Previously: Deku is still on his knees and with his hands behind his head with his hands locked together. Uraraka and Shinso is standing right infront of Deku and they are protecting him. Deku has no idea what's going on, because his head is down and eyes closed waiting to be killed. Aizawa, Shoto, and bokugo walk over to Deku and the two kids protecting him. Bokugo smiles at Uraraka and she does the same. Aizawa and Shinso exchange smiles as well. Shoto Todoroki looks at Deku and his two classmates and smirks happily. The other students and teachers are hanging back and are watching them walk towards the Vampire Demon/Deku. All Might is pissed off that he is the presence of his enemies son and he can't kill him because his Quirk was taken away.
Bokugo, Aizawa and Shoto reach Deku and the others. They exchange words, first Aizawa," Hey Deku raise your head already, and greet your new friends. Stop being rude and pay attention." Deku hears his old friend's voice and he looks up hesitantly, waiting for it to be a trap but he was just smiling at him and holding out his hand for him to grab to help him stand up. Deku is very scared that it still might be a trap so he reaches for it slowly. "Don't worry Deku we won't hurt you, actually... We want to be your friend..and I'm sorry." Bokugo says I'm a soft voice and hesitant voice. (It's not like him to be nice or say sorry) Deku smirks a little and says,"Thanks Kacchan." And then he giggles a little. Bokugo goes back to being a asshole,"Screw you Villian!" They both laugh, with both of their weird sense of humor. Uraraka kisses Bokugo on the cheek and whispers in his ear,"Thank you Kacchan...I love you." Bokugo goes red in the face and blushes so much that he giggles like a little kid. Shinso hugs his dad and then thanks Deku for returning him to his friends and family. He holds his hand,"Deku Please don't worry we are your friends and new family now and we will protect you from the villianous scum you once called family." Deku takes his hand and then let's go of it... And looks at Bokugo and then All Might who is staring at him with deadly intent. Deku stops in place and gets a great idea,"Hey Bokugo I have a proposal for you. I know I'm still a villan but instead of giving All Might his quirk back how about I give it to you?"
The whole street goes quiet and looks at Deku with a weird look. All Might scowls at Deku with deadly intent to kill. He is seriously pissed off. Uraraka and Shinso look at him with shock but approval. Aizawa is approving that proposal too, he doesn't particularly like All Might ever since the USJ Attack. He has treated Aizawa with a hostile aura like he betrayed him or something. So Aizawa is all for it just like Shoto, Shinso, and Uraraka. Bokugo on the other hand is still in shock and he can't believe someone would ever offer something like this to him. He is speechless. He starts to cry and then bows in respect, "I'd love to be your successor Sensei Deku!!" Everyone gasps in Bokugo's reaction, first off he never cries unless it's really important to him, and secondly he has never bowed to someone freely without it being against his will. Deku smiles,"Raise your head Katsuki Bokugo, and for now on you are my successor of All For One and my little twist in power with it." He smiles genuinely at Bokugo. Bokugo smiles as well and then Deku walks over to him and hugs him as he bites his neck transferring all of the quirks Deku wishes to give him. Then afterwards he heals him by hugging him a little bit longer. He whispers in his ear,"Katsuki Bokugo you and I are now connected by quirks. If you take some of my blood you will become half vampire like your girlfriend there. Do you want to yes or no?" After he says that he stops hugging him and then smiles at All Might evily. Then he goes back to a normal smile. The teachers take a step backwards in fear but then let out a deep sigh of relief when Bokugo laughs and says,"That sounds good Deku. Hell yeah, Let's do it." He smiles at Deku with excitement. Deku bites his finger and Bokugo licks his blood off his finger and sucks on it a little. As he does that he starts to feel a change in his insides and appearence. He grunts in pain for a few seconds and then looks at Uraraka smiling at him with her vampire teeth out. And on his other side is Shinso with is vampire teeth out as well as Deku. They are all connected through the vampire quirk and by blood. (They are a the Vampire Demons coven from now on.)
A few hours later: things get wrapped up and settled. Bokugo, Shinso, and Uraraka are now Deku's successors of quirks he has given them and the vampire bond they have connects them all together. Uraraka asks out Bokugo officially and now they are dating. Aizawa and Deku are best friends again and they are building up trust once again. Deku gets restrained and brought into the school to be interviewed by Principal Nezu and Aizawa. All Might is still a teacher at UA but he is now limited to certain places and Deku has taken his place as a teacher and he is allowed to lead his own classroom for the hero course, and Aizawa is his Co-worker and Co- Teacher. All Might isn't allowed to be near Deku or Aizawa or there will be problems. It's like a restraining order against him. Deku will be living in a special place on the school property, so he can't leave. It's like a prison cell, but he can leave it anytime he wants. But he can't leave the campus unless he's with someone else whether it's a student or a teacher. Deku starts his job in tomorrow. Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday.
To be continued..
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