Chapter 35

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"Hi Kazuha." 

"Did Scaramouche talk to you?" 

"Huh? Oh yeah. We talked." 

"What'd he say?" 

"I'm so confused Kazuha." 


"He said it was because he didn't want me to get hurt. But... When I told him I won't leave him if he didn't leave me... He changed the subject. And he also seemed kinda annoyed at me dating Bedo but he didn't object either. I don't know what's going on with him!" 

"Y/N. Do you like Scaramouche?" 

"I have a boyfriend Kazuha." 

"I know you don't really like him." 

"Don't I?" 

"Do you?" 

"I loved him." 

"Do you love him now? I can't tell. You were heartbroken when you found out..." 

"I don't want to answer that question. To myself, you, or anyone." 

"He might be using you again." 

"I know he is. That's why I asked him out." 


"He was the only person I could think of who I could date then break up with without them caring at all. Plus, it was mutually beneficial." 

"How does dating him benefit you?" 

"It's kinda like an extra assurance against whatever comes. As long as I'm dating Bedo, I won't be able to relapse into that depression mode. So if someone hurts or betrays me... I won't lose my path again." 

"Does it have to be Albedo though?" 

"I don't know. But why experiment? Rumors will spread that way." 

"How about someone that everyone already thinks you're dating?" 

"Who? Xiao?" You laughed at the idea. 

"No. Scaramouche." 

"Ha. Hahahaha! That's even more absurd than the idea of me dating Xiao." 

"Is it though?" WIth that, he left. Leaving you staring after him. 

Is it though?

No. It isn't.

I should go talk to him. 

You decided to go over to his dorm. 

"Hey Kuni. Open up." 

"What do you want YN?" 

"I wanted to talk to you." 

"Come inside." 

You walked inside and sat on the sofa. 

"Kuni. Something has been weighing on my mind since yesterday." 

"What is it?" 

"It's kinda petty. I want to trust you but-" 

"What is it?" 

"Can you promise? Really promise never to leave me again?" 


You could feel your face fall. 

"Never mind. I knew it was too much to ask." You got up to leave. 


"Why? Even if you do will you really mean it Kuni? Are you absolutely certain that you'll never ever leave me again? Even if it means my or your possible death? Because if you aren't... I don't know what I'll do. I don't want you to leave me again. It hurts too much. So it'll hurt less if we don't do anything and just continue on with life for now right?" 


"So you can promise?" 



"Not now. Can you just stay close and wait for me? Wait for me to finally accept that you won't get hurt." 

"Kuni. How do I know that I won't get hurt while waiting for you?" 

"I won't leave you unless I feel like I absolutely have to. I can promise you that. But nothing else." 

"Fine. I'll wait. I should get going now. Bye Kuni." 

"I'm sorry." 

"What's there to be sorry for? I understand Kuni." 

You walked back to your room. 

That doesn't mean I'm not disappointed. 

"Y/N? You're here. Where'd you go?" 

"Hey Bedo."

"What happened?" 

"I talked to Kuni." 

"Again? What happened this time?" 

"He asked me to wait for him. To accept that I won't get hurt if he gets close to me." 

"I see. What are you going to do?" 

"I have an assurance that he won't leave me now but... Not completely." 


"Yes. Let's break up Bedo." 


"Thank you Bedo." You hugged him and he left the room. 

Why am I disappointed that he gave in so easily?

Did I hope that...


I wouldn't have accepted if he loved me anyways so why? 

Why did I want him to love me?

Did I want to prove that someone could love me?

"This is so frustrating. I should just sleep." 

Albedo POV

I sighed. 

"I couldn't even ask her to reconsider." 

Why do I want her to?

Why are emotions so complicated?

A/N: Short Chapter. You're welcome!

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