two turned to look at him "Mom called me just now." He said holding his phone

"What did she said?" Sehun asked

"She said, we should go to the orphanage today." Taeyong answered "You know, she can't make it."

"What's orphanage, TY?" Yoona asked

"You don't know what's orphanage, Yoona noona?" Taeyong asked, Yoona shook her head as an answer "It is a place called home for the homeless children. They're keeping them there and probably taking care of them."

"Oh, it was a nice place then." She exclaimed

"Yes it is." Taeyong chuckled "Have you been in an orphanage before, noona?"

"No, I guess?" She answered "I'm not that familiar here in Seoul."

"Oh, so you're not from Seoul? Where did you leave, noona?" Taeyong asked

"Stop asking stupid questions, Taeyong. You're not a reporter." Sehun hissed

Taeyong rolled his eyes "Fine. So are we gonna go there?" He asked

"Yeah, we will go there after we eat." Sehun answered as he gets the food from the stove and place it on the table

"Can I come?" Yoona asked "Please?" She begged with puppy eyes

Taeyong chuckled at his hyung's reaction "S-sure. You c-can." Sehun answered stuttering

Yoona beamed widely "Why are you stuttering, hyung?" Taeyong teased

Sehun glared at him "Shut up." He said, Taeyong shrugged and sat on the vacant chair beside Yoona.

They're at the middle of eating when Yoona spoke "Sehun, before we went on the orphanage, can we visit Irene first?" She asked

"Why, Yoona noona?" Taeyong asked

"I just want to see her." Yoona answered

"Sure, we can." Sehun answered, smiling back at Yoona. He suddenly felt his phone vibrates, he yank his phone from his pocket and read the message.

From: Charcoal Kai

Hey, Sehun! Mr. Chin (Kris) called for a short manly meeting today, meet us at the music club. Don't bring any weapons with you or else, we will stab you using Kris hyung's chin. And always remember that, I'm handsome. ;)

He typed a full of effort 'K' as his reply before he slid his phone back inside his pocket.

"Who's that, Sehun?" Yoona asked

"It's Kai." He answered "He said that Kris hyung wants to talk to us."

"Oh, where?" Yoona asked

"School. So I'll go to school first after dropping you by at Irene's house. I'll come back after our talk." He stated "Is that okay?"

"Of course, of course! I'll just wait for you at Irene's house." Yoona exclaimed

"Okay, stay with her Taeyong." Sehun said

"Aye aye! Captain!" He answered with a salute, Yoona giggles before they continue eating.

After eating and preparing themselves to go, they're now walking at the parking area towards Sehun's car. Taeyong sat on the backseat while Yoona is on the passenger seat beside Sehun.

After couple of minutes, they reached the gate of Irene's house. Taeyong and Yoona exited the car, Sehun opened the window "Are you sure you don't want me to come?" He asked Yoona

"I'm sure, Sehun. You have to meet Kris and the others, right?" Yoona asked, Sehun nodded as an answer "then you should go, greet Jessica a 'Hi' for me, I missed her." She pouted

Sehun chuckled "Okay then, I'll go now." He said then looked at Taeyong "Taeyong take care of your noona, you understand?"

Taeyong acted like a soldier and salute his hyung "Yes hyung! I will!" He answered "I know you still want to marry her and have kids with her so, I'll take care of her, Sir!" He said, still in soldier style

Sehun glares at him so he immediately hid behind Yoona. "I'll go now." He said, they exchanged smiles before Sehun closed the window and left.

"I'll press the doorbell now." Taeyong said before pressing the doorbell, a couple of minutes passed but still no response, he pressed again and wait but still nothing. "I think there's no one inside, noona." Taeyong said, Yoona nodded, sadness and disappointment plastered on her pretty face "I'll tell hyung that we will wait for him on the convenient store nearby."

"Okay.." Yoona mumbles, they were about to leave when they heard a loud thud, sound of a broken glass. Yoona tensed, she looked at Taeyong "T-Taeyong, let's go inside. I'm worried.."

"But noona, if we get inside without any permission, its called trespassing and its bad." Taeyong said when he lean on the gate and he noticed that its not locked.

"But.. I feel something different.." Yoona mumbles "like something bad might happen.. please Taeyong? Let's go inside, I just want to check if she's okay." Yoona begged with pleading and worried eyes, Taeyong can't say no to this.

He heaved a deep sigh "Fine, just stay behind me, okay? You should be safe or else my hyung will kill me and eat me for dinner."

"You're talking to me like you're older and Sehun won't eat you." Yoona whined

"Well apparently, my way of thinking is more mature than you, noona and yes, hyung can eat me." Taeyong said then he opened the gate "Let's go."

Yoona is just following him from behind until they reached the main door, Taeyong gently pushed it and they take glimpse of a man laying on the long couch of the living room with scattered broken glass on the floor. Maybe that's the sound they heard a while ago.

Taeyong was about to speak when they heard loud footsteps coming from the stairs, they saw a woman in her early 40s pulling someone's hair down the stairs.

Without noticing them, the woman throw the girl on the living room and landed on the floor. The moment they looked at the girl, they knew it was Irene "E-eomma.. please stop." She begged

"I'm not your mother!!" The woman yells "your mother is a bitch!!" The woman grabbed the small vase placed on the center table and about to hit Irene when a strong arm stopped her.

Taeyong grabbed the vase and put it back on its place in just a second. The woman and Irene are surprised "Stop it." He said keeping himself calm "She already begged for you to stop, so stop!"

Yoona immediately ran towards Irene and help her stand, the guy on the couch is still sleeping "And who are you?" The woman asked "Are you going to take that bastard with you? Oh! Thank you very much. You can take her, no one cares!"

"How can you say that?" Taeyong asked in disbelief "She's your daughter."

"She's not my daughter!! The woman shrieked "Her mother is a slut! And that slut gave all her money to that bastard! The only thing he gave to his husband is this, this fcking house!!"

"My mother isn't a slut! You are!" Irene whined, she can't take it anymore "You and dad cheated behind her back before she died!"

"What did you—"

"STOP!" Taeyong screams making the woman stop, he looked at Yoona "Yoona noona, let's get out of here."

Yoona nodded and help Irene walk until they reached the gate, a loud thud of closing door is the only thing they heard before they left.

They went on the nearest convenient store, Taeyong bought two bottles of water for Irene and Yoona. After drinking it, Irene finally calmed. "I'm sorry for that, Yoona noona, Taeyong senpai." She apologize, slightly bowing her head "and thank you for saving me."

"It's nothing.." Yoona sooths her back "are you really okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay, noona. Stop worrying." Irene mumbles and gave them a reassuring smile.

"What's your plan now?" Taeyong asked "do you still want to go home?"

Irene bitterly smile "its not a home, senpai and no, I won't go back there. I've had enough."

"Well, its the best thing do to, since you have a money. It will be easy for you." Taeyong said trying to enlighten her but he knows he failed. He's not really good at this

"Yeah, I have money.. but I don't have a family.." Irene muttered then laugh "but its okay! I'll just rent an apartment near the school."

"You can stay in Sehun's unit. I'm willing to share my room to you." Yoona suddenly said, she thinks that, Irene wants a family and they can give it to her

"What are you talking about, noona?" Taeyong asked in surprised

"No need, Yoona noona. You helped me too much.. I don't deserve such offer." Irene said "I can live by myself."

"Fine.. but I'll still talk to Sehun about it." Yoona said


"Hey Sehun!" Kai greeted as they saw Sehun entered the music studio, he closed the door behind and sat next to Baekhyun

"What are you guys, doing here?" He asked "As far as I know, its still class hour."

"Isn't obvious? We skipped!" Chanyeol exclaimed

"Wow, what a proud idiot." Baekhyun said, Chanyeol rubbed his nape, embarrassed.

"So guys, what are you all doing here?" Kyungsoo asked

They all looked at Kris who seems so depressed "Well guys, I called you for our weekly manly meeting." Kris started

"If its a manly meeting, why Kyungsoo hyung and Baekhyun hyung are in here?" Sehun asked

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo glared at him "What do you mean, Sehun? That we're not manly? Huh?!" Kyungsoo asked /Satansoo mode activated/

Sehun gulped "That's not what I mean.." he whispered

"Hey guys, stop. I just want to talk about what happened yesterday.." Kris started, all ears and eyes are on him "You all have to know why she did it.. she has her reasons."

Kris told them all that happened between them and Tiffany yesterday and as he expected, they're all surprised.

"Wait, so you're telling us that you and Tiffany are cousins?" Kai asked, Kris nodded

"And why are we hearing this just now?" Chanyeol asked with a frown

"She wants to keep it a secret and I don't know why." Kris answered

"But hey, the big thing here is, Seohyun and Tiffany are siblings?" Baekhyun asked in disbelief

"Yeah, did you about know this, Sehun?" Kyungsoo asked, they all gazed at Sehun

"No." He simply answer

"Seems like you don't really care about her anymore.." Kai teased

"I know right? If you guys saw him yesterday. You can say that he's madly, deeply inlove!" Chanyeol exclaimed earning laugh from everyone except Sehun and Kris

"So, how do you feel yesterday, Sehun? Why did you cried?" Kai asked

"I.. I don't even know, it was just all of a sudden.. the memories of Seohyun's accident floods on my brain during that time.. I remember how weak I am not to save her.." he stated ducked head down "I just don't want that happened to Yoona.."

It took a long pause before he continue "I just.. feel different during that time.. those feelings that I never felt for Seohyun before.. it was strange though its nice, whenever she's around, I forgot everything and my mind is just focus on her.."

All are listening with amuse looked, this is the first time Sehun shared his feelings.

"Guys.. I think.. I think I like her.." he continue

Kai and Chanyeol groans "Of course you like her, that's why you're courting her, right?" Chanyeol said, note the sarcasm here

Sehun smiled despite himself "Yeah, of course." He mumbles

They were about to tease Sehun when that door swung open revealing Chen with two cute guys following him. "Hey guys! The handsome is here. Wassup?!" Chen greeted but no one greets him back

"Eomma!!" One of the guy called

"E-eomma? But we're all boys here." Kris said

The guy ran towards Baekhyun and hugged him "Eomma, I missed you!" He exclaimed

"WHAT?!" They all asked except Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen

"Why are you guys all surprised?" Baekhyun asked "Taehyung is my son." He said then wink

Taehyung stood up proudly "Yeah, and he's my appa." He said pointing Chanyeol

Chanyeol pulled him into hug "I missed you, kid!" Chanyeol exclaimed, Taehyung laughed and hugs back his 'appa'

"So, you're a happy family now?" Kai asked "how does it happened?"

"He's a junior, he's just new in music club so me and Chanyeol are helping him." Baekhyun explained "V, Kookie, Introduce yourself."

The two guys bowed at them "My name is Kim Taehyung and this is my best friend Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you sunbae!"

After introducing themselves the two went inside the studio and start practicing for the performance at the ball.

"They're too young." Kris mumbles

"And adorable." Kai added

"We know, right?" Kyungsoo rolled his eyes "So now that they're here, we can start practicing."

"Yeah, so go out!" Baekhyun said, Kyungsoo and Chen nodded

"Seriously?" Chanyeol asked "even me?"

"Yes, all of you." Baekhyun answered

"Shoo! Shoo!" Chen said, the manly squad doesn't have any choice but to get out.

"So guys, I'm going now." Sehun said "Yoona is waiting for me."

"Okay. Good luck, lover boy!" Kai said, then they laugh at Sehun

Sehun glares "Oh, Kris hyung, please said 'Hi' to Jessica. Yoona missed her."

Kris' expression suddenly changed into sad one "She's not talking to me, she didn't even attend class today." Kris mumbles

"Why? What happened?" Chanyeol asked

"She saw me and Tiffany yesterday and she thinks that we're having an affair." Kris answered then looked at Sehun "Sehun, please tell Yoona to talk to her and ask her if she's okay, I'm worried to death."

Sehun nodded and pat Kris shoulder "I'll tell it. I'll go now." He said, they all nod.

Sehun starts walking towards the gate, "Kris hyung, don't look down too much, you might die because of your chin." He heard Kai said followed by a loud laugh


Lame, I know. ._.


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