Chapter 5 - Rest Now

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Aizawa woke to the faint feeling of fingertips brushing against his chest. There was something constricting his sternum, but wherever the fingers traced, the pressure disappeared. He groaned peeling his eyes open only to hiss in pain.

"One moment." The fingers disappeared and something was placed on his face. He could barely make any expressions due to what he assumed were bandages. He reopened his eyes, the bright light of the room dulled by a pair of sunglasses.

He turned to see Evelyn, who smiled softly, her hands carefully removing the bandages on his chest.

"The kids." Aizawa rasped, his throat dry and dull. Evelyn carefully held a glass of water to his lips, which he drank gratefully.

"Everyone is alright. You did fine." Her smile grew, and her voice was soft and soothing.

Aizawa sighed, closing his eyes. Flashes of the battle passed through his mind. Protecting the kids, the blue-haired villain, his head being smashed into the ground, Evelyn descending from the sky.

"That was quite the entrance you made." He croaked, giving her a lopsided smile.

Evelyn blushed. "I-it was easier." She was already high in the sky from flying there, and she didn't want to bother swooping all the way down to reach the door.

Aizawa rose an eyebrow. "Than going through the door?" Her whole face was scarlet as she spluttered, trying to explain herself. He snorted at her flustered expression.

"Hey!" She whined. "Don't make fun of me!" They dissolved into silence, her soft smile never disappearing as she finished changing his bandages. Aizawa couldn't help but stare at her. The way her long strawberry blonde hair fell in front of her face, the way she bit her lips while she focused.

Her hands finished rebandaging his chest and they lifted up to his face. Her eyebrows crinkled as she fought against his hair before giving up. Evelyn slid a hair tie off her wrist, placing it between her teeth. She slid her hands through his hair, carefully placing it in a bun. She pulled back, staring at him.

Aizawa lifted a brow, though she couldn't really tell through the bandages. "Is there something wrong?"

Evelyn gave him a closed eye smile. "You look really nice with your hair up." It was his turn to get flustered. She carefully changed the bandages, making them looser so he could talk a little better. She stood up. Stay. Aizawa pleaded mentally, but no words left his mouth.

"If you need anything, call me." She said sweetly. "Rest, you need your strength back."

Aizawa immediately felt tired, his eyelids growing heavy before he slipped into the unconscious.

Evelyn threw out the old bandages, carefully tucking Aizawa in. There was a knock at the door, and she looked up to see Nezu. She smiled and motioned to a small table on the other side of the room so they could talk.

"I am very grateful for your quick response to the USJ incident." Nezu praised, smiling at the woman in front of him.

She inclined her head. "I am just doing my job sir."

"Your job." He mused. "Speaking of which, there are going to be some changes." Evelyn's eyebrows creased. Changes? Am I getting fired?

"Ms. Recovery Girl is back to full health," Nezu stated. "You will no longer be working here in the Recovery Room." Her eyes widened. I am being fired.

"On the other hand, I must asl if you would work as a full-time assistant for class 1-A."

Evelyn's mouth opened but nothing came out, so she opted to nod instead.

"Your response to the incident showed you are more than capable of protecting those students." Nezu praised. A pleasant smile adorning his face. "I fear they may be targeted more in the near future."

Evelyn nodded, a determined look gracing her features. "I accept."

After Nezu left, Evelyn played soft piano music, easing into paperwork. She kept it quiet to not bother Aizawa, the sound of Claire De Lune filling the room. She changed into a t-shirt and shorts.

She decided to be close to him since he wouldn't be able to move and get her in an emergency. She stayed the night, pulling up a chair to his bed where she graded papers until she fell asleep.


Aizawa awoke to the golden light of sunrise filtering through the window, casting a hazy glow around the room. The sound of piano music created an ethereal feeling as he glanced around him. He noticed the mop of strawberry blonde hair on the bed. His eyes widened at Evelyn sleeping peacefully, her breathing slow and steady.

The sunlight cast down on her, her hair spread like a halo around her face, making her glow. Papers half graded scattered around her, covering the end of the bed.

Her left forearm was covered in bandages, along with her hands. Aizawa frowned. How had he not seen that? He tried to see what they were, but as soon as he shifted, Evelyn woke up. She peered up sleepily at Aizawa looked away, face flushed from the prettiness of the sight. She blinked, getting rid of the fogginess before pushing herself up.

"G' morning." She yawned. Evelyn stretched, and his breath hitched as her t-shirt slid up to reveal pale, toned abs. Slowly, she stood up, gathering her papers in a neat stack and placing them on the desk. She disappeared into a side room, coming back into view with breakfast. He stared at her long legs in her shorts as she walked towards him.

She sat next to him, holding up a spoonful of food. He quirked up an eyebrow. "Eat." She ordered, challenging him. He opened his mouth obediently as she fed him. She finished, slowly withdrawing.

Aizawa stared at her. He couldn't help but want to kiss her. He wanted so badly to lean in and capture his lips with her own. Aizawa held back, clenching his fists before looking Evelyn in the eyes.

"Thank you."

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