"So you have an on-off relationship with Albedo? One day you're dating and the other you're not. How're we supposed to keep up?" (Aether)
"It's really the end now. I'm not planning on dating him again." (You)
"But you might."
"Yeah, but I have no feelings for him. If we end up doing so, then it's because it is beneficial for both of us."
"Then this time..."
"It was because I needed to snap out of that cr@#py mindset and it would help him in his research."
"But Y/N..." Aether had an odd look on his face.
"What is it?"
"Albedo stopped researching that a long time ago. He's more interested in chemistry than emotions now."
"Maybe there was another reason why he agreed to it."
"I-It must be because we're friends. Yeah... That must be it."
"Oh who am I kidding?"
"What are you thinking?"
"It can't be what I'm thinking. It just can't!"
"He can't!"
"Y/N calm down. What exactly-"
"He can't like me... He used me... How can he like me now?"
"He can't! It's impossible!"
"Thinking of it, that's actually highly probable."
"What am I going to do?" You covered your face with your hands.
"Y/N. There's no proof that he actually likes you. It might just be that he thinks of you as his only friend."
"Maybe. But who would go that far for someone they call only a friend? Definitely not Bedo."
"Don't think about the worst possibilities. There might be another reason. I'll leave you to gather your thoughts. Call or text if you need me. But Kazuha might be more helpful."
"No. I don't want to bother any of you. I'll only call if I really need you. I'll be fine. Bye."
"Bye Y/N." Aether walked off and you slumped down in the chair you were in.
You sighed. "Fate is cruel. What am I supposed to do now? Ask him about it directly?"
This is so stupid
Your phone rang and you picked up.
"Hello. Mom?"
"Yeah! How're you doing?"
"Mom... do you know how to reject a guy?"
"Why all of a sudden? Is my little baby getting popular?"
"No! It's not like that!"
"Then what is it?"
"You know Bedo?"
"Yeah. Your Ex that never loved you."
"Wow. You sure know how to be blunt. Anyways... I found out that he might like me."
"What? Wow."
"Yeah. I don't love him anymore so I don't know what to do! I know the pain of unrequited love."
"I probably know that pain better than you. Here, let me tell you a story. After your father broke up with me... I was depressed. A shadow of my former self. I was still friends with your father. I ran into him every so often. Then, I made a new friend. He was the opposite of your father. Flirty, joking, mysterious. I spent a lot of time with him. I told him my past and he told me his. I had a lot of fun. We laughed and spent a lot of time together. However, on his side, that friendship eventually transformed into love. I thought I could learn to love him too. But when he finally confessed... I knew I couldn't. But the thing is, I cried for days. Knowing that I had given someone the same pain your father had given me. But we got over it. We're still friends. He found someone else to love. He has a kid now too. And I got to be the luckiest person in the world and had your father love me back."
"Wow. Do you know how old his kid is? Maybe I know them."
"I'll send the most recent picture he sent me to you."
"I got it. Wait.... CHILDE? HIS DAD HAD A CRUSH ON YOU?"
You burst out laughing.
Childe has a crush on my parents too.
Like father like son I guess.
"I don't get what's so funny..."
"I'll tell you later. Anyways, thanks for the story mom."
"Anytime. Now keep yourself safe and-"
You ended the call before she could continue nagging you.
"Should I talk to Bedo? Though... why should I care? It's not like it'll affect me right? And it'll only worsen our friendship if I ever to find out. Keeping quiet is the best option."
"Oh, hi Y/N. What brings you here?" (Albedo)
"Speak of the devil..." (You)
"I was just thinking about you!"
"Yeah. How've you been? Found another girlfriend or a boyfriend yet?"
"Too bad. Well when you do get one, make sure to introduce them to me first okay?"
"I'm just teasing. No need to get so flustered."
"Where'd you learn this?" He used a hand to cover his eyes. It did nothing to hide his blush though.
"Childe. Kuni. Heizou. Lumi. Tomo. They either tease their significant other or everyone. It's easy. I just have to copy them. But that's for everyone but you. Like seriously. Is teasing you about finding a girlfriend or a boyfriend the only thing that gets you flustered?"
"Calm down. I won't tease you any longer. Why're you here?"
"I came here to study. It's the library."
"Oh. What're you studying for anyways? Finals are months away."
"That doesn't mean I can't prepare ahead of time."
"You're gonna be such a workaholic when we get older."
"I know."
"Pfft. At least you're self aware." You chuckled.
"I better get studying."
"Yeah. See you later!" You grinned at him and he walked off.
You internally screamed out of frustration.
Does he?
Does he not?
Why does he have to be so unexpressive most of the time?
A/N: Ahahahahaha.... Hehe. Hope you enjoyed!
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