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Sunny was outside his cave enjoying the sunshine and eating bread when he saw one of the 2 people he hated most, Shiro. Shiro was floating across the garden BUTT ASS BOOTY NAKED. Sunny, very annoyed by this indecent exposure as if he ISN'T relying on a floor length cloak and not a single other piece of clothing to keep him covered, got up and yelled at Shiro, "YOUR WILLY IS RUBBISH!" Shiro took great offense to this. He then noticed the lilac bush Sunny had affectionately named Carl, turned to face it, pondered what to do to it, then, he peed. Sunny yelled "NOT CARL!" and struck Shiro in the back of his head with bread. A few crumbs got in his shoulder length black wavy hair. Sunny then heard the yelling of the OTHER person he hates most, Shiro's wife, Kuro. Thankfully, she was clothed in a long black dress. Unfortunately, she was flying at Sunny at full speed. She missed and landed in Carl. Shiro immediately asked if she was ok, picked her up, and carried her away bridal style. Annoyed, Sunny went inside and began ranting to the 5'6 gray skinned manchild he's taking care of, Apple. Apple is nice to rant to because he sits and listens. Sunny's wife Tigra then said "Dinner's here" as Luna, the woman who has been bringing food to the cave, and Silver, the family friend who has been eating with the family since his wife died, arrived. However, Sunny and Tigra's son Antares still wasn't home. He's almost always out skateboarding or hanging out with someone. After an entire game of Uno, he came home with his skateboard and a Poultry Palace bag. Silver hates Poultry Palace, so he threw his sock at Antares, who did not react and threw out the empty bag. Then, everyone ate the rice and mashed potatoes. Little did Sunny know, his life was about to take a new turn...


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