Ch. 12 She's my Imprintee!

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Two days later.

September 11, 2006.


Bella comfortably lays on the couch while listening to Edward play on the piano. A smile graced her lips when she feels her baby gently kicking her. She has been noticing that one kicks harder than the other. At first, she thought that the one who is gently kicking her was Renesmee, but Edward told her that Renesmee apologizes whenever she kicks her in a hard manner. So, she quickly figured out that the one who is gently kicking her is Melody.

Bella smiles as she gently rubs her pregnant belly. She turns to look at Edward. 

" It seems as though Melody enjoys when you play the piano, Edward" She tells him. 

Edward stops playing as he turns around to look at Bella.

" That's good. It lets me know that she is going to be a music lover like me" He smiles at her.

Bella softly laughs. 

A door opening and closing grabbed the couple's attention. Bella turns her head back and smiles when she sees Seth entering the living room.

" Hey, Seth" Bella happily greets him.

" Hey, Bella!" Seth smiles at her. " Hi, Edward" He turns to look at Edward and smiles at him.

" Hello, Seth" Edward nods his head.

Seth looks away from Edward to Bella. 

" Are they coming out, yet?" He asked feeling a bit impatient because he wants to see the babies. 

Bella blinks.

Edward laughs finding Seth being impatient rather adorable.

" No, not yet but I feel like they want to come out soon" Bella tells him. " All I want to do right now is eat because I am hungry" She turns to look at Edward.

Edward nods his head.

" I'll be right back" He tells them.

Bella nods her head. 

Edward stands up and walks out of the living room to the kitchen to make Bella something to eat. 

Seth watched Edward leave and suddenly becomes shy around Bella since he is alone with her. He turns to look at Bella who is smiling at him.

" Seth. How are Jacob and the others doing?" Bella asked him.

" Jacob and Leah are accompanying the Doc and Esme with their hunting because they are hungry and we want the Doc to come home soon, so he can help you deliver the babies. Embry, on the other hand, is outside of the house with Bree and the other Cullens" Seth tells her. 

Bella nods her head.

She lightly bites her lips when she begins to have urges to go to the bathroom.

" Seth" She calls out to him. 

" Yes, Bella?" Seth looks at her.

" I...I have to go to the bathroom" Bella turns her body slightly and puts her feet on the floor. She slowly stands up and loudly gasped when she feels a hard kick which caused her rib cage to break, and she begins to fall.

" Bella!" Seth screams as he quickly catches Bella before she falls to the ground. He begins to panic when he sees blood coming out between her legs. " E-Edward!" He lifts his head up and screams. " I-It's Bella!" He begins to cry feeling worried for Bella and the babies' lives. 

In seconds, Edward appears in the living room.

" What happened?" He asked Seth as he carefully takes Bella into his arms. 

Seth didn't know what to say. He unknowingly shows what happened to Bella to Edward. 

Edward nods his head.

" Seth. Can you call Rosalie for me?" He asked him. " Also, can you asked Alice to call Carlisle and let him know that Bella is going into labor" He looks at him.

Seth quickly nods his head. He stands up and runs out of the house and sees Rosalie with Alice.

" R-Rosalie!" He cries out to her. " Edward needs you! Bella is in labor" He looks at her.

Rosalie nods her head and quickly disappear out of Seth's eyesight. Seth turns to look at Alice.

" E-Edward wants you to call Carlisle a-and to let him know that B-Bella is going into l-labor" Seth's body shook because he is scared. 

Alice nods her head as she pulls out her cell phone and begins to call Carlisle.

What no one knows is that Jared overheard what is going on from a distance and informed Sam and the others about it. Jared decided to wait for his pack to join him before they attack the Cullens and kill Bella and the babies.

Seth didn't know what to do next. So, he decided to run back into the house and help Edward with whatever he needed. He runs towards the medical room and sees Edward and Rosalie asking Bella to try to push the babies out. 

" I-I can't" Bella cries in pain. " I-It hurts. E-Everything hurts" She tells them. 

Edward didn't know what to do because this is his first time doing pregnancy labor. He turns to look at Rosalie who has everything ready for the twins girls.

Seth lightly bites his lips and decided to speak up. 

" I-I remember my Mom telling me that if the mother can't push the babies out. The best option is to do a C-section" He tells Edward and Rosalie.

Edward turns to look at Seth.

" You are right. Rosalie, can you give me the scalpel. I need to cut Bella's stomach region" He tells her.

Rosalie quickly grabs the scalpel and passes it to Edward. Edward takes the scalpel and cuts Bella's stomach region which caused the wound to open wide. He looks forward seeing the first baby. He carefully takes the first baby out and asked Rosalie to give him a pair of scissors. He takes the scissors from her and carefully cuts the umbilical cord and gently passed the first baby to Rosalie. 

" That one is Renesmee Carlie Cullen" Edward tells Rosalie. 

Bella's heart monitor begins to make a loud beeping sound which caused Edward to look at the heart monitory. His eyes widened when he sees that Bella is slowly dying.

" Rosalie. Take, Renesmee now!" Edward shouts. " Bella is dying, and Melody is still inside" He tells her.

Rosalie carefully takes Renesmee into her arms and walks out of the room to wash her up. 

Edward turns around and carefully takes Melody out who is crying. He grabs the scissors and carefully cuts the umbilical cord. He looks down at Melody and smiles at her.

" Hello, Melody Isaesme Cullen" Edward coos at her.

Melody slowly calms down as she looks at him with big chocolate brown eyes that reminded him of Bella. 

If Edward were a human, he would be crying. He looks away from Melody to Bella.

" Bella. She is beautiful" He tells her.

Bella looks at Melody who is covered in blood and is in Edward's arms. She lovingly smiles at Melody as her visions begin to blur and she falls into unconsciousness.

Edward noticed and began to panic. He turns to look at Seth and held Melody out to him.

" Seth. Take Melody for me. I have to save Bella and turn her into a vampire" He tells him.

Seth looks at Edward with a scared expression. He is afraid to drop Melody.

" Seth. I know you are scared to drop her, but I reassure you that you will be okay" Edward tells him. 

Rosalie comes back into the room.

" I can take her. Renesmee is cleaned, and she is in a safe place" She tells him.

Edward nods his head. 

He carefully passed Melody to Rosalie.

Rosalie takes Melody into her arms and walks away. Seth watched Rosalie walk out of the room with Melody. His heart skips a beat. Something inside him tells him to follow them. He looks away and turns to Edward who begins to save Bella by injecting his own venom into her. He decided to leave Edward in the room with Bella as he goes to follow Rosalie and Melody. 

Rosalie enters the bathroom and begins to wash Melody to take the blood and stuff off of her. She used a small tube to blow air in Melody's nose to help her breath, but it caused her to cry. She finished cleaning Melody and changed her into something warm. She carefully wraps Melody on a blanket. She hears footsteps entering the bathroom and turns seeing Seth standing by the door curiously staring at them. She opened her mouth to say something but hearing Renesmee cry grabbed her attention. She carefully grabbed Melody into her arms and turns around to look at Seth. 

" Can you hold her for me?" Rosalie asked him. " I have to comfort Renesmee" He tells her.

" I...I don't know" Seth looked at the bundle of joy in Rosalie's arms and noticed that Melody's face is covered.

" It's okay" Rosalie walks towards Seth and carefully passed Melody to him. " Hold her close and support her head. Yes, like that" She smiles when she sees Seth holding Melody in his arms like a pro. " See. That wasn't hard. I have to go and check up on Renesmee" She runs off leaving Seth in the bathroom with Melody in his arms.

Seth felt movement in his arms. He slowly looks down and sees Melody move the blanket off of her face. He blinks when he sees patches of brown hair. He curiously stares at Melody when he sees her opening her eyes which revealed a chocolate brown color. He froze when sees Melody looking up at him in the eyes. 

[ Twilight_Hime10: I do not own this picture. ]

Seth's heart skips a beat when he sees a vision of a young girl running through the forest. He noticed that the young girl has long straight brown hair and she wore a light blue dress, and black flats. He then sees the young girl turned around revealing the same brown eyes that Melody has.

" Come on, Sethy! You are too slow" The little ten-year-old girl shout at him. 

" I'm not slow! You are just too fast for me, Melody!" Seth shouts back at her.

Melody laughs which is music to Seth's ears. 

Seth blinks when he sees another vision but this time Melody is a seventeen-years-old. They were at First Beach in La Push Reservation, and Melody was looking at the sunset. Seth called out to her which caused her to look at him and smiled. 

Seth hears his name which caused him to come back into reality. He blinks when he sees Melody crying, and he then hears Embry shout his name and telling him that Sam's pack has arrived and they are here to kill Bella and the babies.

' Don't worry, Melody. I'm not going to let them kill you' Seth thought as he hugs Melody close to him. He gently kisses the top of her head which causes her to calm down. 

Seth walks out of the bathroom and protectively held Melody in his arms. He walks down the hallway to the living room. He sees Rosalie comforting Renesmee who is scared by the fighting happening outside of the house. 

" Rosalie. I'm going out to fight. Watch over Melody for me and make sure no one touches a hair on her head" Seth gently put Melody down in a crib. 

Melody cries when she sees the source of her warmth walking away from her. 

Rosalie gently puts Renesmee down next to Melody.

" Don't worry, Melody. Everything is going to be alright" She reassures her. 

Seth walks out of the house and isn't aware of Jacob entering the house because he is upset that Bella is gone. Seth looks forward seeing Sam trying his best to get his way inside the house. He angrily shakes and jumps forward shapeshifting into his wolf form.

' EVERYONE STOP!' Seth angrily shouts which caused the wolves to look at him with a surprised expression. ' I'm not going to let you hurt Melody. She is my Imprintee!' He showed the wolves and Edward who quickly stepped out of the house to help his family out, his visions of him imprinting on Melody.

Edward smiles feeling relieved because that let him know that Melody is safe. He turned to his family and explained that Melody is Seth's Imprintee and that the Quileute wolves have a law which they can't break which is not to harm or kill another wolf's Imprintee. 

' Alright. We won't kill, your Imprintee but we still have to kill the other one-' Sam was cut off by Jacob who stepped out of the house and shapeshifted into a wolf. 

' You can't kill Renesmee either because she is my Imprintee!' Jacob tells Sam and the others.

Sam sighs as he tells the others to retreat because both girls are untouchable due to being Imprintees. 

Edward is also relieved that Renesmee is going to be safe, but is annoyed that Jacob is the one to imprint on her. He sees Sam's pack leaving. He smiles when he sees Seth shapeshifted back into his human form. ( Twilight_Hime10: Forgot to mention that when the guys turn back into their human forms. They will still have their clothes intact. ) 

" Seth!" Edward walks towards Seth and attacks him with a hug. " Thank you" He whispers. " Because of you, my Melody is safe" He tells him.

Seth smiles back at him.

" Don't worry, Edward. I am going to be the best big brother for Melody" He tells him. 

" I know you will" Edward lets go of Seth and smiles at him. 

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