Chapter 7

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Sunny could not sleep that night, and neither could Tigra, so they cuddled up and it didn't work. The next day, after dinner, the group decided they would read Luna's diary, as there could be important information leading to the identity of her murderer in there, and also because, in the words of Antares, "A dead body can't do a thing about it". Sunny very reluctantly decided to start from the very beginning, as even back then it was possible to find a motive. It started out as just her complaining about how much she hated middle school, not much noteworthy stuff. The most interesting thing was that she had written about her first ever crush, which was on a boy in her class when she was 13, and had scribbled out his name every single time he was mentioned. There was one entry that said "Last night was the first time I ever had [scribbled out word]! It was with [scribbled out boy] and did not feel very nice. I never want to do that again. [entire whited out paragraph with scared, angry, throwing up, and crying emoji stickers stuck on it]". The next entry was about how she couldn't believe he didn't love her. A few entries later, she began with "Now that I'm done screaming Silver's name and scribbling it out..." Sunny looked at Silver and asked "Was it you?" Silver looked embarrassed and said "Yea..." A few entries later, she talked about getting her period for the first time and had put an actual smear of the blood on the page. Not relevant, but stood out. She also apparently cried when she found out Silver had a girlfriend who went to a different school. Quite a few entries later, her uh, chemicals activated. You see, with Silver the most she wanted to do was hugging and stuff, but when she was 14 she got the most HORRENDOUS crush on Sunny. Every other entry had a photo of him glued to the page with love hearts and talked about her EXTREMELY intimate fantasies about him. Sunny was extremely embarrassed by this for obvious reasons. She was 14 when she wrote these! It just got worse and worse, she even made a list of BABY NAMES right after a page that looked to have had grape juice or something spilled on it. eventually when she was 15 she snuck a photo of Sunny sitting naked by his bathing hole, probably about to get in. She printed it out and glued it to the paper and seemed very disappointed about how his upper body and arms are "a hairless twig" and his legs and private part "look like a werewolf". The fantasies then abruptly stopped and the diary became about school stuff again. Sunny couldn't help but laugh. All it took was uneven body hair! Then she almost immediately got asked out by that Sammy boy and started writing about how sweet he is and how much she loved him. You can probably picture how sad she got when she found out about his disease. For the whole month before he died, the two tried to do EVERYTHING a couple should do. They went on dates every night that they would always get intimate after, they had a fake "wedding" in her yard, then she lived with him in his basement they installed furniture in that was their "apartment", and she made him dinner every night. When he felt himself slipping, she brought him to die under an apple tree, because apples are his favorite fruit, and she stayed with him the whole time. She ran away crying the second he closed his eyes. Then, something clicked in Sunny's mind. The dying teenage boy Sunny had found under an apple tree and given a magic ring some years back, the boy he had lovingly nurtured and named Apple, was Luna's boyfriend Sammy. Sunny asked Apple if he had dated Luna, and he very timidly said yes. Just then, Antares said "So that's why this article says your fingerprints and DNA were found on her body and in her room" and called the police.

Bonus (second and third pics are Luna when she was 15):

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