Volume 3 Chapter 3 New Relationship

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Previously: Things get wrapped up and settled. Bokugo, Shinso, and Uraraka are now Deku's successors of quirks he has given them and the vampire bond they have. Uraraka asks out Bokugo officially and now they are dating. Aizawa and Deku are best friends again and they are building up trust once again. Deku gets restrained and brought into the school to be interviewed by Principal Nezu and Aizawa. All Might is still a teacher at UA but he is now limited to certain places and Deku has taken his place as a teacher and he is allowed to lead his own classroom for the hero course, and Aizawa is his Co-worker and Co- Teacher. All Might isn't allowed to be near Deku or Aizawa or there will be problems. It's like a restraining order against him. Deku will be living in a special place on the school property, so he can't leave. It's like a prison cell, but he can leave it anytime he wants. But he can't leave the campus unless he's with someone else whether it's a student or a teacher. Deku starts his job in tomorrow. Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday.

The Next Day: It's Friday morning and it's the first day of Deku's official school day as a teacher of the hero course. And he's really excited but nervous at the same time. He is living in the basement of the school, it is very far down underground. He has to climb up/parkour up to get to the top of the shaft, the elevator is out of order atm since they just recently made that area for him to live in. Deku woke up really early to greet his fellow teacher/friend Shota Aizawa. He is waiting infront of the school behind the metal entrance doors.
Then a few minutes pass and he see's the doors open and the teacher All Might walks through the entrance and he locks eye contact with Deku. (That's not good eh?)
Deku says,"shit!" Under his breath, he isn't supposed to be near him at all. He uses his vampire inhumane speed to parkour up the school building to the very top of it to get away from Toshinori Yagi and to see from a good vantage point. "Why didn't I think of this before, thanks Yagi." He says laughing sarcastically. As Deku disappears in a blink of a eye Toshinori Yagi scoffs in irritation and walks into the school to the teacher office where his desk is. He has a desk job since he is has no power anymore, he is retired but hasn't announced it yet. After he goes into the school Deku spots a few people coming up to the schools entrance, he uses a vision enhancement quirk that works like a pair of binoculars. He looks closer and See's Aizawa, Shinso, Present mic, Bokugo and Uraraka. Deku smiles genuinely at the sight of those he cares about. They enter the metal doorway and Bokugo has his arm around Uraraka and Shinso is between Present mic and Aizawa. They are all laughing and having fun as they walk to school, Deku gets a little jealous and he Envy's them. Right before they enter the school Deku jumps down infront of them in his Vampire Demon form but with black scale wings on his back. He sends a gush of air directly at them as he lands perfectly and smoothly on his feet. His wings are covering his body infront of him,"Hey What's up friends how's it going this fine morning!?" His wings reveal him smiling with his sharp teeth and fangs, red eyes glowing, pointy ears, white hair with small black horns that are shaped a little curved. They get hit with a intense gush if air and when they look ahead after the burst of air disapates. They see a familiar face staring directly at them with a nice smile on their face. Present mic isn't very welcoming or happy to see him, they didn't meet on good terms. But most importantly he's terrified of him. Bokugo and Uraraka smile at him with their vampire fangs and glowing red eyes. Shinso activates his vampire quirk too, the 3 kids are happy to see their sensei. "What's up Sensei! You villian scum!" Bokugo laughs maniacally as he says that. Deku smirks devilishly,"It's nice to see you too Kacchan." They both laugh together. Uraraka smiles evily with her fangs out."Hey sensei I hope we are doing combat training today." She says that evily and sadistically. Bokugo and Uraraka wave goodbye and head into the school together, Shinso,"Hey big brother Deku how's it going?" Deku smiles and pats him on the head,"I'm just fine, how about you go inside I have to talk to your dad and his friend." Deku smirks as he watches Shinso running into the school trying to catch up with his friends. Deku stops smiling and looks at the two hero's, one he cares about, and one who hates his guts. "So gentleman I have to talk to you both in private, especially you Yamada." Present mic grits his teeth in disgust. Aizawa looks at his two best friends and frowns. "Hey Guys calm down." He says that but that makes the tention even worse. He sighs deeply in dispare. Deku See's that he's making Aizawa upset so he decides to take this somewhere private and where no one can get to. He transforms into his Devil form and grows his talons on his hands instead of his feet. He grabs the two hero's and uses his wings and flies upwards to the roof of the school, where he just was before. He sets them down safely and apologizes for the rough flying, its too early for him to be flying and that he doesn't have I strength. He transforms back to his vampire form to save energy. Aizawa and Present mic are looking at Deku. Deku is on edge about talking to the two guys about this but he has too. Present mic was one of the people that resented him after seeing his memories, along with All Might. Also because of how Deku treated Aizawa and left him the basement hurting all day. Even if Aizawa told him he forgave Deku, Yamada hasn't gotten over those incidents so easily like his friend. Deku walks towards Yamada and grabs his hand and turns it over to bite him in the arm to show that he is really sorry, and show him a few secret memories that him and Aizawa shared. When Deku grabbed his arm present mic reacted in attacking Deku but Aizawa stopped him with his quirk and holds his other hand,"It's okay Yamada, he's not doing this to hurt you, it's the only thing he can do to express his feelings. Since words aren't going to work with you, this is his only choice." Aizawa says that and holds his hand comforting him. Deku bites him in the arm. A few minutes later Yamada understands everything now and what Deku was feeling when he was around Aizawa all those years. And how much pain he was in doing that to Aizawa, and what was going through his head at that moment in time the basement. He lets go the hate towards Deku and starts to look at him as a peer or co-worker, maybe one day they can become friends. That all happened in a matter of seconds but in the mind it felt like hours.

A few minutes later: Present mic smiled at Deku after he witnessed everything in his mind. "Deku I'm sorry for everything." Present mic said with a sad look on his face. Deku bowed and cried tears of blood, the tears dripped off his face and hitting the roof making a small puddle of blood. He said in a shaky voice,"No please forgive me for everything I've ever done to you both and the school. I can never forgive myself for doing those things... I'm sorry Shota.. I'm so sorry please...ple..ea..ase.. forgive me.." Deku was stuttering and his voice was cracking up as he begged for forgiveness. Yamada and Aizawa look at each other with suprised looks. They look down at Deku begging, which is out of character for him. They both put a hand on his shoulders and smiled at him. Deku looked up and saw them accept him for who he really is and forgave him for everything in that moment. Deku wiped his eyes and stopped crying blood. "Thanks guys, we should definitely get to class the kids are probably all here by now." Deku says that smiling at his best friend and new friend.
To be continued...

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