Volume 6 Chapter 4 Dark Visitors

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Previously: Deku smiles at the kid and leaves the food behind and goes back to the party and goes to talk to his students and eat some of that delicious curry. While everyone was partying and having a good time, some dark figures were about to have some fun of their own.

Villian point of view: The villians are grouped up in pairs and skill sets, but they aren't just pawns, if Deku was running the show then he would've executed the plan alot better. Their are 7 villians total, and they are not just normal thugs. Deku is sleeping along with the rest of the students, but he has a nightmare about a dark figure with blue fire and blue eyes. He wakes up really early and is on high alert because of his dream, it wasn't just a dream it was a warning. Aizawa and the other hero's are keeping the other students in line yet again. And the students are starting to wear down after yesterday but if only they knew what was coming like Deku. He is acting more edge today and is drinking more blood than normal and Aizawa notices that Deku is more quiet than usual. Aizawa doesn't get to talk to him because he's doesn't have enough time to talk for awhile with him. He has a job to do, and can't have anything breaks. Then a few hours later Pixie Bob explains that the two classes are going to do a Halloween scare contest. They eat first and then start the contest. Deku had no interest so he went up to the "secret hideout" Then all of a sudden the villians started to attacking.
To be continued..

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