A/N: 60 reads? Thanks so much everybody!
Tenko Chabashira had been waiting anxiously for Himiko's return, and when only you appeared she was beside herself.
"Y/N! What happened?! Where's Himiko?" She exlaimed, her voice was full of worry. Tenko was always looking out for Himiko, and Himiko was a little unsure of how to deal with her, but they had been getting closer.
"Uh.... I-It's a long story..." Knowing Tenko wouldn't take that for an answer, you explained to her exactly what happened. Her face only seemed to become more and more concerned as you continued.
"T-that damn bird did that to her? I'll kill that degenerate bird!" She shouted loudly, in her usual confident way. "Thank you for telling me, Y/N, now I'm filled with determination to get Himiko back!"
You nodded, and she went off elswhere, talking to herself about how many ways she could kick Duo out of the existance.
Duo had just gotten back to his large enclosure. He only called it that since that was the sign on the outside. He was pleased with his haul, but pissed he hadn't taken you as well. "Welp, I wonder what I can get out of her...."
Himiko had eventually gone to sleep and to make sure she stayed that way, Duo grabbed a baseball bat and whacked her head with it. Duo then took the time to tie Himiko to a chair, then he called someone's name.
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