Angel 16

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Sehun while carrying Yoona entered the clinic, Chanyeol and Kai are following them. The nurse immediately approach them with a worried look. "What happened to her?" She asked

"She almost fell from the stairs.. we think she need to take some rest." Chanyeol answered for Sehun

The nurse sighed in relief "Good thing, nothing serious happened." She mumbles as she calmed down "Put her on the third cubicle." She said gesturing them the bed covered by light blue curtains.

The three nodded and immediately lay Yoona on the bed. "Thank you for bringing me here, Sehun." She said thanking Sehun, then looked at Chanyeol and Kai's direction "same with you, Chanyeol and Kai. If you all weren't there maybe one of my precious bones are broken now." She kidded

Chanyeol and Kai chuckled as they both ruffled her hair making her pout "It's nothing, really." Kai said

"Yeah, we wouldn't let someone who's important to Sehun get hurt again." Chanyeol added "If you only saw his reaction when he saw you walking backwar—"

"Shut up, hyung." Sehun hissed, embarrassed. Chanyeol and Kai chuckled

"Fine, fine." Chanyeol surrenders "I think we should go outside first and let Yoona rest here, Sehun."

"Chanyeol's right, Sehun." Yoona mumbles looking at Sehun "I'll just sleep, you should do what you have to do. Don't be too worried about me."

"No, I'll stay here until you fall asleep." Sehun said as he sat on the chair just beside the bed and held Yoona's hand

"But Sehun, you still have class—"

"I don't care." He hissed

Chanyeol and Kai let out a deep sigh "Alright, we'll just find where Kris hyung took Tiffany." Chanyeol said

Sehun nodded "Please send me a message when you saw them." He said "I'll let someone learn her lessons today." He mumbles as his jet black eyes went into deep emotion

"Okay." Kai answered "Yoona, take some rest." He said, after receiving a nod and smile the two guys exited the clinic

"Now, you should rest." Sehun sternly said as he pulled the blanket until Yoona's chest

Yoona make herself comfortable, "I'm sorry, Sehun.." she mumbles playing Sehun's fingers who's holding her hand

"Sorry for what?" Sehun asked, confused.

"For being dumb and stupid.." she said not even meeting Sehun's deep frown "and for being a headache, I always get into trouble because I am not listening to you.. I'm sorry, Sehun.. I really am." She apologized

Sehun lifted her chin up meeting her gray eyes "you don't have to blame yourself, Yoona." He muttered "It's not your fault, so don't apologize."

"But! I cause you too much trouble!" She exclaimed like she'll have a mental breakdown anytime soon "Instead of studying there at peace, you're here holding my hand just to make me feel better.."

"Don't you like it?" Sehun asked as he tighten his hold on Yoona's soft like feather hand "Me here, holding your hand like this?" He raised their intertwined hands and affectionately kissed the back of Yoona's hand

Yoona flushed as she felt her heart skip a beat by the sudden affection "T-that's not what I mean.." she said almost a whisper

"So, do you perhaps like it?" Sehun asked

Yoona can feel her face heat up "I.. I did.." she murmurs "I liked it." She admits as she gaze away from Sehun's eyes

"See.." he breathed "that's what matters to me. You being comfortable making me comfortable too. Just like seeing you happy makes me happy too." He smiles despite himself "Amazing isn't?"

Yoona who seems lost of words doesn't have any idea what's happening to her in this very moment. Everything is foreign, from the way her heart beats faster that its usual, heating of her face, wild butterflies inside her stomach and the overflowing exult she feels with Sehun's words playing in her head like a mantra.

"Hey.. you're face were red. Are you okay?" Sehun asked, worried.

She slowly shook her head "No Sehun, I think I'm not okay.." she said "My body feels different yet nice and I don't know why.."

Sehun brows crumpled "Different yet nice? Like what?" He asked, confused.

"Something weird.. I think, I really need some rest. I'll sleep now, Sehun." She said

"Yes, you should—"

"Yoona unnie/noona!!!!" They heard Irene and Taeyong both yelled as they entered Yoona's room

Taeyong and Irene saw their hands intertwined, when Sehun realize that they're looking into their hands, he immediately hid their intertwined hands under the blanket "Oopps.." Taeyong started "Did we just interrupt a sweet moment?"

Sehun glared at him "Shut up, Taeyong. You both are too loud." He said as he fought a blush because of Taeyong's teasing stares

"Waaahh!!!" Irene whined then hugged Taeyong "Yoona unnie got hurt, senpai! I can't look!"

Taeyong tried to push her away but Irene keeps on hugging him tight burying her face on Taeyong's chest. "Hey! You freak woman. Don't wipe your spit with my super clean forever21 t-shirt!!" Taeyong yelled

Yoona laughed while Sehun is shaking his head in disbelief "I'm okay, Irene." Yoona said wiping the tears on the corner of her eyes because of too much laughing

Irene let go of Taeyong's spit wet shirt and turned to Yoona. The older female smiled at her, she immediately jump up the bed and hugged Yoona "Omo unnie! I'm really worried!" She exclaimed

Yoona patted her back with her free hand, her other hand is still on hold of a guy named Sehun. "I'm really, okay Irene, but.. I think.. I.. can't.. breath.." Yoona breathed

Irene looked at her "Wae? Unnie?!"

"You're.. too.. heavy.."

Taeyong immediately pulled Irene out of the bed "Aish! You're really crazy, don't you?!!"

"Yes!! Crazy for you, Senpai!!" She exclaimed and clung her arm on Taeyong's.

Taeyong keeps on pushing him but always fail "Ugh, this is really annoying.." he mumbles "hyung!! Help me!" He called his hyung

"No." Sehun answered him making him pout whilst Irene is grinning really, really wide "By the way. What are you two, doing here?"

"Taeyong senpai, didn't attend the first subject and he said he's not going to attend the second one, so I decided to come with him." Irene gratefully explained

Taeyong snapped his forehead, he's dead now. "You're skipping class, Taeyong?!" Sehun exclaimed in disbelief

"I wasn't hyung, I swear." He exclaimed "it was just.. we didn't attend the first subject because we searched for frogs and I also didn't attend the second one because I want to check how's Yoona noona." He stated dramatically, trying to convince his hyung "So its not really skipping class!"

"No Taeyong. We will talk about it lat—"

"No need TY. I believe in you." Yoona said, smiling

"What?" Sehun asked in disbelief "you're spoiling her, Yoona!"

"I'm not spoiling her, Sehun!" Yoona yelled back with a glare making Sehun shut up, Taeyong smiled "I was just listening to him, you're being too strict to your dongsaeng!"

"Yoona unnie is right, Sehun sunbae. Taeyong is doing great in our class. He's really smart!" Irene added making Taeyong beamed wider

Sehun sighed "Fine. Just don't so that again. You understand, TY?"

"I can't promise that, hyung. Bye!" He answered, but before Sehun could react he immediately ran outside pulling Irene with him.

"TAEYONG!!!!!!!" Sehun yelled, the nurse glared at him making him gulped

Yoona giggles beside him "Calm down, Sehun." She whispered

Sehun slowly looked at her, and in just a split second he calmed down by just seeing Yoona smiling at him. "You really have a huge effect on me, do you?" Sehun chuckled to himself

"What do you mean?" Yoona asked

"Nothing." Sehun sweetly smile

Neither did Yoona know, she feel the same thing. Sehun has a huge effect on her.


"Hey! Kris!!" Tiffany yelled whilst Kris is pulling her down the stairs "Let go of my arm!! You're hurting me!!" She whined

Kris glared at her and pinned her against the locker making a loud noise, but he's thankful that everyone's inside the classroom now, so probably no one will hear them.

"What the actual fck did you do this time, Stephanie!!" Kris asked between gritted teeth. "You almost killed, Yoona!"

Tiffany looked away "Serves her right." She mumbles making Kris more annoyed

"Why are you doing this for Seohyun?!" He asked "Are you really out of your mind?!"

Tiffany flared at him then she gripped Kris' collar pulling it closer to her "You don't understand!" She exclaimed

Kris was about to asked Tiffany when they heard something hit the ground, they both looked at where the sound came from. And to Kris' surprised, he saw Jessica standing there with a book on the floor. A tear fell from her eyes. Jessica immediately ran away before his very eyes.

Kris followed her and eventually reached her arm "Jess, let me explain."

"NO!!!" Jessica yells "Don't fcking touch me with your filthy hands, bastard!!"

"But, Jessica—"

"I said, DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" She shrieked, and Kris knows that she's serious so he immediately let go of Jessica's arm "I'm going home and don't even think of following me. I don't want to see your face!" Jessica said before leaving them

Kris was left there dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry about her.." he heard Tiffany muttered

Kris turned to look at her "This won't have any excuse, Stephanie. I will tell your dad about this. As your cousin, I need to stop you from doing this."

"Go on, tell him. As if he cares." Tiffany challenged "he's not even my real father, Yifan!"

"What are you talking about?" Kris asked, confused

"He's not my real father, Yifan!" She repeats, as tears keeps falling on her pretty face "I'm just mommy's daughter from a different man and its not dad, do you fcking understand that?!!"

"Stop this nonsense, Stephanie!"

"Yes! It's really nonsense!" She exclaimed as she start crying loud "I just found it out the moment Seohyun got into the accident! And you know what's fcking hurt the most?!"

Kris is just listening to her, its just to hard to digest everything she says.

"Seohyun's father is my real father! My best friend is my fcking sister!! That means, mommy cheated on daddy!!"

"S-so that's why you're doing this?"

"Yes! You can't blame me for protecting my sister, I don't want everything took away from her just like what happened to me when dad found out that mom's cheating."

"But having revenge and killing someone isn't the right thing to do, Stephanie! Yoona is too innocent for this. She didn't even took away something from Seohyun! You should understand that." Kris exclaimed "don't put yourself into something that you'll probably regret in the future!"

"Too bad, I already did." She said as she wipes her tears

They heard footsteps towards them and saw Chanyeol and Kai. The two stop just behind Kris. "So, where's Sehun?" Tiffany asked

"She's with Yoona." Kai answered "You'll definitely pay for this, Tiffany!"

"Nah." She mumbles back from being bitch herself "Just so you all wait." She said then smirk "she'll going to wake up one of these days..

..and she'll make Yoona's life, miserable."


Wait for our maknae's comeback. Very, very soon..


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