Hands headed back to the pack house and walked in shortly before the interview was over, "I do apologize for the abrupt departure but Pack Business comes before all else. I have taken care of the problem and have some time now. If you would like and my Pack Father and Mother don't mind, I can introduce you to my pack before you leave." He settled down next to Nuzzle and Savory, *Singer and Thunder are pregnant and Toes asked Singer to become his mate eventually.* That was sent just to Ray, Gentle, and Savory, *Ray a deep cave back on earth is starting to sound better all the time.* His tone was wry.
Savory could only blink slightly but managed to control her expression, *Oh my...* "I think showing the pack to her would be nice. Just for a moment though since I am going to drag my Pack Father back to the hot spring and relax with him." She gave him a peck and managed not to grin when he blushed slightly.
Nose gave him a very pleased smile, "I do hope the pack business wasn't too serious but your offer is wonderful. As with last time I will have the interviews run past the Temple Mother for review. She might wish to hold off on that part of the interview." Her eyes started twinkling, "So what was your reaction to your new furnishings Hands?"
Hands looked at her, "Not serious as some of the other issues but important. Thank you for hoping it wasn't something major." He picked up his coffee and made a slight face since it was now cold.
Savory huffed at him, "I know what my reaction was and it was to growl at him. He got all excited, traded looks with Ray and ran for the buildings." Just for good measure she growled at his unsympathetic expression.
Hands expression became filled with amazement, "Back on earth an archeologist, upon opening a tomb of a Pack Father of an ancient country, was heard to say 'wonderful things' when asked what he could see."
Eventually the interview was over and Hands showed Nose to his pack house and he was doing this with a slight hint of malice. Dreamer was going to be there and he wanted to run Pack Zorg's nose in that fact. He was going to have to work hard not to make a point of why Dreamer was there. Hands simply wanted to thumb his nose at them. When they walked in all the girls were there in the living area, "Ladies this is Inquisitive Nose as I am sure you recognize her. I invited her over for a brief interview."
She walked in and had to stop, "Oh goodness I see what you mean. Wonderful things is a very good description. Gee, you accepting any new pack members?" She gave them a teasing smile, "Seriously though this is wonderful and thank you for allowing this." Nose settled down and gave both Hands and her assistant a nod.
Dark Storm had received the message shortly after it had been sent. The following morning, she had woken up feeling somewhat the worse for wear from the drinking. The nanites would take care of most of that before she had to arrive. Due to the threat from the senior Matriarch of the pack she had carefully composed a message which he forwarded to Hunter, Morning, Ray, and Gentle. One thing she knew was she didn't want to face whoever that other pack father had been. That mental slap had terrified her more than she would ever say.
Once she had sent the message she took some time to shower and get dressed. Once she was done she had taken some time to carefully groom any signs of the binge drinking away. While she was doing that, she received an acknowledgement she checked the time and stepped out of the room. She took everything with her, not that she had much, and checked out of the hotel. This was going to be so bloody hard to do but she didn't have a choice. As much as the threat from the Matriarch scared her the threat from that Pack Father scared her even more. She had seen a few images of her grand pups and she really wanted to actually meet them.
Once she had checked out of the place she went straight to the offices she had been instructed to report to. Once there she walked to the desk and introduced herself and informed them she was to report to the Senior Pack Father and Pack Mother.
The secretary looked up and gave her a polite nod, "Have a seat and they will call you in shortly." Gentle, Ray, Hands, and Savory had shown up just a short time ago. With the last two she was rather startled but considering the expression of Hands she wasn't going to say anything.
Inside the office, the seven of them, the number included Zantha, talked briefly about what they wanted to do. Gentle had to take a breath before speaking, "I want an apology for everything she said. Beyond that at the moment I won't ask for anything else. I have my issues with my dame but those are personal. As long as she apologizes for what she said about my mate and the other disparaging remarks I will ask for no further punishment."
Ray had his arm around her and gave her a good hug, "I wasn't there but I expect an apology as well. For me it is for the pack and not myself. I am a Pack Father and I know that. I don't need someone to tell me I am one. It might have taken some time to get used to it but I know it now."
When Hunter and Morning glanced at Hands his expression was cold and hard, "If she doesn't apologize or I don't feel she means what she is saying I will uphold my command. She will not see any of the pups until such time as she truly and deeply means it." There was no compromise in his voice as he spoke.
Hunter wanted to comfort the boy but it was his right. He had exercised his powers and it was to protect their packs while the senior pack father wasn't around. He nodded to all three of them, "I understand and now take your seats." The room there were in had three tables setup. He and his mate would be at the central table. Ray and Gentle at the one to the right and Hands and Savory to the left, *Send Dark Storm in.* Hunter sent.
When Dark Storm walked in her ears and tail were low and she was looking at the two in the center table. For the moment, she was completely cowed by the threats, "I am here as ordered Senior Pack Father and Pack Mother."
Hunter had decided to let Morning take charge since this was a female and not a male. Morning kept a serious expression on her face, "I have reviewed the footage of what happened the morning you confronted Pack Mother Gentle Resolute Song Johnson. After discussing this with the impinged as well as the Temple Mother and Temple Father they have allowed use to deal with this. What do you have to say?" There was a slight chilly edge to her voice as she spoke.
Dark Storm flinched at the mention of the temples but managed to keep her eyes up, "There is nothing I can say about this. I am at fault for what I said and my actions. I will accept any discipline you feel is appropriate." She wasn't going to grovel but she wasn't going to try and defend what she had said or done.
Gentle was actually shocked at her Dame's actions and comments. Her ears started to lay back against her head but before she could snarl Zantha calmed her. She didn't need to bother looking at the rest of their pack to know they were all taken off guard as well. Even though her emotions were being calmed for the moment her ears remained back and her lips were quivering. Even with Ray there her anger was almost overwhelming.
Morning's expression didn't change in the slightest as she evaluated the woman's statement and demeanor, *What are her emotions telling you?* She sent to her Liraque. Before she said anything, she wanted to know.
*For the moment, she is actually showing her real emotions and is very worried. About what I don't know obviously but what she said she did mean at least on the surface. Her deeper emotional state is a maelstrom of... Confusion.* She was not familiar with the woman so she couldn't completely dissect the emotions and would need time with her first.
Morning gave Dark Storm a slight nod, "My Liraque, for the moment, feels that your feelings are matching what was said." She looked at Ray and Gentle, "Do you have any questions or comments?"
*Not here Gentle. Some of the issues are best discussed in private and not hear. For now we will deal with her verbal attacks at the pack house.* He pressed his powers on her since as he said the other issues weren't germane at the moment, "I have one question for you. You will need to think very carefully on the answer. Do you accept Dark Song no longer is and is now Gentle Resolute Song Johnson and my mate?"
Dark Storm flinched again, "I have been corrected Pack Father Johnson about her proper name. I accept her as Gentle Resolute Song Johnson." When he had mentioned her being his mate she finally turned and looked at the two of them. When she did, her expression was shocked since the fact that Ray was no longer human looking. It hadn't been broadcast much. The interview from earlier hadn't been broadcast as of yet. She lowered her ears even further, "This isn't the place but congratulations on the mating Pack Father and Pack Mother."
That was what Ray and Gentle had wanted so they were content for the moment and passed the questions back over to Morning and Hunter. Morning wanted to avoid glancing at Hands since she really didn't want him involved more than he was. When he met her eyes, she gave him a nod.
Hands looked at Dark Storm. When he spoke, there were traces of power in his voice, "Dark Storm I am Pack Father Strong Hands Johnson of the Pack Liraque. I am going to be watching you and any interaction with Gentle and anyone else in our packs. If I feel you are not being true to what you have said I will ensure you will never see your grandpups again until such time as I feel you really have changed." He nodded back at Morning and Hunter.
When he spoke and the power hit her eyes widened since she had already felt the power. She knew his name as well and she knew he was a Pack Father and she could feel he would do as he commanded. Dark Storm's eyes dropped and she couldn't meet his, "I understand Pack Father. I do not want to miss seeing my grand pups as they grow."
Morning really wanted to tap her claws on the table as she contemplated the woman and what she was going to do. She finally made her decision, "For now you are to return to your pack until we can discuss this with your Pack Father and Pack Mother. Until then any and all contact with be via this office."
Dark Storm jerked as if she had been slapped. When she spoke, it was without thinking, "Pack Mother Morning Sun our Pack Father and Pack Mother are too old to deal with the pack. The retired to seclusion several years ago."
Hunter took over, "Then who is running the pack?" This was not good since that wasn't indicated in the pack records at all. Certain things did have to be reported including the retirement or death of a pack father/mother and the birth of a pack father. That was by law.
Dark Storm didn't even bother trying to cover anything up, "The counsel of Matriarch's is running the pack until such time as we have a new Pack Father."
Hunter's face hardened, "This is going to be investigated. For now, you are going to be placed in a temporary living facility. You are not to contact your pack about the results of today. I will contact them for you." Several security staff walked in at his command and took custody of her.
That afternoon the senior magistrate was in her chambers and had a number of people with her. There was the Chief Investigator of the Peace Forcers, the Accident Investigator, the coroner, and a number of others. When they walked in she waved them to some chairs, "Have a seat and I am going to pass some orders. My office and senior staff have reviewed all the notes, reports, and related information. I have talked to the Temple Mother and Temple Father. Since this is under a Goddess and Temple order due to its very serious implications on our world this is a sealed incitement. As of now the entirety of Pack Zorg is to be placed into protective custody. When it comes out someone in their pack deliberately tried to kill a male the world is going to go up in flames."
She glanced at her tablet for a brief moment. She could use the VRHUD but she preferred having something in her hands, "This is going to be a major operation and I have requested resources from the Planet Mother. We will be sending in our Peace Forcers but the Planet Judiciary is going to be doing the Crime Scene Investigation. We will be doing the actual prosecution but as much furor as this is going to raise we have to appear to remain as neutral as possible." She met the eyes of each of the people in her office, "I am going to be extremely clear about this. If any of Pack Zorg is hurt for any reason other than resisting arrest the offending officers will be turned over to the temple. Does everyone understand that?"
That definitely caught their attention. All of them indicated they understood, "Good, the people coming in are going to be working with you to coordinate the protective custody. They are also going to be securing the central offices of the pack. This operation will be going down tomorrow morning at 0600. Go and take care of what is needed. I have sent all pertinent information to your implants. They are sealed until such time as you need them. Go."
Everyone stood and filed out of the chambers and headed to the central Peace Forcers offices. This was going to be a huge undertaking and it was going to have a huge impact on the world.
When Thunder and High Tower walked out of the room they were in they headed towards her section. High Tower couldn't help but look around this side of the temple. He also appreciated the various frescoes and scenes painted and carved into the walls and ceilings, "It feels so strange to be over here. I think I am starting to understand how you felt coming to the Harem." High Tower was glancing around and was thankful there weren't any females around, "Is it true that there was a standing ransom for the return of a kidnapped Pack Father?"
Thunder was still trying to wrap her brain around the whole pregnant thing. It was rather obvious her attention wasn't all there, "Yes but you at least have been dealing with females. Other than Hands or Ray I had hardly ever seen a male." When he asked about the ransom she choked out a giggle, "Oh yes, Ray was kidnapped by the girls in Hands' section. Hands had to bring the ransom to the section to get him freed." When they finally walked into her section she headed towards the small kitchen.
High Tower stared at her as she told him about it. His ears lowered and then he gave her a knowing smile, "Well I guess I won't have to worry about being kidnapped since I'm not a pack father." He followed her into the section and looked around, "This is rather nice. Very different than the Harem section but nice and relaxing." He followed her into the kitchenette and sniffed, "Hmm... You have some different tea's than we do. Can we try something from your side?" He didn't realize Misty was keeping a reasonable stock of earth teas available.
Thunder opened a cupboard and contemplated the selection, "I think I will go with this one." She pulled out some Cascadia Mint tea and started the water brewing. Since she had just been contacted by Toes she made enough for all of them, "There are some snacks in the fridge if you would like. I'm not sure I can eat anything at the moment until the shock wears off."
Toes and Singer walked in right as the tea was done. Thunder glanced at Singer and couldn't help but drop her ears, "Um, how are you doing Singer?" She didn't know what to say at the moment.
Singer snorted at her, "I's in shock. This male tries to cause me to falls over dead. He's musta be on the loopy side. He's asked me to be his mate eventually." As she was talking Thunder's confused emotions hit, "Whats got yous tail in a knot?"
Thunder was about to give Singer a hug and a congratulation and had to cover her eyes. From the kitchenette, High Tower called out, "I'm a real man." That got him growled at before she took a slow deep breath, "It seems someone asked you to be his mate and someone else had the gall to knock me up." She tried to make a joke out of it.
Singers head jerked up and all she could do was stare at Thunder. Even when she finally spoke it was rather on the simple side, "Huh?" She was still in shock at what Toes had asked her that what Thunder said didn't penetrate much.
Thunder didn't know whether to snort, grunt, groan, or collapse in hysteria, "Um, I am pregnant and High Tower is going to be on a low protein diet for that comment." She closed her eyes and shook her head to try and... She didn't know why she shook her head since at the moment she was honestly floundering as she tried to figure out what she should be feeling.
Toes moved over to Singer and wrapped an arm around her and settled for just holding her as the two were talking. He was going to have to tell her she was pregnant as well but that could wait a few days. For the moment, she was having enough trouble with the idea of maybe becoming his mate.
High Tower came out and he moved over to Thunder, "Sorry Thunder but just knowing you belong to the temple means I will see our pup fairly often. I rarely see the other pup's I have sired and I am so very pleased." He wrapped his arms around her and lightly nibbled on one ear in happiness.
"You are still getting the low protein diet with no people bones High Tower." She was grinning and leaned into his hug and nibbling. Nothing was going to happen but she was enjoying the attention, "Now about the tea?"
High Tower laughed and after one last nibble walked back into the kitchenette and made the tea. Once it was done he carried it into the lounge and put it on a low table and settled down next to Thunder. Toes and Singer were sitting close but she was still looking strained, "I know I am pleased but how are you honestly feeling Thunder?" His voice was quiet as he asked. They started talking and were still there when the rest of the girls came back to the room.
When they did all of them stopped at the door and stared at the two males. Toes they knew but the other was new. Thunder and the other male were looking fairly comfortable. Shadow finally walked in and couldn't help but grin, "So are you bringing us a surprise Thunder?"
Brolyn snickered, "Oh goody, we have a pack father so should we capture him and ask for a ransom?" She came in as well as the others. They settled down near the others and were looking very interested.
Thunder snorted, "Go for it, both of them deserve it darn it. Especially High Tower since he is being entirely too pleased at the moment." She was teasing him since he had actually been very careful to avoid being an overly excited male.
Skye narrowed her eyes at Thunder and then her eyes popped open, "Oh my Goddess, don't tell me..." She couldn't help but squeal in excitement when she realized what Thunder's emotions were trying to tell her.
Thunder growled at her, "Oh shut it girl or I will bite your tail. Yes, someone had the gall to knock me up and I am still trying to wrap my brains around it." She leaned back against High Tower as she was still trying to figure out her feelings.
Shadow glanced at Singer who twitched, "Not that I know of, just something else came up. I am not going to talk about it at the
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