Previously: He went to bed early, Aizawa See's him going to their room and follows him in. They cuddle with their clothes on and Deku cries silently in his arms. Aizawa comforts his lover and whispers sweet nothings to him, to calm him down.
Next day: The whole class was going to push themselves and their quirks untill they beg to stop. And they did just that, bokugo uses his quirk until his hands cramped and he was hurting. Tenya ran laps untill he passed out, Kaminari is hooked up against a generator so he can use up more electricity and get used to it so he doesn't go dumb instantly. Shoto is using is in a container of water so he can get used to using his Quirks at the same time and more and more. Momo is creating more items until she is crying and hurting from exhaustion. Shinso is working out like a normal person would so his body can be used to his quirks working all at once, his cat vision and brainwash, he has mental strength but not as much physical. He is working on core training and his dodging, stamina, and fight instincts. Kirishima is working on his hardening quirk so he can make it sharper and stronger. As well as his All for one quirk he got from Deku. Uraraka is working on how much she can lift mid air and working on controlling multiple objects at once. As well as working on levitating herself in the air by holding her breath. Sero is working on how much tape he can produce in one sitting. Same thing with Mineta, with his sticky balls on the top of his head. Mina is working on her acid output and how much she can produce out of her body. Tokoyami is staying in a dark cave to control his quirk called dark shadow which is a alive counter part of him. Toru is the invisible girl and she working on her combat and upper body, strength core exercises. Jiro is working on her ear Jack qurik and how it can produce high pitched sounds. Also she can hear through walls. Ojiro is working his upper body strength and hand to hand combat, be he can't always rely on his tail all the time. Aoyama is working on how long he can use his belly button Lazer quirk. Asui is working on her frog quirk and trying to figure out some more abilities that she can do. Shoji is working on how many limbs he can produce and can use at the same time. Koda is working on how loud he can project his voice and it also helps his his shyness. Lastly of Class 1-A Sato is working on how much sugar he can consume for his quirk sugar rush. Now the teachers of Class 1-A: Aizawa is keeping his students in line and trying to stay awake. While Deku is watching the students work really hard while training himself. He Also brought a bag full of blood bags from the nearest hospital. He is civilized tho so he's drinking it in a cup with a straw. So know one will freak out and find out what he's drinking. He trying to control his thirst since he can kill people now, it helps with the blood lust. While he's drinking that he is using multiple mental quirks at once to keep his mental health in shape, so he won't snap again. And as he is walking around observing the students he's keeping his guard up because he has a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He can sense danger coming but he doesn't know if it's just the kids using their quirks or if it's something even more sinister.
After training they had to create their own food that night. They had to create their own curry. Of course they ate all of the food like bunch of little monsters.
And of course the kid Kota ran off to avoid the hero's in training. Deku felt a connection to the kid and got some food for him and a cup of blood for himself. The kids stomach was growling and so Deku walked up to him with a creepy grin (he's trying to look nice but failed) The kid told him to go away, and called him a stupid Hero. And for him to forget about his secret hideout. Deku went to smiling creepily to no expression at all. He's thinking before he speaks, usually he would threaten people to make them say sorry but, he couldn't possibly do that to a kid that age. He would in the past but now he's a different person and can show mercy to those he can relate too. Deku looks evil and is evil but he does have a small part of him that's good. Then the kid starts to vent at Deku talking about how hero's are stupid, not knowing that he is a villian. And all that hero's want to do is show off and get fame, he tells Deku to get lost and scoffs in disgust. Deku is speechless, not because of the kid talking to him like that, but because he reminds him of himself all those years ago. He smirks devilishly at the kid showing so much hate for Hero's. "Listen kid I'm no Hero... I'm far from it, I'm a villian who used to kill hero's for fun. But before you cower in fear, I'm a teacher at UA high school and I help kids that want to become hero's be able to fight Against villians like myself." Deku drinks his cup of blood with a straw and the smiles genuinely at the kid. The kid almost cowers in fear but then he just calls Deku abundance of hateful things. Deku laughs a little, he likes how much spirit this kid has, especially towards someone who could instantly kill him. Deku decides that he will help this kid out for sure, he does need know how to control his anger towards something right?.. Deku smiles at the kid and leaves the food behind and goes back to the party and goes to talk to his students and eat some of that delicious curry. While everyone was partying and having a good time, some dark figures were about to have some fun of their own.
To be continued...
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