Volume 6 Chapter 2 The Race Is On

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Deku's point of view: He follows the students off the bus and Aizawa gets off first. And they all see a vehicle off to the side. Aizawa tells the students that they didn't stop just so they can streach their legs. Then a strange girls voice comes out of nowhere and says,"Hey eraser!" He says,"Long time no see."    They all see 2 women in cat costumes come out of the car and a little kid standing behind the women. Deku is standing next to Aizawa, staring at the two women with a serious look. And his aura freaks out both of the women. They both ignore him and continue to talk to the students and Aizawa.
They call themselves the Wild Wild Pussy Cats. They tell the students that they have to get to the camp on foot through the forest to be able to get lunch. The whole class gets pushed off the side of the Clif by one of the cat women. They get told that they have three hours to get through the beast Forrest. While the students do that and work together to fight pixi Bob's quirk.
Aizawa and Deku are still up there with the two cat women. Deku is still hanging back in Aizawa's shadow as he is explaining to Mandalay that the students can get their provisional licenses in training camp. After he talks to them the two women look at Deku in pure fear. Aizawa See's that they are both on edge around Deku. Just before Aizawa explains to them who Deku is, Deku speaks for himself," Hello there Cat women I'm Deku a serial killer known as The Vampire Demon. But don't worry I won't kill you, you see I'm helping the school and the students learn how to fight Against villians like myself." He licks his lips when he said he wouldn't kill them just to make them scared. They flinch in fear and then he laughs after speaking,"I'm just fucking with you, you both become a pair of pussy cats for sure." His eyes glow and he laughs hysterically at them. Aizawa punches Deku in the shoulder and glares at him. "DEKU!!!" He raises his voice at Deku with a little raspy rough voice. He is getting mad at Deku for scaring his fellow heros. Deku looks at Aizawa as Soon as he hears his name being called by Aizawa. He look at him and see's how pissed off he is, he looks back at Mandalay and rubs his head,"Hey I'm sorry about that, I guess I went too far this time." The two cat women look shocked after he apologized to them. They didn't expect to hear a villan say sorry right after creeping them out. And Aizawa scares this villian right front of them. They grow some more respect for Aizawa in that moment in time. Aizawa goes back to his tired look and smirks on the inside at Deku because he said sorry. Then after that they witnessed a few explosions in the distance from the students defeating the mud monsters. Deku grins evily at the sight that his students are having more fun than him. The women get a chill up their spine because of the villians grin and how evil it is. Mandalay thinks to herself while looking at Deku,"This Deku Villian is Darkness it's self, pure evil is standing right infront of me." Deku smiles evily at her staring at him. He walks passes her saying in her ear before he goes pass her,"I know I'm scary but don't worry." He walks over to the railing and jumps on it. The kid looks up to him balancing on the metal rail and has his arms out like he's about to sky dive. He looks back to Aizawa and the two women and smiles like a psychopath and says confidently,"I'll race you there every one!!!" He sky dives down to the bottom and transforms mid air into his Half demon/ half human form with his back scale wings. He has pointy ears, jagged teeth, black Claws, glowing Iris and sclera is all black, white hair with small black horns that are shaped a little curved, black scale armor that reaches up to his knees and elbows only, enhanced senses, heat and night vision, purple flames. He flies and jumps tree to tree to the buildings in the distance. The cat women and Aizawa race him there and use the car they brought.

A few minutes later Deku reaches the buildings first and the hero's arrive a few minutes later after him. He smirks at them with Glee that he won the race, but the women don't know that he has multiple quirks yet. Nor did they see his demon form. He was in his normal form when they arrived. They all waited for the students to arrive, the sun was starting to set. "It looks like they missed lunch." Deku said smirking evily. Then suddenly 4 students came out of the Forrest all beat up and limping. Shinso, Bokugo, Tenya, and Shoto Todoroki.  And the rest of the students followed them out, and some collapsed. The tenya pointed out the little kid and walked up to him and introduced himself and gets punched in the balls. He falls down to his knees and cries, he calls everyone wannabe hero's and Bokugo says that kid got guts. Deku thinks the same thing and looks at the kid as he walks away. Mandalay talks to the students and says they can't eat until tomorrow.

The next day the whole class got a buffet and chowed down on their food like animals. After that they took baths. Then Deku saw the kid Kota falling off the top of the wall between the two baths. He slammed the door open to the bath and dashed in inhumane speed to catch the kid before he got hurt. He brought him back to the living room where the two cat women were and where Aizawa is as well. He layed the kid down on the couch and asked Mandalay what's up with the kid not wanting to be a hero and added to the end of the question,"I once wanted to be a hero, but something changed me that couldn't come back from. So this kid must have a reason why he hates hero's." Mandalay looks at Deku with a suprised look, she saw that there is more to him than she originally thought. She explains what happened to the kids parents and that they were hero's. They died on duty and he hated hero's ever since then. Deku understands the kid, because his family died by a heros hand, but the kids parents died by Villians hands. He understands how losing your parents at a young age can do to you. He doesn't say anything more to her and just walks back to his room he is sharing with Aizawa. He went to bed early, Aizawa See's him going to their room and follows him in. They cuddle with their clothes on and Deku cries silently in his arms. Aizawa comforts his lover and whispers sweet nothings to him, to calm him down.

To be continued...

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