Chapter 8

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No one said a word after Antares finished calling the police. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Eventually, Antares was the one who broke the silence. "Oh and Apple, you did too much. Apparently she actually died from the shock of you in her room late at night, and you were just beating her corpse. Not cool, dude!" Apple then went bombaloo. He ran around screaming profanity and hitting, biting, or kicking anyone he could and knocking over anything he could while Sunny tried to keep him restrained. Eventually, Shiro knocked him on the ground and pinned him down, then pounded his forehead until he was unconscious. Shiro stayed on top of Apple in case he woke up. By the time the police arrived, Apple was awake and confused. He asked what was going on, and claimed to have no idea who Samuel Richardson is. He seemed genuinely confused and was crying and apologizing a ton, even though he had just been screaming about how he hated how she hadn't recognized him and said no when he asked her out trying to rekindle their relationship. The crying mess of a boy was shoved in the back of the police car and driven away. Afterwards, Silver said "Who wants apple pieeeee!?" So they ate the most delicious apple pie ever. No one was sure what to say, so after the pie was all eaten Silver went home and everyone got ready for bed. Sunny and Tigra got a bit spicy to distract themselves, and did not hear Shiro cry himself to sleep while holding Apple's stuffed koala. Antares just stayed up all night blasting music through his headphones. In the morning, everyone was still in shock, so breakfast was quiet. Shiro was even on his phone. He seemed like he was deep in thought about something. Antares peeked over and said "Oooooooo someone's sendinging a love confession!" Shiro looked embarrassed and confessed to having an AI write it. Antares said "I can tell." And showed it to Sunny and Tigra.
"Hey Silver,

I’ve been meaning to tell you something important for a while now. I really appreciate your kindness and how you’re always there for me. It means more than I can put into words.

I was thinking it would be nice if we spent some time together—just the two of us. How about catching a movie sometime soon? We could grab dinner afterward and maybe hang out at my place. I’d really like to get to know you even better and share some more moments together.

Let me know what you think. I’m looking forward to it.


Tigra yelled "BOY NOOOOOOOO. Do NOT send him that!" and deleted the whole thing. Shiro looked like this

He said "I just don't know how to put it into words how much I love him so I had AI do it!" Antares left the table because he has never had a successful romantic relationship. Sunny asked "What are some things you like about him?" Shiro said "I love how kind he is to me, I love his smile, I love his captivating green eyes, I love his laugh, I love his big butt, I love his-" "WHOA WHOA WHOA." Sunny interrupted. "Mention everything you listed, EXCEPT his butt." Shiro began typing. Tigra said "And that idea for a date is amazing!" Shiro kept typing. Eventually he finished and asked "How's this?"
"hey silver i think i should finally tell you this. uhhh im in love with you. i love how nice u are, ur smile, ur eyes, ur laugh, and ur humor. i honestly think you should be my bf. friday nite how bout we see a movie then get food then crash at my place" Tigra said "Hit send!" Sunny said "Keep us updated!" Shiro hit send. A few seconds later, everyone anxiously stared at the "Silver is typing..." Eventually, the message came through and said "Yesss omg ilyt❤❤❤" Shiro did a happy dance while Sunny and Tigra hugged each other. Antares put on happy music. The rest of the day felt wonderful, and Silver even kissed Shiro's cheek before dinner! Tigra felt like a proud mother, but Sunny felt like he was happy for one of his bros. Antares planned up some devious little brother stuff.


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