Chapter 6

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"30 Year Old Woman Found Dead" read the title of the article Sunny saw. But, that wasn't the only part that upset Sunny. The picture was a woman he knew and loved very well. He clicked the article, and it only took one sentence to destroy him. "30 year old Luna Deimos was found dead in her bedroom, covered in bruises and blood." Sunny shut off his computer, plopped down on his bed face down, and cried himself to sleep. When he woke up, Tigra was next to him in her pajamas sleeping. He kissed her forehead and got up. He really hoped the others had seen that article and he didn't have to break the news to everyone. No one brought it up, until Antares asked "Did anybody else find out about Luna or just me?" It turns out everyone knew but Tigra, who had just thought Sunny was very tired the previous night. She very concernedly asked "What happened to Luna?" Apple sighed and said "She's dead. The detectives think someone beat her to death in her room." Tigra looked like she was about to throw up as she scaredly asked "Who would do that to such a kind, innocent young lady!? She wouldn't hurt a fly!" Sunny gave his wife a comforting hug, and a loving kiss on her cheek, and held her in his arms as he told her, "Only a horrible monster could do that to someone as sweet and caring as her. I hope they rot in prison for what they did." Apple said "I just can't believe she's dead. I've known her longer than I can remember, and she was such a great woman!" Shiro said "I wish I could get to know her better, she was so nice to me" Antares said "She was like my sister." After a sad morning of mourning the late Luna, and a very uneventful afternoon, it was time for dinner. Silver brought food he cooked, because he knew what happened to Luna too. You see, in the small town Luna and Silver live in, nothing interesting ever happens, so Luna's death is THE story in the town's news, and her poor elderly mother had to beg the local newspapers not to use the photo of her bruised bloody corpse, and instead use pictures where she is alive and beautiful so people can see what was taken away. That picture had apparently been removed from the very article Sunny had read. And, apparently, Luna's autopsy was being done as they spoke. After dinner, Shiro found something interesting in the tall grass outside the entrance, 6 6 inch binders glued together and decorated with various stickers that were everything from smiley faces to puppies to one of those stickers with a barcode on it you see on apples, with a photo of a familiar looking smiling young girl with dark hair in a bun, all binders full to the point you couldn't possibly fit another piece of paper in there. Sunny knew what it was, it was Luna's "diary" that he still has no clue how she could carry it, even though she had been asking Sunny for paper and putting it in there since she met him as the 12 year old girl she was when she went to him for help with a history assignment, she said it was because she was worried her math teacher would figure out that her lying little ass was NOT using all that paper for homework. She must have dropped it while leaving on the last night she was seen alive by anyone at the cave. Antares, Apple, and Silver wanted to read it to see if there was anything pointing to who her killer is. Shiro, Tigra, and Sunny did not want to read the poor girl's diary because maybe she WOULDN'T want 6 people reading her private writings about everything she has experienced since she was 12. They decided to discuss it tomorrow, because the celebrity romance """reality""" show they like to make fun of was coming on.


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