Mikado teleported you to a tropical island, where a black and white robot crow seemed to be awaiting Mikado and Himiko's return.
"...Nyeh, hi, Monocrow." Said Himiko. She'd wanted to see Usami or one of the Monokubs instead, but Monocrow would have to do.
"Eh? Who's that? Didn't I tell you to not bring anybody else back with you?! You should listen to your teacher." Monocrow replied angrily, in a very deep voice. You had expected something annoying and the surprise might have shown on your face. Monocrow began to circle you, seeming to be looking for something or other. Monocrow evidently didn't find what hr wanted, and so he said "Fine. I guess they're allowed in. What's their name?"
"[Y/N]." You replied, even though Monocrow's last sentence wasn't directed at you.
"...Okay then, go and do something else I guess."
Mikado would stay behind, saying he needed to talk to Monocrow about something, leaving you and Himiko to walk around by yourselves.
"So what is this place?"
"...Nyeh, it's called Usturoshima Island, I think it's supposed to mean the Island of Nowhere or something. Apparently there's 5 islands, and this is just 1 of them. See that big ferry? That's the uh, Monocruise... it's exactly what it sounds like... nyeh...." She sighed lazily, stopping to sit down under a palm tree. You sat down too.
"That magic stuff was really cool Himiko! Can I learn how to do that too?"
Himiko nodded. "...Nyeh, of course you can. Everyone in our group knows how to do magic! Oh yeah... that reminds me. Our group's name is Ghost. or The Ghost Mages. But just call it Ghost, it's easier."
"...How does everything work then?" You asked her.
"Oh, we're taking the Monocruise to the Academy to learn magic tomorrow. The Monokubs and sometimes Usami teach... nyeh..." Himiko looked around. "....I'm bored... let's go and talk to somebody else. I've been working with Mikado all day so we're not gonna talk to him..." She sighed, and got up. You'd get up as well, and walking as a pair you both walked around, hoping to bump into someone.
About 5 minutes later, you bumped into a pair of twins arguing.
"Kanade, we can't just do that! We haven't even practiced in ages!"
"W-we can practice again then, sis, right?"
"No! We can't! We're going to be put off from doing anything other than milling about the Academy if we keep on skiving off!"
"Sorry sis...."
"Nyeh... Hibiki... stop aruging with Kanade... it's been like 3 minutes since we've been standing here..."
"Oh, sorry. That's not the best introduction is it?"
"No need to introduce yourselves- you're Melody Rythm, right?" You exclaimed. Sayaka Maizono and Melody Rythm were all anybody could talk about whenever a new song of theirs came out.
You, Himiko and the twins talked for a while, before an announcement played.
The monocruise is due to leave in an hour, make your way onboard.
It sounded pre-recorded.
The four of you headed to that weird boat. Himiko was right, it was literally a cruise ship just decorated on the outside like Monocrow.
Other people were walking in at the same time as you, and once everyone was on parted. You decided to stay with Himiko, and went to the dining room.
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