Angel 18

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Sehun parked his car on the vacant spot in front of the convenient store Taeyong texted him. He immediately walk inside seeing Yoona and Taeyong together with Irene on one of the tables, he immediately went near them and sat on the vacant seat beside Taeyong.

"What happened?" Sehun asked

Taeyong told him everything that happened on Irene's house. "Yoona noona wants to take her on the orphanage together with us." Taeyong added

"It's really okay, if it will make you feel okay." Sehun said

"Thank you, Sehun sunbae." Irene said

"Let's go now?" Sehun asked, they all nod and exited the convenient store.

They entered Sehun's car same position but now, Taeyong is on the backseat together with Irene. After fastening their seatbelt, Sehun starts the engine and drove towards their destination.

After couple of minutes Yoona falls asleep with the soothing song filled the entire car, Sehun can't help but to glance at Yoona every once in a while, chuckling and asking himself if he really admits that he likes this angel next to him to his friends.

While Taeyong on the other hand keep glancing at Irene, her head's leaning on the window looking at nowhere in particular. "Hey.." he whispered, Irene immediately looked at him "Are you okay?" He asked, after he saw and heard earlier at Irene's house, he can't help but to feel sympathy towards the girl.

"Y-yes.. I'm okay, senpai." She answered then smile "I'm just sleepy." She admits

"You can lean on my shoulder if you want." Taeyong mumbles, rubbing his nape, slight embarrassed.

Irene blushes then move near Taeyong and rest her head on its broad shoulder with an idiot smile on her face. She wrapped her arm on Taeyong's and giggles. "I don't know, you're sweet senpai."

"I'm taking it back now." Taeyong said "Move back there!"

"No turning back now, Taeyong senpai. This is one of the best day of my life." She exclaimed

"You're saying that after you got beaten by your step mother." Taeyong said, letting Irene propped her head on his chest.

"No, its okay. You being nice to me is enough to turned my day in to something wonderful." Irene admitted, Taeyong fought a blush but fail "So thank you, Taeyong senpai."

Taeyong's thankful that Irene can't see his flushed face now, but poor him, his hyung noticed it and chuckled at him. He just glared at his hyung and eventually hears Irene's soft snore against his chest.

After half an hour of driving, they finally reached the orphanage. Yoona is giggling beside Sehun seeing Taeyong and Irene sleeping like a sweet couple. She took tons of photos of them, Sehun is just watching her whilst he shook his head in disbelief.

When Yoona is finally satisfied, they decided to wake them up. They open their eyes and rub it, finally waking up. "Get up now, we're here." Sehun said, he exited the car and open the other door for Yoona.

Yoona stepped out, thanking Sehun before she dragged Irene with her. Taeyong and Sehun are walking towards the huge gate of the orphanage with Yoona and Irene following them. Two nuns approached them as the guard opened the gate.

Sehun and Taeyong bowed at them followed by Yoona and Irene. "I see.. Sehun and Taeyong, what brings you here?" One of the nun asked

"It's been months since you visit the kids." The other nun added

"Yeah.. we're kinda busy. How's the orphanage, noona?" Sehun asked

"It's great, thanks for the help of your family. The kids are having the life they deserve." The long haired nun muttered

"That's good to hear." Sehun said, they're looking at the bunch of kids playing on the wide playground. All of them are smiling for unknown reason.

Sehun felt someone tugging his shirt, he turned and saw Yoona with pleading eyes "Sehun, can we go there? I want to play with them, they're so adorable." She said

Sehun smile and nod "Sure. Of course you can." She answered

"I'll go with you, unnie." Irene said then they both ran towards the playground. The kids welcomed them with a smile telling they're both beautiful like those princess on the fairytales the nuns are telling them.

The two nuns, same with Taeyong and Sehun can't help but to smile in the sight. "Who are they? This is the first time you brought a girl with you here." The nun with a white skin asked

"Sister, you don't have to ask. Maybe its their girlfriends." The long haired nun tease making Taeyong and Sehun blushed

"N-no.. they're not our girlfriend.." Sehun answered, Taeyong nodded. The two nuns eyed them telling they can't lie. "N-not yet.."

The two nuns let out a giggle and looked at Yoona and Irene playing with the kids "they're purely beautiful." The other nun admitted and she's not lying

"The taller girl seems familiar to me.." the long haired nun suddenly said with a frown. She's the oldest nun in the orphanage

"Yoona noona?" Taeyong asked "really?"

"I am not sure but.. I think she's really familiar. Same with her name." She added "I somehow remember the little girl brought here 15 years ago. The girl your mother love."

"Oh.. mom told me about that story, noona." Taeyong said then smile

Sehun frowned "I don't remember mom told me about that.."

"Really, hyung? You're already alive during that time. Mommy said that you and that girl know each other." Taeyong stated

Sehun frowned, he can't really remember his past, during his childhood.. he only remember the time when he's in the middle school but before that? He can't remember anything.

The two nuns exchanged a known look like they know something why Sehun can't remember his past. "It's okay Sehun, you don't have to remember." The nun said and gave him a warm smile

Taeyong looked at him telling what's-wrong-with-you-hyung kind of look. Sehun ignore him and gave a small envelope containing check to the two nuns. "Here's our donation for the whole year. Please accept it." He said

"But you're donation last year is too much, you don't have to gave us another." The nun said

But Sehun put the envelope on the nun's hand and close it with its fist "please accept this. You can save it for the kids future." He insist

The nun doesn't have any choice but accept it. "Oh why, thank you.. your family is such a nice persons." It said. Taeyong and Sehun smiled "I'll prepare lunch, eat here okay?"

"Yes! Finally I'll eat something tasty, I don't want to eat hyung's dishes anymore." Taeyong exclaimed, earning a chuckled from the nuns and a glare from his pissed older brother

"I'll just call the kids for bath." The other nun said. They nod and she walked towards the kids playing with Yoona and Irene. The older nun went inside the house and prepare for lunch. "Kids, come now. Time for bath!"

"But, noona. We're still playing with pretty noona." One of the chubby kid said

"You can play with them later, do you want to smell bad while playing with pretty noona?" The nun asked, the little boy shook his head "then let's go and take a bath first."

The kids went inside the house together with the nun after waving their hands to Yoona and Taeyong. Yoona sat on one of the swings whilst Irene on the other, next to her. Taeyong and Sehun are standing in front of them.

Yoona is smiling, she don't know but the place seems so familiar to her and it feels like home. She stares at her feet on the ground. Suddenly the wind blows towards her and a sudden blurry image appears in her mind..

A little boy crying.. telling her to wake up..

She didn't noticed but her tears suddenly fell. They noticed Yoona is crying staring into nothingness. Sehun immediately kneeled on the grass ground and held Yoona's cheek wiping the tears away with his thumb "Hey.. Yoona. Why're you crying? What happened?" He asked, Taeyong and Irene are watching, worried.

Yoona came back to her senses and then she realized that she's crying. "Omo.. why am I crying?" She asked

"We should be the one whose asking you that. Why are you crying?" Sehun asked back

"I.. I don't know, Sehun." She replies "but there's a sudden image appears in my mind.." she said biting her lip

"What image?" Sehun asked

"I can't clearly see.. its blurry.. but there's a kid crying and telling me to wake up." She stated "What was that, Sehun?"

Sehun wiped the tears left on her soft cheeks "I don't know, but don't think about it and stop crying."

"Sometimes, those things happened. It's like seeing your past or future.. but you said its child so maybe its part of your past.." Irene said, all of them looked at her "I'm reading psychology books.." she admits

"If its your memory from the past, you should remember it, Yoona noona." Taeyong said

But same with Sehun, she can't remember anything. The only thing she remember is she's living in heaven with kind angels around her.

She slowly shook her head "I don't remember anything about that, Taeyong." She admits

They were about to ask more question but the elder nun called "Come in, I want you to see the orphanage." It said beaming really wide.

They all walked towards the main door, Sehun didn't let go of Yoona's hand. Taeyong and Irene are following them, still confused and worried.

As they got inside, they realize how the house looks great and the ambiance inside feels like a real home. Everything is neat and clean. Sehun let Yoona sat on the couch while Irene and Taeyong looked at the collection of pictures of the children since the orphanage build until these days.

They're both smiling while looking at it, the nun is just watching them with a smile. Suddenly, someone from the picture got Irene's attention "Taeyong.." she called then pointing the picture of a little girl together with the other kids "look at her, I think she's familiar.. she looks like.."

Taeyong and the nun looked at it "Oh, she's the girl your mother love, Taeyong. The one we've been talking about a while ago." The nun said "I'll go to the kitchen now. Just ask any of us here if you need something."

They both nod and smile, the nun left them. They both look at the picture again and to each other. "She looks like.." Taeyong said

"Yoona unnie.." Irene continues. They both looked at Yoona talking something to Sehun then they will both laugh. "Is it really her, Taeyong senpai?"

"I don't know.." Taeyong answered as he looked at Irene. He doesn't know what Yoona's background is. He doesn't know anything making him more confused, every time he asked his hyung about Yoona it will always tell him to shut up and don't ask anymore "Irene.." he called, seriously looking into Irene's eyes

Irene blushed "n-ne?" She asked

"Help me.." he breathed "help me know who Yoona noona really is."

Irene wants to know it too, she nodded with a determined expression "I'll help you, senpai. I want to know too.. and we will become partners in crime!" She exclaimed making Taeyong face palmed

"Whatever, I'll get the list of the kids brought here 15 years ago later and their profiles. Help me find her, okay?" He whispered

Irene immediately nod "Sure, sure!"

"Okay, then stay in our house from now on." He announced

Irene's eyes went wide "WHAT?!" she exclaimed gaining the attention of everyone inside, telling if there's something wrong

Taeyong told them that she's okay then glared at Irene "Why you're too loud? Just stay in our house. Share room with her, we will get further information. Do you understand?"

Irene gulped and nodded "I-I understand.."

"Good." Taeyong smile and ruffled her hair. Those smiles.. it makes my heart flutters. Irene thought "Now, let's go and stop being too loud." Taeyong said then they joined Sehun and Yoona on the living room.

After the kids bath, they're now gathered around the long rectangular table, literally long, I should say. "Okay kids. Pray before you eat. Who will lead the prayer today for our guests?" The nun asked

"Me!! Me!!" A little girl exclaimed as she raised her hand

"Okay, Hannah. Lead the prayer for us." The nun said, all the kids and the nuns closed their eyes and slightly bowed same with Yoona and Irene.

The girl start saying about how wonderful today is and they're lucky to have a food on the table and having a nice and good looking guests when Sehun and Taeyong realized that they're the only one whose not praying. They immediately did the same with the others.

"Amen." The girl mumbles ending her prayer. They opened their eyes and praise the girl because she did great before they start eating.

After they ate, Taeyong keeps complaining about his tummy because he ate too much, well the nun's cooking was no joke. It's really tasty and yummy just like a professional chef.

After one hour of playing with the kids, they finally decided to go home and bids goodbye to all the kids and the nuns. They're now inside Sehun's car heading on their way home.

"Hyung, Irene will be staying in our unit from now on." Taeyong announced

Yoona beamed wide and looked at them, Sehun glance at the rearview mirror, seeing Taeyong in serious expression. "Sehun! Please let her. I will share my room with her. Please!" Yoona exclaimed

Irene is waiting for Sehun's answer "It's fine with me." Sehun finally answered making all of them smile really, really wide.

"Kamsahamnida, Sehun sunbae. I promise to make you breakfast and dinner everyday!" Irene exclaimed

"I'll help you, Irene." Yoona said, Irene nodded still happy

"Thank you, hyung." Taeyong mumbles, Sehun just smile at him. "I love you, bro!!" Taeyong exclaimed and gave his hyung a kiss on his cheek leaving some spit on it.

Sehun immediately pushed him and wiped the saliva on his cheek. Yoona and Irene are giggling watching them "you're gross, Taeyong!!"


Taeyeon's 11:11
Yeah~~ (^^♪(^^♪(^^♪(^^♪


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