When he finally left, I sighed. Albedo walked back in.
"What was that about?" (Bedo)
"He wants me to break up with you before I see him. He didn't say that directly but..."
"Are you going to?"
"Will you object? No. You won't even try to stop me. You'll just accept it and walk away. Then you'll date me again if I ask. That's why I won't."
"I'll break up with you if... If he says what I want him to say. Or something close to that. Other than that, I'll continue dating you."
"Well, I'll get going now."
"Do you want me to give you a ride?"
"No thanks. I can walk. I need some time to think anyways. We'll be at the cliff"
"Then see you later."
You walked out the door and headed down the path to the cliff. A while later, you had arrived.
"You're here."
"I am."
"Then stay quiet."
"My past is not something I talk about lightly. If I decide to tell it to you, it means I either need to or I'm sure I want to. Every single time I wanted to. And every single time, you stopped me. I'm not going to let you stop me this time."
"There was a time when I loved my mother and sister. But there was never a time when my sister loved me. She was desperate to get attention from our mother. She turned herself into the golden child while simultaneously bringing me down in my mother's opinion. Ei ended up caring more about Raiden than me. But when Raiden realized Ei didn't really care that much about her either, she went berserk. She believed it was all my fault. Maybe another subconscious part of her thought that if she became a villain Ei, who was the hero in her eyes, would notice her. She was out to make my life miserable. There was this child. I thought of him as the younger sibling I never had. She found out and..."
"She killed him. She became a murderer just to make my life miserable. And Ei knew. But she didn't care. After that... I became friends with Kazuha. Kazuha wasn't dating Tomo yet, but they were friends. She tried to kill Tomo. He was in the hospital for days. After that, Kazuha's older brother... his name is Niwa... He forbid me from talking to, seeing, or interacting with Kazuha. As if it was all my fault. I can't control my sister. But I guess it was in a way. I should have learned from previous experiences that Raiden just wanted to harm the people close to me. After that... I got close to people who could defend themselves. People that were strong enough to hold their own against her."
"Childe and Rosa."
"Yeah. And your brother. But when you tried to get closer to me... I couldn't stop you." He let out a little chuckle. "I couldn't bring myself to push you away. I eventually did but..."
"We got closer then you pushed me away again. But why now? Why are you avoiding me? The danger is past."
"It's because-"
"I think I'm still scared of those close to me getting hurt. And you got hurt didn't you?"
"I was hurt even more when you avoided me."
"I know. I thought it would be easier for both of us that way. But I guess not."
"Scara. I won't ever leave you if you don't leave me okay?"
"I leveled up from Scaramouche huh?"
"Kuni." You smiled at him. It was a tired, relieved smile, but a smile nontheless.
"That's better. That's your smile. Not the one you put on for show in front of others."
"You can tell huh?"
"You should go to sleep. You're mentally drained right now."
"I know. But I need to talk to Bedo when I go back."
"Why? Don't tell me-"
"I haven't broken up with him yet."
"Of course. Well, if you think that continuing to date him is best for you, go ahead. I'm going back. Want a ride?"
"I'm fine."
He seems.. Disapointed.
Of course...
He never liked Bedo.
You walked closer to the cliff edge and sat down, your feet dangling off the sides.
"Should I break up with Bedo now? Do I know how Kuni feels now? Do I know that he'll never leave me again?"
He- He didn't reply after I told him never to leave me again.
He also said that... I could continue to date him if I wanted.
What does he really want?
How does he really feel?
Even though he told me his past...
I still don't feel like I really know him.
"*sigh* What am I going to do?"
Should I trust Kuni?
Should I play it safe?
I could also ask him...
He's probably driving now.
"I'll just... Stay here for a while."
Listening to the sound of the waves crashing onto shore.
The sound of cirkcets chirping.
Leaves rustling.
Birds chirping.
The car driving up the cliff... Huh?
You looked behind you to see Bedo in his car. You opened the car door.
"What're you doing here?"
"You were taking a long time so..."
"Oh. It is late. You here to give me a ride back?"
"Great! Wake me up when we get there." You hopped in and closed your eyes.
"Y/N. Wake up."
"Oh. We're here?"
"Yeah." You stepped outside and looked at the sky.
"Wow. The stars look beautiful tonight."
"Yeah. Let's go inside. It's cold."
Albedo draped his arm around you and the two of you walked inside.
But someone was watching the two of you from a window.
"So, she didn't break up with him after all."
A/N: Ahahahaha.....
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