"Your smile is lopsided."

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"I think we should get to know our new friend a little bit better." That's Heath? No Zane? Ren wasn't very good with names and having just met 7 people she was doing good enough. The only ones she could actually remember without thinking too hard were Liza and Alex, and that's only because they've practically been attached to her since she arrived. Truth is, she didn't know anyone.

"Only if I get to learn more about you guys." She was getting better at talking freely around them and had even told the occasional joke, earning a laugh from the group.

Alex nodded, "Deal. I say we get a bottle and spin it. If it lands on you then you have to say something about yourself."

Everyone looked around the room and nodded at each other, their way of saying they all agreed. Liza and David went into the kitchen to find a bottle and everyone else formed a circle on the floor. When they returned they not only had an empty bottle for the game, but also a couple bottles of alcohol and some shot glasses.

The sat down in the circle and Liza said, "We thought we would change it up a little. When you spin you get to ask anyone a question, they can either answer truthfully, or they can take a shot."

Ren looked wearily at the bottle of alcohol. "I'm only 20. And I have to drive home later, It;s already 11:00." She said.

David looked at her and smiled, "Yeah, so am I but there are no cops around. And you can just stay the night here of you want."

Ren nodded at him and they started the game. "Since Ren's the guest, I say she should go first."

Ren spun the bottle and it landed on Corinna. Since Ren was having trouble remembering all the names, she went simple on her question. "What's your full name?"

"Corinna Kopf"

Then Corinna spun. It landed on Ren. "This is how you ask a spin the bottle question. How many people have you slept with?"

Ren nervously looked around. "One."

Toddy scoffed, "One, really? There's no way you've only slept with one person."

"Yeah, really. I wasn't really all that into sex honestly. Then I got into a relationship and that's the only person I've ever had sex with."

She knew after telling them this they'd want to know more so she quickly spun the bottle so they attention would be off her. It landed on Liza so Ren asked her a question. "How long have you been dating David?"

"Almost two years. It's been amazing." Liza smiled at David and they shared a quick kiss. She spun the bottle again.

After many spins and many shots, the alcohol was done and Ren was pretty sure she would remember everyone's name. Surprisingly, she had a fun night. Usually nights like this ended in her abruptly leaving with some mumbled excuse that no one believed.

David was currently in the living room setting up a bed for Heath, Zane, and Toddy. Ren was to share the guest bedroom with Corinna. She didn't mind, she liked her. She was funny, and up front about everything and that was hard for her to find in a person recently. Corinna reminded her a lot of Jem, and that made her happy.

David walked up to her stumbling a little as he made his way around the "bed" he had made. He laughed, "I guess i had a little more than I thought I did."

Ren looked up at him. "I know how you feel," she said rubbing her eyes.

He nodded at her. "Your okay sleeping with Corinna?"

"Yeah, I like her. I like all of them actually. You've got yourself a nice group of friends here."

"That's only half of them. they're the better half." He winked at her and they both laughed. "Do you know Josh Peck?"

She nodded at him, "Yeah, from Drake and Josh. Why?"

He shrugged and smiled. Ren looked a this smile and said, "it's lopsided."

David tilted his head a little, "What?"

"Your smile is lopsided."

He smiled again, only wider this time. "Go to sleep Ren, you're drunk."

David opened his arms for a hug goodnight and Ren debated on whether or not she wanted to give him one. She decided to. She liked him. She liked how he could make her not want to be alone. Once they released from the hug they smiled at each other and headed their separate ways.

When Ren got to the guest room, Corinna was already asleep, taking up most of the bed. She wasn't going to wake her up so she went back out of the room and into the living room. Everyone was already asleep. She sat on a chair and looked at her phone.

1 text from Mom:

I'll be home tomorrow night. I love you.

To Mom:

I'll see you then. I love you.

Just then Alex came out of his room and went to the kitchen. He stopped when he saw Ren sitting there. "What are you doing?"

"Corinna's already asleep and she's taking up the whole bed."

He looked from her to the door, back to her. "You can sleep in my room if you want? It's probably more comfortable than that chair."

She nodded at him and followed him back to his room. "I'll take the floor, you can have the bed."

"No, we can sleep together. If that's fine with you?" Ren's not quite sure why she said that. Maybe it was the alcohol. But Alex nodded at her at they both climbed in the bed. Ren drifted off to sleep way before Alex did. He was laying there looking at this girl he had somehow developed a crush on after only knowing her for a couple hours. But he knew that Ren had done the same to David. He just didn't think she knew it yet.

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