A few months later

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A few months after Himiko and Mikado had saved your life, you found yourself about to save somebody else with the little mage, who had hardly grown a few centimeters since you met.

You were both on the coast of Usturoshima Island, half listening to Monokuma droning on about "rules" and whatever. On the contrary to the similarly coloured bird robot, Monocrow, Monokuma spoke in an annoying voice you would expect from an animatronic.

Finally, Monokuma finished droning on, and simply sprung out from the area. Himiko grabbed your arm and you felt the sensation of teleportation as you fell through a void. You vaugley remembered the same thing with Mikado teleporting Himiko and you....

...anyway, you and Himiko appeared in a town square. It was packed with people, so your sudden entry was not noticed.There was some kind of rally against Duo and you wondered why they had insisted on only sending you and himiko first.The rally was probably about to get violent, you could see a green bird on the rooftop.

"Himiko, look! Duo's on that rooftop." You whispered right into her ear.

"Nyeh.... we need to get up there... how much MP would it take....?" She whispered back.

"Uhhhhhh, maybe 50MP?"

"Nyeh,I don't know if I can do that. But I'll try." She said, grabbing hold of you.

And in a flash of light, you both appeared on the roof, but far enough so Duo wouldn't see you.

But Duo had seen you teleport.

He noticed a flash of light, and that 2 people had disappeared from the crowd. But Duo decided not to care, holding his shotgun, ready to fire and kill a protester.

"On the count of three...." Himiko murmured, "1.... 2..... 3!"

You both charged at Duo with your magic, which immediately got the attention of the green owl. Duo turned around, enraged by the ambush, and began to fight back.

And it seemed you were going to win-

but then-

Duolingo owl grabbed Himiko, taking off with her into the sky, as you could do nothing but watch, and then cry.

You could hear the little mage's screams as she was carried away elsewhere. Defeated, you had no choice but to use your mana to get back to the Island.

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