That was also sent to the Planet Mother and she almost staggered and probably would have collapsed if her Liraque hadn't been there. She was helped to the chair behind her desk and her expression was indescribable. There was no way Steel Heart could even comprehend such a thing. To deliberately set an explosive to kill people was so outside her purview that she didn't know how to handle it. Before she realized it her Liraque was starting to calm her feelings down.
"Steel Heart I am putting a block on some of your emotions since you need to be as calm as possible. This evening I will remove it and we will start dealing with it. For now, what is happening you need to be able to focus on and deal with as calmly as possible." This was going to be a very delicate process since even she was being impacted by it. How the hell could someone do this? She was being forced to calm her mind even as she was helping her Liraqua.
Steel Heart was finally able to take a step back from her instinctive reaction. Once she was calm enough she placed a call to the Admiral of the Space Fleet, *Admiral this is Steel Heart. I need all the support you can provide with the search for and removal of any and all explosive devices on Pack Zorg properties. It appears there was a device in place to destroy the central offices of the pack. I don't know what other devices there might be and we are working on evacuating the entire area.*
The Admiral, one of the few males in the Space Forces, sat up at his desk and snarled, *You have the full support of the fleet. I will start getting teams together and send them to Dawn of Hope. I am going to take over the investigation of the property until such time as any and all explosives are removed. Once I am sure the property is safe then I will start allowing the Peace Forcers onto the property. I'll keep you updated on the status.*
Dancer, Melody, and several others were up early since they also knew of the operation. They wanted to be available in case they were needed. Dancer had talked to Cienna already and had several of the Liraque ready to go and support the operation. She knew that many of the junior females wouldn't have any idea about what happened or why. They were going to need all the support possible since it was going to feel like the pack had turned on them. To be honest, Dancer couldn't imagine what it might feel like to the normal pack members.
They had a video feed going and was being projected on the conference room table. All the senior priest's and priestesses were there as well as the others. They were following along as the teams were detaining the various pack members. Food had been brought in as was coffee and tea. For this they needed to remain in the room until the operation was completed.
When the report by the World Mother was made, they watched it and the remote connections to the various temples, on Folicia, started lighting up. In this case, it wasn't necessarily contact requests but incoming data from the temples on the feelings of the populace. The data was being processed by the temple computers and being displayed on a side wall. The primary reaction for the moment was shock and horror at what had been reported. There was a fair amount of anger which was understandable and a desire for justice. What did concern all of them was the almost blind desire for revenge.
Dancer knew the next few weeks were going to be very difficult for their world to deal with. For their three colonies, it was as well but to a lesser extent since it would be older news by the time it arrived. The most important thing was to keep as much of pack Zorg safe. If they didn't and some were hurt or even killed those responsible would start to feel horrible for what they had done. This would also strain the temples as they dealt with it. Thankfully a message had already gone out via fast courier ships instead of a general broadcast. It would be received by the various World Mothers and senior temples. It would be up to them to deal with the issue.
When the building exploded Dancer's ears went all the way back and it looked like all the blood drained out of her face. She almost collapsed against Golden as she felt the very brief surge of agony and terror from those killed in the explosion, "Oh Goddess, how could anyone do that? What has happened to our world without our noticing?" Those in the room could barely hear her voice as she spoke.
Golden caught her and pulled her close and held on tight. Their counterparts were looking less shocked since they did deal with the bad side of Folicians. What they looked like were very displeased leaders of their temples. Both had assumed their formal persona's which did not bode well for anyone involved. Chances are it was only a few individuals but that was all it took. Golden had a feeling the deities were going to be getting involved which would be both good and bad. It would stop the crap but it could have a heavy impact on society.
"Relax Dancer, we will deal with this. Once this part is over I will take you to a meditation room." Dancer was a very good Temple Mother but as with any Liraque at heart were pacifists. Their job was to nurture and help since it was ultimately what their Goddess was responsible for. Yes, she could make hard decisions but things like this were just to different from the basic nature of all Liraque. Now for him he was so angry he was going to need to go and meditate as well and try to calm his feelings down. His Liraque was going to have her work cut out to keep him calmed enough not to react as a Pack Father. If he did he would end up beating the crap out of someone.
She turned in his arms and started crying, "I felt them die. I felt their lives cut short Golden. How could anyone deliberately do that to another person? How?" She had her head buried in his neck as she was trying to calm down.
As would be expected each Priest or Priestess had their Liraque with them. Melody moved forward and stroked Dancer's hair as she gentled her reaction. Unlike with Steal Heart she didn't block them. For Dancer it wouldn't be right since they needed her reactions as a Temple Mother and Liraque. She took just enough off to keep her able to function.
Sees Clearly glanced at Golden, "Take her to a meditation room and we will keep you in the loop." She was in contact with her temple and had passed a number of orders to prepare. This had moved beyond the civil judiciary and was now in her and her counterpart's territory.
He stood up with Dancer in his arms, *Thank you. If I had any idea this might happen...* Even he had been horribly shocked by the explosion and he had felt his Pack Father aspect coming to the front. He carried her out of the conference room and to her private meditation room and after kicking the door closed he settled down and started comforting her.
Melody followed the two out of the room as did Golden's. This might take some time to calm her enough to get back to the conference room.
Back at Pack Zorg the Forcer Leader was coordination the evacuation when she stopped and realized they were forgetting something, "Oh fucking hell..." *Evacuate the Harem stat. I want any and all males out of there in five minutes or less. Get them out, get them on a transport and away from here.* If they were willing to not just kill a male pup and blow up a building with Peace Forcers in it there wasn't much else to lose. They were already going to be personality programmed or turned over to the temples. They didn't have anything else to lose.
Everyone froze before the entire compound turned into a beehive of activity. Many of the Forcers were still evacuating the other pack members and that was going smooth enough. A mixture of the Forcers and Space Forces hit the Harem and didn't take no for an answer. They were carrying and herding pups of all ages out as well as older males. In less than five minutes it was emptied and she was notified of that. In this case, a shuttle had been brought over. It was one used to bring the space forces down. The males had been rushed over to it and in. Once everyone was onboard it took off for space for one of the capital ships. Before they were even a Lurong away from the compound the Harem erupted as well.
The Lead Forcer howled in anger and frustration since she just lost more troops as they were scouring the section. They had been looking for anyone who might have been left behind. The Space Force leader snarled as well since she lost some of her troops as well, "They are going to fry for this. I am going to ensure they fry." As far as she was concerned once convicted they should be tossed out of a hatch into space.
By the end of the day the compound was empty as were the nearby buildings, businesses, and residences. The entire world was in shock at what had happened. In some of the larger cities martial law had to be enforced as people started reacting in anger once shock had worn off. As of now this was almost the only news being reported. All the news services were to request people stay at home and remain calm. It wasn't working well but they were trying. The Peace Forcers were out in droves to maintain some sort of presence to hopefully keep things calm. It was at best, a bandage for the moment.
At the Johnson Pack Property both packs woke they woke to the news of what was happening with Pack Zorg. Both packs had ended up in the Den watching the main viewer. Before they showed footage of the explosion in the central offices, Ray was contacted by Melody, *Ray have Hands and his pack report to the temple. There is going to be some very upsetting footage which none of the pups and especially Dreamer needs to see. The broadcast is being delayed for the moment but will be showing shortly. Someone triggered an explosion in the central Zorg Offices. It killed a number of Forcers and even a few of the pack members.*
The only reason Ray didn't do something stupid was because Zantha instantly slapped a block on his emotions and reactions, *Forgiveness Pack Father for my actions. Get Hands and his pack out of here. There is a transport on the way.* She didn't bother feeling bad for what she had done since this most definitely fell into the extenuating circumstances category.
Ray inclined his head very slightly in her direction, "Hands I have been instructed to tell you and your pack to return to the temple. I am not sure why but I have a feeling now that you have started recovering it is time for you to start your training back up in the morning." That wasn't a total lie since it was something they would have to do sooner than later.
Hands turned and looked at Ray, *What happened? I won't tell the girls but I have to know, Pack Father to Pack Father.* "You heard him girls, go and pack up to head back to the temple and I will see about the transport. I will be in momentarily." He gave them a good smile and then grimaced, "Oh hell, more elementary homework damn it!"
Savory didn't buy it for a moment but she went with it and stood, "Come on all of you we have our marching orders." She chased them out.
Once they were gone Ray glanced at Hands and then Misty, *Someone at Pack Zorg caused a building to explode from what I understand. A number of people were killed. Misty take Skye and Sunny back as well. They don't need this. Hands do not tell anyone about this. That is an order from your Pack Father.* Ray pressed his powers on Hands.
Hands lifted his head at the impact and nodded, *I understand Pack Father. If needed I will tell my Pack Mother since she will need to know at some point. Beyond that until it comes out in the news I won't tell anyone.* He stood and stalked out of the room. His anger was obvious even as hard as he tried to control it.
When he walked into the room he shared with Savory and Nuzzle. Before Savory even bothered asking he shook his head, *Later.* He started tossing his things into his bag and just about the time they were done packing the transport arrived, *Everyone report to the transport and I think a sleepover setup would be nice tonight. First night back at the temple and everything.* He figured that would be a good idea just in case the news somehow made it into the temple.
It was after lunch when they arrived at the temple so they scheduled some food to be brought to their section. To distract the girls, he called Dreamer over, "I understand you and Gerdal have some better designs for the pack section of the temple? How about you show us the changes the two of you have worked out." It had only been a day or two but it was a distraction.
As Dreamer broke out the small viewer Savory settled down next to Hands and leaned against him, *What happened Hands? If it is going to impact on the pack I need to know.* She smiled at Dreamer, "I can't wait until we get our pack section created. These rooms are nice but I want our pack section done so we can move in."
Dreamer gave her a pleased smile and then a smile for River when she settled down next to him. She had spent a bit of time with him and Gerdal as well. He had come to the conclusion she just liked learning for learning's sake. He loved designing things and creating pretty things. Gerdal was showing him how he could do that and gently encouraging him to do what his heart wanted. He was being taught he needed to fulfill his obligations but also to learn and not give one up for the other.
Hands didn't look at Savory, *Someone at Pack Zorg is a fucking evil bitch. Someone set off an explosion which killed a number of people. Do not tell anyone and don't react if possible.* He had to close his eyes and clench his jaw since he was beyond angry. The developing Pack Father side was showing and he was struggling with it. At the moment, he knew that they needed to deal with this though why he wasn't sure.
Savory almost gasped and turned to bury her head in his neck and started inhaling his scent, *That is horrible. I don't want to know any more Hands. I don't want to know what some people can do anymore. I want to be just a pup again.* She didn't mean not be a pack mother but just not have to deal with this crap.
He wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as he could. Tonight, he might give her a massage to return the favor of all the ones she had given him, *I know Savory. I love being the Pack Father of our pack but I want to be a kid again as well.* When Kyth looked at him he shook his head. Later he might inform her but not currently.
When Golden sat down on the meditation platform he tucked Dancer even closer to his body. He slowly wrapped his powers around her and made sure she had her muzzle tucked into his neck. As he slowly forced her to calm down he closed his eyes, *Pack Lord, Goddess we need your help. Please bring Dancer to your realm and help her. What happened just a short time ago has heavily hurt her. The trauma of the deaths hit hard.* He wasn't sure if they could do anything or would but he had to ask.
Melody settled down next to them and leaned against Dancer's back and quietly hummed even as Golden's Liraque did on the other side of the two. Neither said anything but just being there would help comfort their Liraqua.
Moments later the presence of both deities slowly grew in the room, *We cannot come to your world at this time and you need to remain in yours my son. Events unfolding right now have to be left to develop without intervention.* The Pack Lord briefly touched his senior Pack Father even as the Goddess's presence grew.
They could feel her distress at what had happened as well, *Dancer I am here for you. I can feel how upset you are and I don't blame you at all. What is happening is needed though it pains me to say that. My blessings are with you Dancer and let your mate comfort you. You will need to go back to the meeting with the other two. Lean on Melody for comfort and support. Cienna will be waiting for you to help also. I have told them what needs to be done. Trust in your people Dancer. Trust in your pack fathers and your priestesses. This is a dark time for Folicia and our colonies but brighter days will come.*
Both presences faded from the room as the three comforted Dancer for several more minutes, "We need to go Dancer. I will be by your side the whole time as well everyone else. Come love and we will show the world that we are there for them. We need to help regain control of the world. Our world and our people need us." He gently rubbed his muzzle against hers as he stood up and helped her stand as well.
When Dancer looked up at him there was still revulsion for what had happened in her eyes, "I will do my best and with you and the others by my side I will do what we need." After that she wasn't sure what she might need to do, Dancer might need to go on a retreat for a while. She returned the nuzzle before letting him help her back to her feet. After tucking one of his arms around her shoulders she let him lead her out of the room.
When they walked back into the conference room she settled down even as Cienna came over. Both started working their magic on her and just a few moments later she was feeling much better. That wasn't to say that all emotions had been taken care of but they were distant enough that she could function, "What is happening, or has happened in the short time I was gone." She pulled a pot of coffee over and poured a cup.
Back at the temple, shortly after Misty and Skye arrived they received a temple wide broadcast. From what Misty could tell it was limited to the senior trainee's, *All Liraque-Trainee's in the following classes... Report to the dining facility. This is a mandatory meeting of all Liraque-Trainee's for the following classes...* The message repeated several time.
Misty looked at Sunny, "Go and stay with Hands for the time being. There is a meeting I have to go to and no reason for you to be bored. I am going to let Hands know I am going to drop you off." She traded looks with Skye since they had some idea of what the meeting was going to be about. The other girls tensed up some as well. All the senior Trainee's had access to the news stations. They had heard about the raid on Pack Zorg though they hadn't heard about the explosions. It only took them a short time to pull on their robes and start heading out.
Sunny looked up at Misty, "I's scared. I's feel's alls emotions and scares me." When Misty leaned over and scooped her up Sunny wrapped her arms around Misty's neck. She could feel all the fears and shock coming from the girls in the room. With the shields around the temple emotions from outside wouldn't get in. It didn't stop the emotions of those inside the temple. The emotions she was feeling were from the girls in her room who knew what had happened.
Misty scooped her up and gave her a good hug, "I know sweetie and Hands will take care of you. He will cuddle you and Savory will cuddle you. You'll be fine. I will take you to his section and drop you off." She gave her a good hug and peck, "I will be there in a few minutes Skye." She turned and walked out of the room while carrying Sunny.
It only took a few minutes before she made it to his section and she walked straight in, "Hands I have a meeting I have to report to. Sunny is feeling
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