Ren finally pulled up to Davids house after driving through the city.
"I don't actually live here." David said getting out of the car
"Who lives here then?"
David gave her a smile, "the friends you said you would meet."
Ren glanced around. "It doesn't look anyone's here."
He simply looked at her and started walking to the house, "someone's always here."
Ren followed closely behind him. When David got to the door he went to open it. He turned around and looked at Ren.
"Remember how I said someone's always here?" Ren nodded at him. "Well turns out you were right. The doors locked."
She looks at him. "Don't you have a key?"
"Why would I have a key? This isn't my house."
She shrugged. "I have a key to my friends houses."
"Yeah? Well they must like you more than my friends like me. I mean they left me in someplace I don't know and wouldn't come get me. I feel like we have very different friends." David groaned again and started walking back to Ren's car.
Ren followed him back to her car and got in, starting her car and looking back over to David. "So where to now?"
"I guess to my actual house. Someone will try and get in touch with me."
"Where is your phone at anyway?" Ren asked
He shrugged. "I don't actually know if I'm being completely honest about it. My friends probably have it."
"You know, you should invest in better friends."
He simply nodded again. "I'm sure they say the same about me. I make them do crazy things for my videos."
"I'm sure they don't mind all that much. If they did they wouldn't be doing it. They have the right to say no and when they follow along with your plans it probably means they don't hate it that much. But I don't know."
He laughed at her comment and continued to direct her to his house. When they arrived he saw the look Ren was giving him.
"Must be some pretty good videos." She tried to be quiet but he heard her anyway and smiled. I hope you like them. He thought. He would show her his videos one day.
David looked around and saw his Tesla, his girlfriends car and cars that belonged to his friends. "I think we found them Ren."
She just nodded and got out the car. For some reason she had no desire to be alone. She was actually excited to meet David's friends. That excitement scared her though.
David walked to his house and opened the door motioning for Ren to follow him in. The house was even more beautiful on the inside. She loved it.
"Guys I'm back." David called out
Ren could hear people talking and could hear them running to the door where they were stood. She immediately hid most of her body behind David, all the excitement she felt from earlier was gone and she wanted to be alone again. David simply stepped in front of her as if to protect her. She smiled at that and felt less nervous.
"How did you get back? We were expecting another call to come get you." Who is that?
"I told you he could manage guys." How many people are here?
"But really how did you get here? I know you didn't have any money, I took it from you." Another one.
David finally spoke. "I made a friend. She drove me here." Friend? Okay.
"Well who is she?" There's still more?
All of sudden David wasn't in front of her anymore. She was exposed to the people in front of her and she simply stood there and awkwardly waved.
"This is Ren. She was nice enough to drive me all the way here. It took like 2 hours to get here so be nice."
There was five of them standing in front of her. Including David. They were just staring at her. So she waved again.
One walked up to her and stuck out his hand. "I'm Alex. Sorry David drug you into this."
Ren wanted to speak but she couldn't. She simply shook his hand and nodded at him.
"I'm Liza. Thanks for bringing my boyfriend home. He's a mess sometimes."
David was right. She thought. Just by looking at Liza, Ren already knew she was out of his league.
There were two more to be introduced but Ren wasn't paying attention anymore. She wasn't trying to be rude. She was just looking. David had taken Liza in his arms and was kissing her cheek. Jem. She thought. Oh, how she missed Jem.
David started talking and she tried to forget about Jem, if only for a moment. "Ren said she would hang out with us for a little bit, right Ren?"
She smiled and nodded and looked at the two who's introductions she had missed.
David came behind her and whispered their names into her ear while pointing at them. "Zane and Heath"
Ren followed them all into a big living room and sat in one of the couches.
"Corinna and Toddy said they were coming." More people.
David nodded. "Where's my phone at guys?"
One of the boys pulled a phone out of their pocket and handed it to him.
"So, Ren? How did David here talk you into driving him all the way back here?" I think that's Alex. She thought. Alex was the cute one.
"I offered. At first I was just going to take him to a main road so he could get a ride but he had no money so, I offered." She spoke quickly. David noticed.
"Yeah and her car is sick. Go check it out." Everyone got up and went outside to look at her car. David stayed.
"You can leave whenever you want. They're nice though." David tried to console Ren but she wasn't really feeling that nervous.
She smiled at him. "I'm fine. They're nice."
Everyone came back in and complimented her car and she smiled. For the second time that day she didn't want to be alone. All because of David. His friends were nice too, but it was mostly just him. Even though she had just met him, she felt a connection to him and he made her feel comfortable.
Ren heard the door open and looked over to the way she had come in. There were two people standing in the doorway. Both of them were pretty people and Ren wondered if all of David's friends were attractive.
"Ren, this is Corinna and Toddy, guys this is Ren." David introduced them and smiled.
She stuck out her hand to shake with them but they both pulled her into a hug with 'nice to meet you's' mumbled into her ear. I like them. She thought. Maybe I'll try to see them after this. All of them.
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