Previously: After all of that the very next day and the rest of the week was training, training and more training before training camp. Deku also told Aizawa that the villians might attack very soon on the future to try and get Bokugo but he doesn't know when.
A few days pass and it's training camp time: The whole class meets up in the front of the school and then they all got into a bus. Class 1-A is going and so is Class 2-B. It was going to be a really long bus ride so Deku just slept through it because he needs to save his energy. Aizawa looks after him and makes sure the kids are behaving. Bokugo is being really loud as usual and has his arm around his girlfriend Uraraka. And kirishima is on the other side of him and is looking at him with a certain look as he is joking around with him. Shoto quiet as usual, and momo is trying to talk to him without blushing. And Shinso is talking to his dad and having fun with his friends. A few hours later they finally arrive at the destination, and it looks like like a tourist stop or rest stop with a beautiful view. Aizawa wakes up Deku by shaking him and yelling out his name. Deku wakes up with is red eyes glowing in alert mode. Then he see's Aizawa's face and then instantly calms down. He follows the students off the bus and Aizawa gets off first. They all see 2 women in cat costumes and a little boy standing behind one of the women.
While all of this is happening on Deku's side, the villians are planning things too.
Shigaraki's point of view: Kuroguri set up a team for infiltration of the students training camp. He went through the villian Giran, he's a contractor of sorts for villians or also known as a broker. He is telling Shigaraki and Kuroguri in the bar with a cigarette in hand, that he put a team together for them and it might not look like much but it's quality over quantity. Shigaraki is grinning creepily over his,"Pawns and their prey." He can't wait to get his brother back and make him suffer for betraying his trust. Kuroguri told him to get him back then find out through words what happened, the hero's probably did something to him. Shigaraki agrees and they make a side mission for the plan. Back to the Heros!!
To be continued...
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