Sunny was determined to find Silver's old friend and reunite the two. So, he innocently asked Silver a lot of questions about him. Merle is only his nickname, his real name is Winston Gripweed. He went to the same school as Silver, was a year older than him, and wanted to be a musician. He also had wavy auburn hair he was trying to grow out, small grayish brown eyes, a large pointy nose, thick eyebrows, a wide yet sharp jawline, and a tall, wide build. So, as soon as Silver left, Sunny googled "winston gripweed" and his heart sank when he saw the first result. Silver's friend has been missing for years, and the search party has given up and told his family he is dead. Sunny decided he would tell Silver he couldn't find anything about him. Just then, Sunny heard a splash outside. Kuro and Shiro had thrown a large rock into the filtered water Sunny uses for bathing. So, they argued for a while, then without thinking Sunny pushed Shiro into the water, and his long white dress got caught in the spinning filter, causing him to get sucked in. Sunny hurried under to take out the filter and save Shiro. When he got him out, he turned the water red and was hard to even look at. He had cuts, scratches, and gashes all over him, his dress and stockings were torn to shreds, a piece of the filter was stuck in his now extremely disheveled hair, his head was bleeding, and he was unconscious. Sunny put Shiro down in the grass, Kuro began to cry, and before Sunny could even begin to tell her it was possible to save Shiro, she hit him, yelled "YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND! I HOPE YOU DIE!" and flew away. Sunny took Shiro inside, used a spell to create a bed, and really wished he could cry on him. He removed his shredded clothes, threw them in the trash, and looked at his body. He was in rough shape. He had also lost a tooth, but it was one of the ones in the side so it didn't need to be replaced. Sunny got a bar of soap and a wash cloth, wet the wash cloth, and cleaned the blood off Shiro's body. Then, he grabbed some bandages and wrapped him with them. Now for the part he was worried Shiro was going to throw a fit about, getting the piece of the filter out of Shiro's hair. It wouldnt come out, so Sunny had to cut Shiro's hair to get it out. Everyone knows Shiro was so proud of his beautiful black shoulder length hair, and quite a lot had to be cut off to get the piece out. Then, Sunny noticed the reason he'd have to do something that would make Shiro even angrier. To properly clean and bandage a rather large cut on his scalp, Sunny would have no choice but to shave Shiro's head. So, he dug through the closet for the clippers, and decided to put a short guard on so growing it back would take slightly less time. Before starting, he whispered "I'm sorry Shiro". When Shiro's hair was all off, Sunny cleaned the cut and put a bandage on it. Then, he realized that he couldn't just leave Shiro naked, so he put an old white t shirt, a pair of Antares's underwear, and an old pair of black shorts on the table for him. Then, he used a spell to make curtains around the bed for his privacy, said good night to him, and closed the curtains. Then, he realized who he had just lovingly cared for the injuries of. He didn't even think about the fact that it was Shiro, just that he was hurt and needed care. "Maybe I'm a better person than I thought" Sunny whispered to himself. Then, he realized it was very late at night, crawled into bed with Tigra, and crashed.
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