Chapter 8 - Toes goes to the Zorg Harem

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A/N:  Just letting everyone know many of these events are taking place at the same time.  It might seem disjointed but it really isn't.  I'm trying to ensure the flow is correct.

Toes nodded at Golden and turned and silently left the suite. This was going to be harder than he could imagine but by the Pack Lord he was going to do his best. When he reached the Harem, he found High Tower there with a bag for him, "Thank you High Tower. I assume Thunder is going to meet us up front? Shall we go?" He grabbed the bag and turned and headed towards the entrance of the temple.

High Tower handed Toes the bag before picking his up, "She is." She had contacted him to let him know that. Both were curious as to what they were going to do but High Tower had a feeling Toes wouldn't answer right now. He followed him out of the harem.

When they reached the courtyard, Toes was pleased to find Singer there as well as Thunder. Toes moved towards Singer and pulled her into a good hug and kissed her, "I didn't expect to see you here Singer. I thought you were helping with Hands and the other young females."

She leaned into the hug and sighed, "He is visiting the harem right now with his pack and I wasn't feeling up to going with." Singer was still struggling with what Toes had asked her but since it had been a few days some of the shock had faded. It was still something she was trying to wrap her brain around.

Toes leaned into her embrace and enjoyed the touch, "I understand Singer but take care of yourself and contact me anytime you need. I am going to need to leave shortly since I can hear the shuttle coming down." He looked down at her and lifted her chin and kissed her again, "I do care for you a great deal lady. Please believe it and that you are worth being cared for. I will see you as soon as I can." After one last kiss, he urged her away and towards the temple entrance.

High Tower was holding Thunder close as Toes turned towards the two, "The shuttle is going to be here shortly. Once we are seated I will tell you why I asked for the two of you to accompany me." He looked up and the small glint in the sky was starting to get larger as he watched.

None of the three had ever been off planet before and being honest, all three of them were nervous. As the shuttle settled down in the large courtyard in front of the temple they stood there waiting. When a door opened and a ramp came down they started forward. A crewmember stepped out and gave them a good nod, "Good morning Pack Father, Liraque, and Sir. Please come aboard and I will take care of your luggage for you. Once aboard you will be temporarily upgraded to shipboard suits for your time on the ship." She took the bags from them and followed them aboard the shuttle.

Another crew member was already helping them to strap in, "We will be taking off shortly so just relax and we will be at the ship in about forty-five minutes." She secured the bags and after double checking on the three settled down in a seat as well and buckled in.

The pilots announced the take off and with a slight surge of power the shuttle lifted off and headed towards the sky. There weren't any view ports built in but there were view screens which all three found fascinating to watch. Toes settled for watching and wished Singer could be with him. When he glanced over at High Tower and Thunder they looked very comfortable with each other.

Thunder and High Tower were simply watching the scenery and he was holding her hand for comfort. Heaven knew he was scared being off world even though he knew space travel was safe. High Tower was also worried about what he was supposed to do and why Toes had asked for him. He wanted to ask but was almost scared to.

Thunder had noticed that the color of her bracelets had changed as well as her robes. As of now she knew she was considered a certified Liraque. That she had expected but she had also expected to go to work with the supplicants. This was way more than she had expected and she had to wonder why she had been selected.

*High Tower, Thunder, I chose both of you because I trust you and like the feel of you. Right now, more than anything else the Zorg harem is going to be scared. For the younger males, I feel they would need someone close to their age to go to. For the older males, I am a Pack Father and I will deal with them. This is going to be hard work but I think in the long run it will be worth it. I am just guessing but I have a feeling these males are far more constrained than we are at the temple harem. Be gentle and talk quietly to them. Give them comfort and hugs. Sooth their emotions and listen to their concerns.* He glanced up when an officer settled down next to him.

"Good morning Pack Father I am sending you a document listing all the males in the Harem and their status." As she was speaking it was obvious she was very upset. After seeing the males and the state they were in she was not a happy camper. They were healthy but based on listening to them they might not have been educated to the minimum requirements. She also had a feeling they had never been outside the Harem since being brought to it as pups. Everything made them twitchy and they all stared around in wonder at the simplest things.

Toes reached over and grasped her hand, *Deep breath Captain, once we land or whatever you call it I will give you a good hug. We need to remain as calm as possible around the males. Even if they were in a normal harem this would be a horrible shock to them. Where are they currently?* He gave her hand a good squeeze.

She returned the squeeze, *I am Captain Star Wind and I am assigned to you while you are aboard Pack Father. They are currently in the ship's harem and the normal males have been moved elsewhere.* She started briefing him on the number and ages of the males.

Eventually they docked with the ship and once the shuttle was secure in the landing bay the Captain stood, "Please follow me and I will show you to the harem." She gave the males a wry grin, "We haven't had a Pack Father onboard before so you might end up getting a few hugs. Most of the females have seen the news and are pretty worked up now. We are keeping them busy with drills and training but that will only help some."

The three traded looks, "If we aren't delayed too much that is fine, as far as our luggage please bring it when you get a chance. It isn't important currently." They followed the Captain out after Toes gave her a good hug to help her calm down. Outside was, as he had expected, several females but not too many. It did take some time but they were eventually shown to the Harem.

Before they walked in Toes ensured his robes looked as neat as possible and his new Pack Father necklace was showing. He had to smile as the other two did much the same and he nodded to the Captain, "Please show us in. I will take care of the introductions."

When the door opened to the Harem Thunder tensed up due to the emotions flying around. It looked like most of the Harem was gathered in the central room and were almost huddling together. They all looked scared and upset. One pup, about the age of Dreamer, saw Thunder and knew what she was. He ran over and wrapped his arms around her waist and started crying. She picked him up and held him close, "Hey little one, I go by Thunder." She carried him over to a couch which had some other younger pups and settled down.

Toes moved forward followed by High Tower and though his expression was pleasant his eyes were sad, "I am Pack Father Fertile Fields from the Temple Harem in Dawn of Hope. I go by Toes and I came up to talk to you and give you my support. The male next to me is High Tower and he is also from the Temple Harem. He is a good male and please talk to him and he can help as well. The Liraque is Sounds of Thunder and is also a very good person."

Toes moved over to one of the couches and settled down. Almost before he had sat down several of the Harem had come over and settled down around him. He also ended up with a couple of pups on his lap, "Before you ask I am not sure what is going on down below though I will be kept in the loop. Right now, I am here for you and to help with your needs. Please accept my comfort and support as well as the other two."

When High Tower settled down he didn't get quite as much attention but he did end up with several people around him. They could sense his calmness and cheerfulness and it was very comforting. He also came across as a more senior male which was simply due to how he was raised.

One of the older males looked at Toes, "Can you tell us what is happening with the pack and when we might be back with them?" Very few of the males had encountered the pressures the senior pack females had been using on the female pack members.

Toes started stroking his whiskers, "I will have a request sent down to the authorities for an hourly update. Temple Mother Dancer informed me for the moment once things have settled down she has made some property available for my use. I am going to be bringing as much of the pack there as possible and do what I can to help." He was asked another question and he kept talking. As he came across questions which he didn't have an answer for, he forwarded them to Golden and Dancer to deal with. Right now, he was doing his best to calm the males down.

Once Toes had settled down and started calming the males he looked around the room, "I would like each one of you to come over to me and introduce yourself. I want to know each of your full names and use names. I know all the males in the harem I come from and want to know yours as well." He was doing his best to look relaxed and comfortable. To be honest, he was feeling fairly worked up since the males were almost beaten down.

No, that wasn't the right way to describe them. They were... restricted and limited. That was a much better way of describing it. Some of it was how they acted, their body language said a great deal. It was also how they spoke; their language skills were rather simple as well. The more he talked to them the angrier he became. This was not right and he was going to deal with it. The older males might not really ever grow out of how they had been trained. The young males could be better educated and allowed to grow into who they might be.

Even as he was mentally snarling at how the males had been restricted he was greeting each person who came up. First was the oldest males and they were slowly working their way down to the youngest males. When it started being the underage males he gentled his approach some even though he had been gentle already. He could both sense and smell their fear and he was doing everything he could to calm them.

As he was greeting each one he was lightly grasping their hands since it helped him get a sense of who they were. It was something he had been discovering the longer he was a Pack Father. When one young male came up he smiled at the boy and guessed he was about eleven turns old. When Toes grasped his hands, he was shocked. This young man was a potential Pack Father. Doing his best not to show his reaction Toes glanced at the pup's bracelets and almost frowned. They were the color of a normal male which wasn't right, "And who are you son?"

The pup gave him a shy look, "I am Soft Rain and go by Soft." He hated that but when he had asked about changing it he had been yelled at by one of the females.

Toes could feel the discomfort and knew it well, "I am pleased to meet you and when you feel it is right for you we can discuss another use name. I will be here for a while and if you want to talk please do." He let the pup go even as he contacted the Captain, *Star Wind I need one of your tech's who is familiar with the bracelets. The pup I was just talking to does not have the right color. He is a potential Pack Father but is showing as only a male.* In his sending the anger could be felt.

Star stood a bit straighter and for a brief moment fury crossed her face before she controlled it, *I will take care of it and we can do it in medical. We wanted them to calm down some before we took them to medical for scans. Will that work for you Pack Father?* She could feel his emotions through the sending and didn't blame him for being upset if this was right.

*Perfect. I will calm them down for a short time longer and then we can start taking them in small groups.* "I was asked to let you know that shortly we are going to be taking small groups of you to medical. They wish to run scans to ensure all of you are doing fine. It is all normal and expected." Just for good measure he winked at them, "Military will be military you know." When he received a small laugh from a few of the males he was pleased.

As he continued talking he sent to Golden, *Golden I just discovered there is a potential Pack Father in the Harem. He is about ten years old and has no idea what he is. Also, his bracelets have been tampered with to show he is a normal male. I am having his bracelets checked when we go to medical. I thought the bracelets were not able to be tampered with.* Toes needed some comfort from the Pack Father.

Golden couldn't control his reaction as he swung at a wall and thankfully it wasn't a retaining wall and was purely decorative. He ended up punching a large hole in it in his anger, "Oh damn those fucking bitches." He was so worked up for a moment all he could do was to struggle not to keep reacting. Thankfully his Liraque came up and calmed his emotions, *Keep me updated and I am forwarding this information to Hunter as well as the authorities.*

Toes felt the surge of anger and he completely understood. He was feeling much the same way and the only thing keeping him from losing it was the needs of the Harem. If he lost it Toes would damage the relationship he was trying to form.


The morning after the raid the planet was still in turmoil but both Fancy Free and Steel Heart had seen the broadcast from the pack fathers. Fancy Free had talked to them of her own volition; it had been without any approval from those above or the temples. It had occurred to her that as much popular support there was for the two human Pack Fathers, even with Ray being changed, it might help. If she was disciplined about this then so be it. The statistics showed that after the broadcast, it had actually helped.

There were still some very strong feelings about what had happened but the heartfelt pleas of all five pack fathers mattered. In their case, everyone knew at least three of the five and having the pack fathers show up with their mates, other than Toes, had impacted them as well. From what she had seen it was the pleas of Pack Father Strong Hands and his Pack Mother which had the most impact. Even with the two or three broadcasts Hands and Ray had done, so little was known about them. Having Strong Hands talk about what he had been through had really hit hard and especially with the younger generations.

Nobody other than the temple and authorities had known that Hands had been forced to kill someone. When he talked about that for a moment there was a spike in more anger before what he and Ray had said hit. The groups dedicated to the two pack fathers started buzzing with comments which expressed their shock. More groups were created for Golden, Toes, and the others as well. It almost seemed that people were focusing on them to distract themselves from what had happened.

The people coming to the temples started to increase radically as well. It was going to be very hard for the Liraque and Liraque-Trainee's since they couldn't focus on any one person for very long. Across the board, they were trained all their attention was focused on their client. In this case that simply wasn't possible.


Once all the Zorg Pack members had been moved to a more secure location the Peace Forcers started their work. There were a fair number of Liraque there as well since many of the females and pups were in shock. All of them knew that something had caused the two explosions and some of the pack had been killed. Everyone listed as senior in the pack had been separated from the others and were isolated from each other.

Two main Forcer and Priestess groups were going to be working now. The first, and larger group, was going to be working with the junior pack members and pups since there were so many more. The smaller and more experienced were focused on the senior females. All the stops had been pulled out, shortly after the pack had been secured at the new location Sees Clearly arrived. She was assigned an office and quickly settled in, "Start with the most senior female and as needed come to me for warrants and judicial needs. My Goddess told me to report here and expedite any and all requests. She wishes this to be resolved as soon and as best possible. I have a recorder coming to document all decisions and thoughts I have. This is so that there is as complete a record, as possible, of all decisions."

The senior Peace Forcer settled down in a desk near Sees Clearly as well, "Thank you Priestess. Your help will expedite getting this cleared up as best possible. I am going to remain with you and pass requests over to you. I do have a number already in my queue for you. The first is..." She started passing the requests over.

The recorder arrived moments later and once she had set up Sees Clearly started reading and making verbal notes, "On the first request to have the implant's data dumped starting with suspect number 300963 upon review..." It was going to take some time and she had several other priestesses waiting to take over. The other two were the next two most senior of their Goddess. Overnight they had flown in from their temples in the other cities.

As the warrants were approved a tech would take care of the issue. One of the senior investigators from the government was sitting in the room with the senior matriarch. She was reviewing all the documentation they had as the other was glowering. It wasn't very long before she received a message that they had received permission to strip the implant of all data. When she received the message, several people came into the room, "Matriarch we have received a warrant to access your implant. Do not fight this or you will be restrained and if needed sedated until done." Her voice was cold as she spoke.

The Matriarch snarled something before speaking, "Don't you dare put your filthy hands on me mongrel mutt. I am a Matriarch and above you. I did not give permission for anyone to access anything."

The Matriarch started to speak again before a signal was sent to her implant which effectively subdued her, "I did not ask for any comments from you and you do not have the right to reject this action. It has been approved by the Senior Priestess of the Goddess of Judgment." She turned and looked at the tech, "Do what you need but be very careful. Considering what happened when she was removed from the offices I do not want any further deaths. If needed lock everything down and we can take her to a secured room for a more invasive scan." Invasive scans were very hard on the person since it stripped all nanotech out of the person.

The tech gave her a nod before he secured the needed equipment to her head. One particular piece of equipment induced a state of euphoria which impacted on the persons will. It was

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