Ch. 13 Seth imprinted

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September 12, 2006. 


It's early in the morning.

Seth and Leah Clearwater arrived at their house. They have been staying at the Cullen house recently and feel bad for not visiting their mother. Leah grabs a key from under the matt and opens the door. She enters the house with Seth following behind her. She looks forward and smiles when she sees Sue in the kitchen making breakfast.

" Hey, Mom" Leah calls out to her.

Sue turns around and smiles when she sees her children. She has been lonely, but she knew her children would visit her. She walks towards them and pulls them into a hug.

" I miss you two so much" Sue tells them. " I'm glad you two are okay" She smiles.

Seth and Leah hugged her back.

" Sorry, Mom. Leah and I have been staying at the Cullen's place. Don't worry; they are nice people. Mrs. Cullen has been taking care of us and giving us food so we won't starve. We were also protecting Bella because Sam wanted to kill her" Seth explained to Sue.

Sue lets them go and looks at Seth with a confused expression.

" What do you mean?" She asked him.

" Bella got pregnant. She has been carrying Edward's children. Mom! They are so cute! Especially, Melody. She is so tiny, and I was afraid to hold her because I thought I was going to drop her" Seth explained to her.

" Not only that. Seth imprinted on her" Leah smirks.

Seth blushes feeling scared of Sue's reaction.

Sue wears a surprised expression but smiles at Seth. She hugs him again.

" I'm so happy for you. So, Melody is your Imprintee?" She asked him.

Seth nods his head as he hugs her back. 

" Yeah. Melody Isaesme Cullen" He happily tells her. " Jacob imprinted on her sister, Renesmee Carlie Cullen" He lets her go and smiles at her.

Sue nods her head.

" I can't wait to meet my future daughter-in-law" She smiles.

Seth chuckles. 

" Mom. Right now, she is a baby. I only see her as a sister" He tells her.

Sue nods her head remembering Quil telling her that he sees Claire who is her niece as a dear sister.

" I know, but I still want to meet her" She tells him.

Seth nods his head. 

" I can ask Edward if Melody can stay here for a meanwhile until Bella gets better" He wears a thoughtful expression. 

" That is a good idea!" Sue smiles. 

Seth smiles. 

" Mom. What are you making for breakfast because I am starving?" He asked her.

Sue laughs. 

" Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Before you eat, I want you to take a shower" She tells him.

Seth nods his head.

" Alright. I'll be back" He kisses the top of Sue's head and runs off to the bathroom to take a shower.

Sue wears a surprised expression.

" What's wrong, Mom?" Leah asked her.

" Usually, Seth whines when I ask him to take a shower. Now, he goes when I tell him. I'm surprised to say this, but he has mature" Sue turns to look at Leah.

" Maybe, it's Melody's doing?" Leah asked her.

Sue nods her head.

She can't wait to meet her son's Imprintee. She wonders how much Melody looks like Bella and her friend Charlie Swan. She frowns as she wonders if Charlie will ever know about his granddaughter.

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