Chapter 6 - Just Marry Her

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After the attack, students spent the next few days preparing for the sports festival. Evelyn was a little surprised that they were still holding, but she understood that it was a necessary political move.

During the time leading up to the festival, Evelyn and Aizawa grew closer. Even though she no longer was in the recovery room, he still went to her to change his bandaids. They grew close over private encounters and coffee, exchanging small comments. The students soon began to notice the close friendship budding between the teachers. Along with the rest of the staff.

And they were determined to see the two get together.


Evelyn shifted nervously inside her costume. She tugged at her skirt, a little uncomfortable with having the short length in front of so many people. Her wings fluttered, rustling with nerves.

"You'll be fine, Hanako!" Midnight assured, grabbing the woman's hands to stop her fussing. "Besides, you look great. I bet Aizawa will be watching."

The blonde flushed under the gorgeous woman's gaze. "W-what? Why would he be looking at me?"

The woman smacked her softly on the back. "Oh please, he obviously likes you."

Evelyn pulled away, shaking her head as she tried to get rid of the blush that covered her face. "I-"

She was cut off by the platform underneath her feet beginning to rise. She stumbled slightly, regaining her footing. She stood tall, grasping the halo over her head. She tossed it up into the air and it elongated into a tall staff.

The bright light of the stadium flooded Evelyn's eyes, causing her to suddenly shield her eyes from the bright light. Once they were out in the open, her wings stretched to their full length. The audience cheered as the two women came into view.

Most men cheered violently at the two gorgeous women. While most were expecting the R-rated hero, they weren't expecting to see Angel. It was quite the sight; their contrasting beauty. While Kayama had a desirable, aggressive lure to her, something about Hanako's innocent beauty was just as attractive.

Up in the announcer's box, Aizawa grimaced. He could see the stares that some of the spectators were giving Evelyn. He growled, frowning at nothing and everything. This, of course, does not go unnoticed by Yamada, who simply smirks as he commentated.

Evelyn stood back, watching as Midnight announced the Obstacle course. She was a little worried as to how the other classes such as the General Studies and the Support Group would fair, but they did pleasingly well. She couldn't help but smack her forehead watching Midoriya's reckless actions.

As soon as he crossed the finish line, Evelyn stretched her wings and flew over to him, gaining a couple of gasps from the audience.

She smacked him over the head with the side of her hand. "That was incredibly stupid." She scolded. "Are you trying to give me more work?"

Midoriya looked down, rubbing where she had hit him. "No, Ms. Hanako. It's just that I didn't want to use my quirk and become useless after the first round."

Evelyn sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. I see why Aizawa calls him a problem child. "Just, be more careful please." And with that she waved her staff over him, coating him in a golden glow. He immediately felt rejuvenated, and he thanked her profusely.

She flew off, floating around the field to heal any injured students. By the time she finished, she felt incredibly tired. She leaned on her staff as Midnight introduced the Calvary battle. She looked up at the announcer's box, catching a glimpse of Shota, who looked exhausted. She chuckled under her breath before turning her attention back to the battle, which had just begun.

She stood tiredly, watching the students battle it out. Kayama leaned over, whispering in her ear. "So." She grinned. "Aizawa."

Evelyn choked.

"Are you guys going to become a thing?" Kayama asked innocently, batting her eyelashes prettily. Evelyn's face turned bright red. She tried to speak, but she ended up spluttering out nonsense as she shook her head.

Kayama placed an elbow on her shoulder, leaning onto her. "Oh please, you guys just ooze sexual tension. You can't tell me you haven't fucked him yet."

"I-it's not like that!" Evelyn squeaked, her hands flying up to cover her face. She hadn't really thought of him that way.

Evelyn coughed, trying to regain her composure. "I doubt he feels that way." Kayama snorted, and Evelyn gave her an incredulous look.

"Please, he looks like a lovesick puppy whenever you're around."

Suddenly, Yamada announced that the battle was over. Evelyn shrugged Kayama's elbow off before extending her wings. "I... go heal ... yeah," she mumbled, before taking off to get away from the woman.

Evelyn's blush was still heavily prominent on her features. That woman is going to be the death of me.

After the battle, there was a quick lunch break. Evelyn quickly rushed off, trying to avoid Kayama and her very awkward conversation. She grabbed two black coffees and three beef bowls. Carefully she balanced them in her arms before heading over to the announcer's box.

She tapped on the door with her foot and the door swiveled open. "Evie!" Yamada greeted her brightly, giving her a quick side hug to prevent her from dropping the food.

"Hello, Yamada." She gave a quick closed eye smile, before stepping around him. "Shota, I brought food!"

He looked up at her, his bored expression staring at her. But when she looked closely, she could see the happy expression hidden in his eyes. She placed down the beef bowls and coffees. "There's some for you too Yamada!"

Yamada looked over at the woman. "Hey, how come you call Aizawa by his first name but not me?" She shrugged. "Would you prefer me to call you Hizashi?" Said man froze before nodding quickly, grinning dopily.

She sat in front of Shota, carefully checking his bandages.

"They're not bothering you at all?" She whispered, her fingers tracing gently over his features.

"No." He spoke numbly.

"It's not itchy?"


"Is it too tight?"

Shota sighed exasperatedly. "You did a good job, it's perfect." She smiled brightly and Aizawa couldn't help but give a small smile back.

He stared at her hands, which were heavily bandaged. He grasped them softly, holding them up to his gaze. He frowned. "What happened?"

Evelyn stared downward at the pale bandages. "It's nothing. When I use my quirk's 'aura' my hands get burnt. Depending on how long I'm using my quirk, the burning intensity varies."

She hummed thoughtfully. "You can think of it like harnessing the sun. I use the power to regenerate your cells, but too much is out of my control and it ends up burning me."

"You should be careful." Shota's onyx eyes met her pale brown ones. "Please don't sacrifice your own well being for the sake of others." Without losing eye contact, he pressed his lips carefully into each of her palms.

"Hypocrite." Hizashi muttered in the corner.

Flashes of Evelyn's conversation with Kayama passed through her mind. Her face erupted in bright red as thoughts about kissing the man in front of her raged through her mind.

"Uh...." The indistinct noise slipped out of her mouth, gaining attention from both men. She slapped her hands over her mouth, wincing as pain flared in her palms.

"Are you okay?" Shota questioned, peering closely at the female.

"I-I just remembered something. I need to go check something with Recovery Girl." She grabbed her beef bowl and coffee before standing abruptly. "Tell me if anything bothers you okay?"

He nodded. His mind screamed at him to ask her to stay, but he said nothing as she hurriedly walked out.

"Dude." Yamada stared at him.


"Just propose already."

"Shut up."

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