Previously: Yamada and Aizawa look at each other with suprised looks. They look down at Deku begging, which is out of character for him. They both put a hand on his shoulders and smiled at him. Deku looked up and saw them accept him for who he really is and forgave him for everything in that moment. Deku wiped his eyes and stopped crying blood. "Thanks guys, we should definitely get to class the kids are probably all here by now." Deku says that smiling at his best friend and new friend.
Deku remembers that they can't get down unless he flies again,"I forgot guys but we are on the top of the school and I'm too exhausted to fly again.." The two friends facepalm,"really good to tell us now Deku!" (Aizawa) He says that holding out his hand for him to take some blood. Deku looks shocked and scared. Last time he took blood from him he left him without any help. "A-are you sure Shota?" Deku says in a nervous stutter. "Yes and we can't have Yamada do it, you already took some of his blood. So just get it over with." He says that looking away, he's not a fan of it but it has to be done."Okay then I'll try and be gentle." Deku says with a sadistic tone but playful at the same time. He bites his wrist and gets only a little blood. He licks his lips and exhales,"Damn your blood is good...oh sorry Shota." He laughs nervously after he said that so bluntly. "It's fine and let's get going already." Deku transforms back into his half Demon form with his wings.
And floats down with his friends in his talon hands. Once they land Deku transforms back into his normal form, and he collapses of exhaustion. Aizawa catches him and puts his arm around his neck and Yamada does the same. They help him into the school to the Class 1-A.
A few minutes later they arrive outside the classroom and they hear the kids chatting non stop.
Yamada let's Aizawa handle Deku and he goes off on his own to get to where he's supposed to be in the school, he says goodbye to his two friends and walks away. Deku has rested enough to walk in his own, but he can't transform into his other forms for another hour or so. Deku walks in behind Aizawa, Aizawa opens the door and looks like his normal tired self. Deku shouts,"Shut Up and SIT DOWN!" The whole class jumps in fear, then they look at the doorway and see their two teachers. And Deku is in a different outfit color than before. Usually he wears a red dress shirt and back pants, Black tie, black vest, black Latex gloves, steel toed shoes colored black, wears a black fedora.
He he's trying out something new. He has a blue color dress shirt this time. And blue tie, black vest, black combat steel toed boots, no Fedora, he has a black jacket on. His outfit is made out of a material that is elemental resistant. And he has Latex gloves, also his pants are combat military pants coloured in black they have many pockets. He's basically decked out with fancy clothes. Aizawa does the normal homeroom teacher stuff then the bell rings and they go to have gammer class with Present mic. For a hour or so, then the bell rings and it's lunch time. Deku is going solo to the lunch room, it's his break off being surveillanced by Aizawa. He's heading to the rooftop to chill out after eating his food in the cafeteria, but it seems like someone else had the same idea. While Deku is doing this Aizawa is hanging out with present mic and the other teachers in the teachers lounge, even Toshinori is there. Deku reaches the rooftop and he sees a scary site.... "Shoto Todoroki? What are you doing?" He on the edge of the building just about to jump off. He's crying and begging Deku to leave him alone."Get away from me and let me BE!!" He actives his quirk and sends a ice wall directly at Deku causing him to be frozen in place and unable to move. Deku struggles but can't use his quirks yet or any of his abilities. He is useless in this situation for once he can't do anything. "You don't want to do this, trust me I know how you feel..!!" Shoto gets closer to the edge and has his shoes over the edge now, one more step he will fall. "Just tell me why you are doing this!!" Shoto looks over to him with a look of dispare,"Yesterday when I came home and my father did terrible things to me and I'm at my breaking point...So good bye Deku.." Shoto takes a step forward and starts to fall but then as Deku is screaming out Shoto's name, a explosion goes off and a flying Bokugo goes after him with a scary Demonic tail coming out of his back that's dragon like, as well as small dragon like wings on his back made out of red dragon scales with small talons on the ends. He dives down and catches Shoto Todoroki inches before hitting the ground. Shoto Todoroki almost passes out because of the volocity of falling. Bokugo flaps his small wings and gets back up to the roof where Uraraka, Shinso and Deku are.
Meanwhile back to Deku after bokugo went to save Shoto. "What the.. Uraraka and Shinso?" He looks at them in shock as he's still frozen and because he's really surprised at what he's looking at.
Shinso has Black pointy horns sticking out of his hair, purple glowing eyes, Black crow like wings with really soft but strong feathers.
He has pointy ears, sharp teeth with his fangs. He can control people's actions with out having to telling them to do it but only if he's in this form. He can make people feel emotions, make them see illusions in their mind, transfer memories or thoughts. Read people minds if they talk to him.(only if he's in this form.) "Yes that's right sensei it's us, we saw you in the cafeteria and we decided to follow you. As you can see we have changed ever since you gave us the vampire quirk." Shinso gestures at himself and Uraraka.
Uraraka has her black hair with hints of purple color and red eyes glowing. Small Black dragon Wings with Black scales, small black horns coming out of her hair. Black pointy claws that are coming out of her finger tips. (So just really deadly nails) She has pointy ears, sharp teeth with her fangs. She can move multiple things at the same time, she can send things flying with her quirk, including people.(that's what she did with Bokugo, the explosion is her breaking the sound barrier.)
Unfortunately they both can't help Deku, breaking ice isn't their strong suit unlike Bokugo. So they just talk about how they developed their awakened abilities.
A few minutes later Bokugo has wrapped his demonic tail around Shoto and is flying upwards to the roof. "Hey sorry for taking so long I guess I'm not used to flying yet haha." He sets down Shoto and nods at Uraraka to stop him from killing himself again. She holds him in place with her quirk and makes him put his arms behind his back. Bokugo lands on the rooftop a little wobbly, and looks over to see Deku sensei is still stuck in the ice. (You might be thinking to yourself why can't he use a quirk or different form to get out of it, but earlier he exhausted himself, he can only use his quirks so much, he has limits too. I just haven't showed them as much.) "Guys Why The Fuck is Sensei still in ice??!" He faceplams in disappointment, they tell him why and Deku explains his predicament. The 3 get a understanding of what happened and come to a conclusion that they will help him out with his little situation. (Let me describe what he looks like fully)
Bokugo has a Demonic tail coming out of his back that's dragon like, as well as small dragon like wings on his back made out of red dragon scales with small talons on the ends, Red glowing eyes, small black horns poking out of his hair. Has pointy ears, sharp teeth with his fangs. He can control all types of fire that touches his body, he can absorb them to get more fire power or energy and can melt things with the palm of his hands or heat up his whole body.(only if he's in this form but his normal quirk can do this eventually if he trains hard enough) Bokugo heats up his palms and touches the ice and melts the ice into boiling water and free's Deku of of his freezing cold predicament. "Thank you for saving him and helping me... If you guys weren't here then.. then.. he would've.." Bokugo cuts him off,"Listen Sensei don't think like that okay you bastard.. now the bell rings soon we should definitely head to class." He smirks at Deku and chuckles evily. Deku smirks devilishly back,"Your right let's talk to Shoto Todoroki and then head to class. To be continued...
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