Chapter 1

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The next day, Sunny was sitting in the cave and had nothing to do. Antares came home early because it was raining and brought home a half empty pizza box, which he put in the fridge. If you're wondering how Sunny got electricity to a cave, anything is possible with screws borrowed from your aunt, galvanized steel, and eco friendly wood. Ok, it's actually a spell. Sunny learned a lot of spells because the power he was born with is useless. His tears can heal people, even if they are dying, but he doesn't cry. It's not a "forcing himself not to cry because he's supposed to be a man" thing, it's a "he just naturally doesn't show much emotion" thing. Anyways, the 4 people who live there looked at each other trying to figure out what to do. Eventually, the conversation became about what kind of underwear everyone prefers to wear. Sunny sat this talk out, as he walks around in only his floor length cloak and not a single thing underneath. Everyone thinks he does this so naughty girls will try and sneak a peek at his naked body, but he keeps trying to explain that he does it because he finds it comfortable. He also does not see why women like him so much, because despite the fact that he eats whole family sized bags of candy and full sized loaves of bread in single sittings, he is so skinny you can kinda see his ribs. Tigra once told him there's some girls who are into that, such as herself and the author of this story. After the discussion topic changed like 50 times, it was dinner time and the usual guests were here. During dinner, the subject of Silver's dead wife Gold came up. She was truly beautiful, with beautiful blonde hair, golden-feathered wings, and a great heart. She was super nice to everyone, and a wonderful mother to her and Silver's children. Unfortunately, she became a Poultry Palace value bucket. She wasn't cooked or anything, just accidentally turned into one by her friend who happens to be a witch. Said friend didn't know it was her and fed her to her cats. Silver is very lonely sleeping by himself. Luna, still a teenage girl at heart, said "Silver, we need to get you a girlfriend!" Silver replied "No, I could never love a woman as much as I love Gold" Luna had a solution. "Then why don't we get you a boyfriend?" she said, seeming to like the idea. Silver's face got beet red and there was silence for about a minute. Eventually, Silver spoke up. "There was one man who I think was in love with me when I was younger. He was my best friend, Merle. We knew each other since we were in middle school, and he would always look at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I was the only person he felt comfortable talking about his emotions with, and the only one who knew he didn't truly love his girlfriend. I was also the only one who could calm him down when he got all angry. But, after a few years, he changed. He ran off to marry some girl he had just met and never talked to me again. I'm not sure whether or not I also had feelings for him, but I'm flattered that someone as sweet and funny as him might have had a crush on me." So, of course, everyone thought up plans to find Merle...

Bonus (yes this is official confirmation Shiros design is based on John Lennon):

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