Chapter 9 - We are pack Liraque

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By the end of the day Toes was exhausted though he was doing his best to avoid showing it. Calming the Harem had been harder than he had expected. It was especially true when it came to the potential Pack Father. They had discovered the bracelet wasn't the issue but there was a nanite coating covering it which had changed the color. It was more of the back street illegal tech such as had been used on Dreamer's mother. That had forced Toes to do some serious thinking about how to handle it.

He didn't like the idea but after contacting Golden and talking about it extensively they decided to leave it for the moment. Once the trials were over they could quietly address the issue. As of now the boy just wouldn't be able to handle the change in status. He, as well as the others, were so controlled if they dropped it on him he would be badly impacted. Toes didn't like that but he had to agree for the boy's sake they needed to. The largest reason he hated that idea was it felt like he, Toes, was trying to take the pack away from the boy.

Before they left the ship, he prepared the Harem as best possible, "We are going to be heading down to the surface again. Temple Mother Dancer has a property we are going to use for the time being. About the time we arrive some of the pack females are going to be there waiting for us. Before we go down we are going to have something to eat and then leave. As I already said I am going to be there for all of you." He could feel the fear they were feeling and knew it was going to take a while before it eased. By bringing the pack back together it would help.

Once they had finished eating, the Captain cleared her throat, "The shuttle down is ready and if you will follow me I will take you there. There is an escort as well to ensure nobody gets lost. If you have questions or need help please ask." The door opened and there were several females outside in uniforms.

Toes followed her out while carrying two of the youngest and most scared pups. Several more were holding onto his robes as well. He glanced at the females and all of them were doing their best not to show their anger. All appeared to be reasonably senior as well. He gave them a good nod and a generic smile. As of now he didn't have the energy to do more than that, "Shall we gentlemen? From what I understand shortly before we arrive the first group of the pack females will be waiting." He had said it already but the harem needed to hear it.

As they slowly started into the wide corridor the females fell in and surrounded the males. High Tower and Thunder waited for all the males to leave and fell in behind them. The trip to the landing bay was quiet for the most part. One or two of the harem had questions but it was rather obvious they didn't know what to think. Based on their backgrounds they were far more traumatized than most anyone else would have been.

Once they were on the shuttle the ladies made sure everyone and everything was secured. Shortly afterwards they left the ship and headed planet side. When they landed, it was moments after the first group of females had arrived. When Toes came out he glanced around and found some Peace Forcers as well as some of the temple staff there. They weren't Liraque's because they were so badly needed at the temples and in the towns.

One female came over and gave him a slight bow, "Pack Father Fertile Fields welcome to the property, food has been supplied as well as some basic necessities. As you can see this is the first of the pack females and once you get them settled in the next group will be brought. Those of us here are to remain and provide you as much assistance as possible."

Toes inclined his head at the bow. He still wasn't comfortable with being treated with that level of respect but he went with it, "Thank you for that. If you will show us to a central room so I can address the pack I would appreciate it." Toes looked back over his shoulder, "Please follow me gentlemen. I am going to address the portion of the pack which is here currently." He turned back and indicated for the female to lead on.

Toes was so tired from all the comforting he had been forced to do. This pack was so screwed up it wasn't funny. He had been forced to call on Golden and ask for help. There was just too much for one pack father to do. Most of the adult females were heavily traumatized both because of what had happened as well as the ongoing pressure from above. The Harem wasn't doing much better for the most part.

There were a few males Toes wasn't pleased with since they felt... Different for lack of a better word. They were worried and scared but not for quite the same reason the others were. That had been noted and he had also mentioned that to Golden and thankfully Golden had told Toes he would deal with it. It was one less thing Toes had to worry about.

By the time the balance of the pack had arrived Toes was beyond beat. He had been using his powers almost non-stop since the morning. It had helped a great deal to keep the pack calm but he couldn't keep doing it for very long. As of now the males and females with pups were all sleeping in the largest central room. The rest of the females had been organized and moved to other rooms. For now, the entire pack was being kept as close as possible. Tomorrow was going to be a long day as well and how he wished Singer was with him. He could use her comfort but as much as Toes wanted her there it would be wrong for her. With a yawn, he shifted slightly and then fell asleep. Morning would come soon enough.


The next morning when he was awoken he wanted to snarl at someone since he was still exhausted. He felt like he had been used and abused the day before. After dragging his tail off the soft floor, he carefully stood and took some time to stretch each and every joint from the tip of his tail to the top of his neck. After what sounded like most of the joints in his body popping and cracking he felt somewhat better.

Once he was done one of the pack females approached him with a cup of tea, "This should help Pack Father." She handed it over before scooting away while looking very shy. When he sniffed it, he recognized it as the tea to help with strained abilities. He didn't even think before he took a small sip to see how warm it was. When he found it was cool enough, he slurped it down in a matter of moments. He really needed the help. Now came the important part, where was the bathroom and shower.

"Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is and if there is a shower in there as well?" He asked one of the Peace Forcers. Toes didn't think he had any clean robes but his new ship suit would work for the moment until he could get his clothes there.

The nearest female glanced at the Pack Father before giving him a strained smile, "Good morning Pack Father and there is and it is through there." She pointed towards a door, "Someone sent some of your clothing over during the night. I will have a set of robes brought to you." She twitched her ears at him as she called for one of the pack to bring him some robes.

He stretched again, "Thank you and I could really use a shower to wake up. Do you happen to know if we have supplies for breakfast? Yesterday was busy enough I ran out of time." It didn't bother him admitting that since comforting the pack was the most important. If he had to, he would order a load of supplies post haste.

"From what I understand the Temple Mother had several days of supplies brought in as having the important parts cleaned. There is also a contract Liraque who wishes to talk to you when you have a moment." She gave him a very pleased smile before turning to comfort a child who was starting to fuss.

Toes stumbled to the bathroom and then looked in the mirror. Frankly he looked like he had barely slept the night before but if it helped the pack short term it was worth it. After giving his teeth a good scrubbing he stepped into the shower and let the water start flowing down his back. As he was leaning there several more people came in and when a set of hands rubbed his shoulders he dropped his head forward. It felt good which made him almost groan in enjoyment.

"If you don't mind Pack Father I will wash your back and there is another pack female who will start with your hair." She was one of the older females and with most of the most senior females gone she was close to what could be considered the top.

"Please do. I need to finish waking up and could use the help." It took some time since more of the pack came in and he ended up comforting a number before he had to leave. Once out he frowned very faintly since he couldn't smell any coffee. He had gotten used to it at Pack Johnson and it was a good pick up in the morning, *Dancer I don't suppose you could send some coffee to the property I am at? I am beat and need the energy.* When she gave him a rough laugh he was pleased. She had also informed him she would send some.


Back at the property several of the most senior techs arrived and sought out Toes, "Pack Father we are here to start working with the males. This is Priestess Clear Sky's and she is going to take care of any and all needed warrants." *This is especially true for the potential Pack Father. We have received very specific instructions on the handling of him. We will be as gentle as possible as we deal with not just him but the entire harem.*

Toes lifted his chin as she spoke, *I understand and I will be in the room to help keep them calm and especially the pups.* That and if any of the males decided to try anything he was the best to stop it before anyone was hurt, *I figure we will start with the oldest and work our way down. I figure if anyone is going to be involved with the fucking mess it is going to be the oldest.*

She nodded since that made a great deal of sense, "That works Pack Father and it might be best if we isolate them as each one is done. It will keep them from comparing notes." Then again, she had seen the reports on this harem. As sad as it sounded didn't expect most to come up with good lies.

"Come this way, we have an office you can use already set up. Why don't we get this started?" The sooner they started the sooner it was finished. Toes had to step out occasionally. It was both to catch his breath not to mention needing to comfort the females of the pack.

For the central pack, there were quite a few and it was such a drain. Some of it was the simple loss of what they knew. More of it was feeling betrayed by the senior pack members they were supposed to trust. Another part of it was the pups who were so very distressed. They simply couldn't understand what was going on and why for the most part. Eventually Toes simply ran out of energy, *Dancer, Golden I need help. I can deal with the adult males and females but the young pups are just to much.* He was in a separate office and was almost crying. Thunder was holding him as he was asking for help, *I know right now all the temples are strained but I need help. If I don't get it I don't know how long I can keep helping the pack.*

Toes had talked with the lead Peace Forcer. As the interviews and implant downloads were done if there was any question the individuals were separated. When all was said and done, there was actually only two of questionable status. The others were returned to the pack. The two were very quietly removed and taken to where the other suspects were.


Misty's section was currently working during what she would think of as normal work hours. She hadn't had any idea what they were going to be doing and frankly Misty had been scared. She wasn't scared of the supplicants but because she was so new to this that she might not be able to do what was needed. As it was they had been assigned to help check people in, sample their emotions, and work them into the queue. As needed they were also assisting the Liraque to sooth emotions of the supplicants as well.

It was tiring and exhausting work since even with the temples shielding, once the females were inside it didn't block the emotions. The supplicant side of the temple was awash in emotions and it was draining to keep from reacting to it. Now she was glad she had left Sunny with Hands. There was no way she was going to expose Sunny to this morass of emotions. Misty was having enough trouble dealing with it and there wasn't any way Sunny could.

When she and Skye had taken the lunch break and visited Sunny it had really helped. Even though Sunny was upset about Misty leaving her with Hands she had been happy to see her. That little girl was definitely coming to mean the world to Misty and she knew it. Once they had been relieved by the next group of Trainee's Misty headed directly towards Hands' section. Skye came with as well which she was glad for. Both of them were being hit hard by the entire mess, harder than most to be honest, and needed the comfort.

When they walked in Misty tensed slightly based on the emotions, *Hands? Savory?* She wasn't sure what was going on but had a feeling it was related to the drama going on.

Hands was leaning against a couch with Nuzzle in his arms. Savory was on one side and Dreamer on the other. She also noticed a girl she had never seen before with an arm around Dreamer, *I gave the younger girls the bare bones of what is going on. They had to know since this involved both Dreamer and me. However this fucking mess works out, the two of us will end up in court. That is going to upset Dreamer and I won't keep it from his temple sisters. He is going to need the support. I didn't tell them about the bombings. Oh, the girl next to him is his older sister. For the moment she is going to be staying here and her name is Noon Warmth and goes by Noon.*

As he was talking to her Misty came in and almost flopped down and scooped Sunny up, "Hey cuddle bug, it is good to see you." She gave her a good hug and peck, "I don't want to move darn it. Can I just pass out here?" That was a very tired groan.

Skye settled down next to her and sighed as well before scooping up Myriam and cuddling with her, "Got a little girl and not gonna let go." She had a tired smile on her face as she was talking.

Myriam growled before leaning into Skye's hug, "Might bite if you don't." She closed her eyes and enjoyed the comfort the older girl was giving her.


Sees Clearly was sitting in the office with the two others from her temple and almost glowered at the stack of data chips piled up. They ranged from transcripts of the interviews, transcripts of the implant data, to video footage and so much more. She was probably going to have to call in more of her priestesses to help sort and organize the information. That was going to have an impact since there weren't a great deal of them. By far the Liraque were the most predominant even though they were a fraction of the population. For the Pack Lords followers, her goddess, and the scale balancer's followers didn't even compare to the number of Liraque.

Then again, they normally didn't need to have as many priests or priestesses as the fertility Goddess due to what they did, "So what do you two think? Should we call in more of us to deal with this pile of data?" Even with the massive computing power they had it would take time to process and correlate the data. It was time they really didn't have if they wanted to keep on top of things. It didn't help that she had been informed the matriarchs had been keeping a potential pack father hidden. That was going to go over even worse than what the senior females had done if it came out. She had agreed with Golden they needed to keep it quiet. Deal with it inside the temple. Their world didn't need more issues to deal with it.

She had been forced to send a fourth person over to the property to handle the warrants for the male's implants. That was going to be a delicate issue as well. They knew of one who had been involved and he was still detained for the moment. If there were more who were involved... She shuddered at that thought, "Goddess damn it, what the hell were they thinking?" Sees Clearly had to rest her head on her hands as she struggled to keep a calm mind. Everything which had happened with Pack Zorg had impacted on virtually every aspect of their culture and society.

Cienna walked into the room and over to Sees Clearly, "Dancer asked me to come and offer you as much comfort and help as I can. I am the senior Liraque Mother for the temple. I am here as a contract Liraque since I can't afford to become a normal Liraque based on my job. Will you accept me as your temporary Liraque?" She was gently stroking Sees Clearly's shoulders and neck as she was talking.

Sees Clearly let her head hang forward and sighed, "If you are willing to help all three of us then yes. I am going to be calling in several more of my priestesses as well. We have too much information and need to sort it out." All of them were going to need the help.

Cienna kept working on her shoulders as she responded, "Of course I will help. As I said I am acting as a contract Liraque. If needed I will call in another of my assistants for this issue. All of you need to be as calm and neutral as possible. That is our job to help you with." Once she had finished with Sees Clearly she moved to the next female and finally the third. Eventually she was done and all three were feeling better.

"Thank you Cienna that really helped a great deal. Okay ladies let's divide the work up and see just how many people we are going to need to deal with this." She started separating the documents into stacks. As she was doing that she was talking with the others. Eventually they had all the chips separated into just over a half a dozen stacks, "Okay, I am going to have the lead investigator and two of her techs come in and start helping. If needed I will call in more of us." Sees Clearly handed a stack of the data chips to each of the others even as she was calling for help.


Golden and Dancer had a feeling this was going to happen and had been discussing it. The energy of both a Pack Father and a Liraque were finite and they were asking a huge amount of Toes. This was especially true of a new pack father, *Toes we will send you help but we need to talk to several people. I understand what you are saying and I am very proud of you son. I can easily say the Pack Lord is as well. We will contact you shortly.* Golden cut the connection and glanced at Dancer and received a nod from her.

He was just getting ready to send a contact request when the door to Dancers office opened. He couldn't help but look somewhat startled when Hands, Savory, and Kythryn walked in, "Good morning and what can we do for you?"

Hands looked at Golden and gave him an appropriate nod for the senior Pack Priest, "The Pack Lord briefly contacted me. He didn't really give me much information other than to tell me to go and help Toes. It wasn't a request but an order. There was an overtone of the Goddess as well and I was essentially told to take my entire pack to help." His voice was firm yet respectful as he was talking.

Golden couldn't help but slightly tilt his head as Hands was speaking. He gave the young man a smile. As of now even if Hands wasn't an adult he had earned Golden's respect unlike many of the adult Pack Fathers, "We will arrange transport

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