Steel Heart was honestly pleased by the broadcast from the Pack Fathers. When it had been broadcast, there had actually been a major, though momentary, drop in what was going on. She wasn't going to hold her breath but anything would help. Knowing what both Hands and Ray had gone through she was pleased that Hands could talk about it at all. As she would have expected there was a massive up swell in popularity again. The various groups out there were showing a spiked increase in the popularity of both human pack fathers. A few groups had been started or expanded for the others on the podium.
Her Liraque came into her office, "Heart you are going to bed soon or else. You need the sleep to remain functional. We also need to start dealing with your reaction from earlier. I am going to drag your tail to your room, give you a good bath, a massage, and a good stiff drink." She urged her out of the chair and walked her out of the room. Tomorrow was going to come soon enough and the problems would still be there.
When Misty came out of the meeting she was feeling battered and abused by all the emotions flying around, *Hands I am going to need you to keep watching Sunny for me. We are going to be working with the supplicants for the next few days and she just doesn't need the emotional overload. That and there was a second explosion aimed at the Harem. I can't deal with her being in the section tonight. I am doing my best to comfort my section mates.*
Hands sent her a surge of love, *At least come by and give Sunny a good hug. She is rather scared by the emotions she was feeling since she doesn't understand any more than the other young pups.* When she mentioned a second explosion he sighed, *I know since I was informed not too long ago. I will give you a good hug as well sis.*
It didn't take long for both Misty and Skye to show up and though Misty was upset, Skye was hurting. Hands hurried over to her and wrapped his arms around her and held her close. There wasn't anything he could say to help so he settled for the physical contact. As he was focusing on Skye he felt Misty heading towards Sunny.
Skye returned the hug and was almost clinging on. Her muzzle was buried in his hair in the hopes his scent would calm her even some, *Thank you Pack Father. I needed a good hug.* She clung on for several minutes before stepping back and going to where Misty was with Sunny.
Misty gathered Sunny close, "Hey cuddle bug, I have asked Hands to watch you for me. The meeting was really important but I can't say why. It is an adult thing and I don't want you to have to deal with it. I love you Sunny and you mean so much to me. I will come and see you several times each day so you know I am doing okay." She had forced her emotions back some to keep from impacting on Sunny.
Sunny wrapped her arms around Misty, "I noes want to be away from you Misty. I's loves you and want to be with you." She started crying as she was talking.
Misty kept holding her close and sent soothing thoughts, *Sunny in this case I am going to have to ask you to accept what I have to say. I am going to miss you curled up next to me but I am your Liraque and you will listen. I will see you each and every day as often as I can. I have to go now but Sunny I do love you and this is why I am asking Hands to take care of you.* She wasn't going to cry at the moment though later she would.
Nuzzle came over and wrapped her arms around Sunny, *I's cuddle with yous Sunny. We's cuddle with other little pups for sleep and we's take care of you.* As she was holding her she felt Sunny starting to get sleepy and finally fell asleep.
Misty lowered her down almost fled from the room since she was feeling so horrible. It felt like she was abandoning her and she felt like shit for that. When she made it back to her section she ignored everyone and after stripping off her robe crawled into bed and started crying. Misty knew it was for the best but it hurt since she felt like she was abandoning her Liraqua. Several of the others came over and curled up with her. Skye had contacted them and they knew what was going on and simply gave her as much care as they could. All of them needed the contact since they were all upset. They would be doing a sleepover setup as well.
Skye watched Misty run out of Hand's section and wanted to cry even more. For her it was bad enough but Misty was responsible for Sunny as well. As her Liraque Misty had to make the decision on how best to deal with her Liraqua but this was even harder. It was very rare for a child to be a Liraqua and this was going to be hard on both of them.
Hands gave Skye one last good hug before letting her go, *Damn those fucking... No, not going to swear or call names. I am going to be as calm as possible. I am not going to wish them to the darkest realms of Hades. I am a Pack Father and better than that.* As he was struggling not to rant he was sending to Savory and Kyth since he needed their help, *Sleepover setup for the duration. Do not tell the young girls why, that will be my job when I feel it is appropriate.*
She urged Hands away, "I have to go Hands. Thank you for the hug but Misty needs me." She turned and left the room.
Savory tried not to shiver at the feelings she was getting from Hands. She could feel just how much this was impacting on him. She moved over to him and pulled him into her arms and tucked his head into her neck and started stroking his hair, *I love you Hands and I am here for you. We will be here to support you.*
Kyth came over and stroked his back for a moment before looking at the other girls, "We are setting up for a sleepover. I can't tell some of you why but today has been a very upsetting day for Hands and many of us. We are doing our best not to let what we are feeling impact on you younger pups. Don't ask what is going on since we won't tell you."
"Zahria take Salty and Myriam and get some snacks. I have a feeling nobody is going to want to leave the room for the next few hours." She turned and looked at one of the other girls and called out a few more orders. It took a short time for people to start moving and especially the older girls. They were reeling from what news they had heard.
While Kyth was taking care of that, Hands was leaning on Savory's strength, *Ray, Misty is very upset. She felt she needed to leave Sunny in my section to keep her from being impacted by all the emotions. We both know this is for the best but it still hurt Misty. She feels like she is abandoning her Liraqua. If possible do you think Birdy and Breezy could come over?* He hated asking but he couldn't leave his girls and they couldn't go to the other section. If it was just the older girls that would be one thing but not the younger girls.
Ray sighed, *I will talk to them and I am sure they will be more than willing to come over. I think I am going to ask Dusty to come over and spend the night with you as well. I am sure this is as hard, or harder for you than it is for Misty since you are a Pack Father. I know the temple isn't going to have enough adults for all who need them. Give me a few minutes and I will send them over.* Zantha was still at the pack property but Aqua and Daisy had been recalled for the moment.
*Thank you Pack Father. It will really help and especially with the younger girls.* He passed that information on to Kyth and Savory. He considered telling Misty but had a feeling she wouldn't accept a contact by him as of now.
Skye hurried to their section and moved over to the bed. After elevating the head of it she pulled Misty onto her lap and wrapped her arms around her, "Hey love, I am here for you and I can tell how hard that was for you but it was the right decision. You took care of your Liraqua which is what you are supposed to do. Do you want to do a sleepover?" She was pretty sure most of the temple was going to be doing a sleepover style night. Or she should say the older girls who were going to be helping. The surge of shock and emotions had been very intense.
Misty settled for curling into Skye and sobbing. She knew Skye was right but it still hurt really badly since she felt like she was letting Sunny down. How long she held on and cried she wasn't sure but at some point, Birdy and Breezy had come in and Birdy settled on the other side and started stroking Misty's back. Misty tensed and then started relaxing as she sensed who it was. She was going to have to thank Hands since she knew he had called for them, *Sleepover please. We all need it.*
Birdy moved closer to Misty and Skye before leaning against Misty's back. She wrapped an arm around both of them. She nuzzled Misty's neck, "Hey Misty, Ray asked us to come over and spend the night with you. We brought our pups as well since they might give you a smile and relax some. They won't be impacted by the emotions right now."
Breezy turned to the girls, "I can help set up for the sleepover and Birdy and I are here for the evening. If you need hugs and cuddling, we can do that as well. I know you are all being impacted by this and even more than we are." She gave a few hugs out before urging them towards the living section, "I brought some really good tea over which I think all of you will like."
Several of the girls followed her out and gathered around her. For the moment, they needed the comfort of an older female. Breezy stopped and gave them all as good a hug as she could, "Now why don't we get some hot water ready and bring out the pillows, blankets, and get ready. I even stole a few of those horrible movies Ray has. We can stare at them, distract ourselves by realizing how weird humans are and try to relax."
That received a halfhearted chuckle but it was something. Breezy had brought over a number of other feel good movies as well and hoped they would help. Once the tea was made and the lounge was ready she settled down and smiled as some of the other girls curled up near her, "Robin Hood Men in Tights anyone?" That got a groan from Misty so she started it playing.
That night was not a very good one for anyone. Few of the older trainees hadn't slept for squat and those in Hands section hadn't either. Even with Dusty and her pup there Hands hadn't slept well. In his case, they weren't really sure why but they knew that their Pack Father and Mother were very upset. They had heard the Pack Zorg takedown but not about the explosions which had killed so many. As of now the body count was over thirty between pack members and the Peace Forcers. They were still searching for bodies.
When Hands woke, he staggered to the bathroom and into the shower. The first thing was something just above ice water in temp to wake him up. Once he was awake he started warmer water and set the shower head to massage mode since he was tense. Shortly after he walked in several of the other girls came in including Savory.
Dusty followed them in and started working on the hair and back of the little girls. They were understandably scared and upset. Most of the fear was from how Hands and Savory were reacting as much as anything. A bit of attention from Dusty would help. Once they were done she scooped up her pup from where he was and withdrew his suit to give him a quick bath. She didn't take too long since she didn't want any accidents. By the time she was done one of the older girls was out of the shower and took him so Dusty could get clean.
Savory gave him a hug from behind and simply held him for a short time before starting to work on his hair. Kyth started working on his back and for the moment all of them were pampering him. He wasn't anywhere near as tense as he had been in the past but he was still feeling tense.
Hands settled for leaning against the shower wall as they worked on his back, neck, and hair, *Thank you all. It does help and I have an idea for this morning. Not going to tell you but I think you will appreciate it.* When Kyth hit a knot he tensed and then relaxed, *Toes I want to bring my pack to the male pups section. I need something to distract me from yesterday and I think it would be good for my pack and your pups.*
Toes was lying next to Nose currently and she was asleep, *That sounds really good since I have been thinking about something like it myself. I need to talk to Dancer this morning but that doesn't have anything to do with what you are thinking. I will have High Tower meet you after breakfast. He will show you to the pup's section. I will talk to you later.* He closed his eyes and relaxed until Nose started to wake up.
Hands decided to only tell Savory of his plans. He had a feeling school wasn't going to be happening. If anyone contacted him about his girls not showing up he would deal with it at the time. Right now, he didn't care since he was looking after his pack and he was going to do what he needed to. Hands was not going to be a butt head about it but after yesterday he needed and they needed it.
After breakfast, he gathered his Pack off to one side, *We are doing something different today. I haven't been told to take you to class so I have something special. Please follow me.* He wrapped an arm around Savory and walked out with his pack following him. He was holding Sunny since she was still very upset. He really hoped what they were going to do was going to perk her up. When they ended up outside the door to the pup section of the harem he couldn't help but smile slightly since he was getting questioning thoughts from the girls.
Right about then the door opened and High Tower was there, "Good morning Strong Hands and welcome Trainee's. Please come in." He stood to the side as Hands walked in with Savory.
Hands looked over his shoulder, "Well? Are you going to come in? If you can deal with Dreamer, then you can deal with other boy pups." He kept going and found they were arriving right as the others were finishing breakfast. He almost wanted to laugh when the boy pups turned and stared, "Good morning and I am Pack Father Strong Hands and this is my pack. We decided to come and say hello."
When Hands walked into the pup's section of the harem he barely managed not to laugh. All the male pups looked shocked and almost like they wanted to run but weren't sure that would work. He stepped forward and tried for a nice smile though he had a feeling it was a grin instead, "Good morning and I am Pack Father Strong Hands, I go by Hands, and this is my Pack Mother Savory. We thought we would come and say hello. This is my pack which is Pack Liraque. How are you doing?"
One of the older pups, he looked maybe sixteen, stood up and after a nervous look, "Good morning Pack Father Hands. We are pleased to see you." He glanced at some of the older females and blushed slightly, "Is there something we can do for you?"
Savory gave all of them a warm smile, "Please just call me Savory and Hands, well Hands. We have been talking with Pack Father Toes and Temple Mother Dancer about coming and saying hello. That is why we are here. For us school is off for the day and we wanted to come and get to know you."
Nuzzle being who she was moved forward along with her little posse and found a couple of the younger pups, "Hi I's Nuzzle and Hands Liraque. Hugs and cuddles?" She pulled one pup into a good hug as the other young girls did as well.
Dreamer came forward with a smile, "I am Dreamer and a member of the pack as well. Girl pups can be scary at times but they are all really nice." He giggled when River poked him in the side, "See, they is scary and horrible meanies..." He really started giggling when she tickled him.
River grumbled at him, "I deal with stinky boy pup later. Have Nuzzle clean your ears out or something." She giggled as well before moving forward and looking at several of the pups, "We were worried when Dreamer came in since we never really dealt with boy pups before. Hands didn't count since he is a human boy pup. We don't bite and simply wanted to say hello."
Some of the other girls started to move forward though they moved slowly, "We have some games and movies we can watch as well." Kyth turned and glowered at Hands, "Well Folician movies and shows. Don't let Hands foist one of his terrible movies on you. He has at best questionable taste which he learned from his brother."
Hands looked affronted, "I have very refined taste in movies thank you and I wouldn't do that. I would start them on the nicer movies such as the Disney movies. Maybe Toy Story or Frozen though maybe the Terminator..." That got him lightly smacked, "Hey Gentle likes it."
The ice appeared to be mostly broken though there was still some tension. Hands settled on one couch while Savory settled on another. The girls started moving around the room and finding places to sit. Before very long all of them were talking though it was in fits and starts. Hands almost slipped in Spaceballs but knew better. A few of the older boys settled down near him and started talking to him. They wanted to know what earth was like and how he had come here. As they were speaking Hands gave them an edited version. They didn't need to hear his entire story.
By the time lunch had arrived the male pups were far more relaxed than they had been. There was still some tension and especially with the older males but Hands had expected that. Even though certain urges were limited it didn't stop being interested in the other gender for the most part. When lunch was delivered, he was pleased to see Misty and Skye show up.
He jumped up and hurried over to give his sister a good hug, *Sunny is doing okay but she is really missing you.* Hands turned and gave Skye a good hug as well before turning to the room, "This is my sister Mist of the Water and she is Liraque to Sunny. Night Skye is her girlfriend and both are in the senior sections of Liraque-Trainee's. They both came to spend some time with Sunny. Please make them welcome."
Several more of the boys stared at Misty before they realized what they were doing. When they did they blushed, and looked away, *They have been doing that most of the morning. I am glad you came sis.* He turned and found Sunny was in Misty's arms and he gave both of them a good hug.
Once lunch was over Hands sat down for a few moments, "We have to go back to our section but I enjoyed this morning. I will talk to the Temple Mother and maybe we can come back at some point tomorrow if you want. For now, we have some things we need to take care of."
Some of the male pups looked pleased while some didn't look quite as sure. It had been a huge shock to see a group of females descend on them without warning. It hadn't been horrible but on the flip side it hadn't been something some of them were very comfortable with. The oldest gave them a shy smile, "If you would like to please do Pack Father, thank you for taking the time to come and visit us." He was doing his best not to look at one or two of the older girls since they were rather cute. None of them had much experience with girls their ages and didn't know how to react.
Savory smiled, "We will do that though next time we will give you some warning. It just worked out this morning that we had time so we came over. Have a good one." With one last round of hugs for those who might want one
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